One of the most basic functions in a web application is the ability to send emails to your users fully serverlessly.
The Chalice-Mail
extension provides a simple interface to set up SMTP and AWS SES(Simple Email Service) with your Chalice application and to send messages from your views and scripts.
source code available at: Github Repo
from chalice import Chalice
from chalice_mail import Mail, Message
app = Chalice(app_name='chalice-mail-test1')
mail = Mail(app)
mail.is_smtp = True
mail.smtp_using_tls = True
mail.username = ""
mail.password = "world's_top_secret_password"
mail.smtp_server = ''
mail.smtp_port = 587
def send_smtp_mail():
msg = Message(mail)
msg.subject = "this is the subject"
msg.plain = "This is the email body."
return {'message':'email sended successfully'}
from chalice import Chalice
from chalice_mail import Mail, Message
app = Chalice(app_name='chalice-mail-test1')
mail = Mail(app)
mail.is_smtp = True
mail.smtp_using_ssl = True
mail.username = ""
mail.password = "world's_top_secret_password"
mail.smtp_server = ''
mail.smtp_port = 465
def send_smtp_mail():
msg = Message(mail)
msg.subject = "this is the subject"
msg.plain = "This is the email body."
return {'message':'email sended successfully'}
from chalice import Chalice
from chalice_mail import Mail, Message
app = Chalice(app_name='chalice-mail-test1')
mail = Mail(app)
mail.username = ""
mail.aws_region = "ap-south-1"
please provide the value of 'mail.aws_secret_id'
and 'mail.aws_secret_key' if you want to set the AWS
Iam user manually.
def send_smtp_mail():
msg = Message(mail)
msg.subject = "this is the subject"
msg.plain = "This is the email body."
return {'message':'email sended successfully'}
from chalice import Chalice
from chalice_mail import Mail, Message
app = Chalice(app_name='chalice-mail-test1')
mail = Mail(app)
mail.is_smtp = True
mail.smtp_using_tls = True
mail.username = ""
mail.password = "world's_top_secret_password"
mail.smtp_server = ''
mail.smtp_port = 587
def send_smtp_mail():
msg = Message(mail)
msg.subject = "this is the subject"
Simply pass the html value to the html variable of Message instance.
msg.html = "<h1>This is the email body.</h1>"
return {'message':'email sended successfully'}
from chalice import Chalice
from chalice_mail import Mail, Message
from pathlib import Path
from os import path
app = Chalice(app_name='chalice-mail-test1')
_baseDir = Path(path.realpath(__file__)).parent
mail = Mail(app)
mail.is_smtp = True
mail.smtp_using_tls = True
mail.username = ""
mail.password = "world's_top_secret_password"
mail.smtp_server = ''
mail.smtp_port = 587
mail.template_dir = _baseDir/'templates' # required if using template rendering.
def send_smtp_mail():
msg = Message(mail)
msg.subject = "this is the subject"
This package comes with the jinja2 based template rendering system.
Simpley use the 'render_template()' function to rend the html file.
'render_template()' functions takes the html file name as arguments
and the context as well as.
msg.html = mail.render_template('index.html', context)
return {'message':'email sended successfully'}
from chalice import Chalice
from chalice_mail import Mail, Message
from pathlib import Path
from os import path
app = Chalice(app_name='chalice-mail-test1')
_baseDir = Path(path.realpath(__file__)).parent
mail = Mail(app)
mail.is_smtp = True
mail.smtp_using_tls = True
mail.username = ""
mail.password = "world's_top_secret_password"
mail.smtp_server = ''
mail.smtp_port = 587
mail.attachment_dir = _baseDir/'attachments' # required if using attachments.
def send_smtp_mail():
msg = Message(mail)
msg.subject = "this is the subject"
msg.plain = "This is the email body."
Use the 'add_attachments()' function to add the attachments
with the message instance. Don't forget to put the attachments
on the attachments folder.
'add_attachments()' function basically takes list or str data
type as argument. If you want to add only one attachment just pass
the attachment name. If you want to add more than one attachments use a list.
msg.add_attachments(['python.png', 'README.rst'])
return {'message':'email sended successfully'}
is available from pypi
pip install chalice-mail
git clone && cd chalice-mail
python install --user
is compatiable with python3.6 and higher versions.
Not compatiable for Python version 2.
We welcome contributions of all types!