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Markus Bergholz edited this page Sep 8, 2015 · 4 revisions

In this page I try to explain the principles of the datastructure which is created in redis by go-redis.


Strings can be easily stored and read with SET and GET.

>> r.set('string', 'hello_github')

ans =

...> get string

>> r.set('string', 'hello github');
>> r.get('string');

hello github


When you're using array2redis, two lists using RPUSH will be created.

The first list will be keyname.values.
The values are stored (like in the nature of GNU Octave and Matlab) in one column. It's simple Column Major Order.

The second list is keyname.dimension.
This is where the information of size(array) is stored. (column major order too).

At least, keyname is the group of keyname.values and keyname.dimension using SADD.

You can save any numerical array (size and number of dimensions doesn't matter). The only limitting factor might be your bandwidth to redis and the max memory size of your redis instance.

With redis2array you can read back the array to Matlab/Octave.

When you've just need a range of your array, you can simply use range2array. But take care, it only support 2D and 3D arrays!

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