Quiz application with daily coding challenges. Answer questions correctly to build a streak, earn points and rank up on the leaderboard.
- Next.js
- Tailwind
- Java
- Spring
- PostgreSQL
- Firebase Auth
- Next.js 13
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 11
- PostgreSQL database
- IntelliJ IDEA
Install Dependencies
- Navigate to the
codecrush_frontend directory
- Run the following command:
npm install
- Navigate to the
Create PostgreSQL Database
Create a PostgreSQL database named
dropdb money_tracker psql -d money_tracker -f db/money_tracker.sql
Ensure the database is accessible from both your frontend and backend applications
Setup Backend Application
- Open the
codecrush_backend directory
in IntelliJ IDEA - Run the CapstoneApplication.java file to start the backend server
- The PostgreSQL database can be viewed at
- Open the
Run Frontend Application
- Navigate back to the root directory of the project
- Run the following command:
npm run dev
- This will start the Next.js development server
- Open your web browser and navigate to
to access the application