Here you will find all the projects that I worked on completing the Codecademy's WD course. It has a duration of 6 months approximately. Here You will find lots of directories. Here's what every directory means:
If you're searching for every lesson it was taken on this course, here you can find them. There are difinitions and examples of every concept that was introduced to the course.
As its name indicates, this section covers some cheatsheets, mostly for Github and Git features. It also provides quick tutorials, and a lot of commands (CLI or Git). I checked this folder a lot during my learning journey. It's really helpful because while being on the learning process, it's easy to forget some specific commands.
All the big projects, the ones that took a lot of work and dedication, rest here. There are Front-End and Back-End projects. They are named in the order they were made. Starting with some basic Front-End notions, keeping on with React stuff, getting involved with SQLite DBs, and finally finishing up working with Node.js and other Back-End concepts.
It covers projects with concepts like: Persistent APIs, Servers, Express Routes & Routers & SQLite Databases
It covers projects with concepts like: Flexbox, Box models, Handlebars, Position and Display, React JSX, React Components & Classes, React Lifecycle Methods, and more.
The course wouldn't be finished without learning some testing foundations. Here there are included projects with concepts like: Testing with Mocha, Test Driven Development (TDD) with Mongoose
Some HTML, CSS and SQLite exercises. They are all individual files.