A website made for storing all your multi-million dollar ideas.
- Register an account.
- Access the webpage by logging in (previous registration is required).
- Create an idea.
- Edit an idea.
- Delete an idea.
- Log out.
- Interact with the REST API of the app (check
Node JS, Express JS, Handlebars, SQL, Postman & CSS.
- How to integrate a database with SQL into an app to store data and manipulate it.
- Create a functional HTTP server with Node JS & Express JS.
- Utilize Bootstrap for the styling of the page.
- Authenticate a user with passport.js.
- Encrypt passwords with bcrypt.js.
- Create a REST API with Express JS & Postman.
npm init
npm run dev
When the server of the APP receives API requests, it sends JSON objects.
Here are the multiple requests that can be made to the app's REST API:
- Get: Get all users (path:
). - Get: Get a speceific user by its username (path:
). - Post: Create a user (path:
). - Put: Update a user (path:
). - Delete: Delete a user (path:
- Get: Get all ideas (path:
). - Get: Get all ideas from a specific user (path:
). - Get: Get an idea by id (path:
). - Post: Create an idea (path:
). - Put: Update an idea (path:
). - Delete: Delete an idea (path:
For creating the project's DB, use the MySQL commands that can be found on /database/db.sql