Extra events for the Backbone History module.
This simply adds a couple of events to the Backbone.history
module, allowing you to respond to things
like missing routes and changes to the URL (even when a route is not triggered)
npm install backbone-history-events --save
bower install backbone-history-events --save
Backbone.history.on('navigated', function(fragment, options, routeTriggered){
console.log('Navigated to ', fragment, '. Triggered router:', routeTriggered, ' with options ', options );
Backbone.history.navigate('/myRoute', {trigger:true});
// Naivagted to /myRoute . Triggered router: true with options Object {trigger: true}
Backbone.history.on('routeNotFound', function(fragment){
console.log('Page Not found ', fragment);
Backbone.history.navigate('/nonExistentRoute', {trigger:true});
// Page Not found nonExistentRoute
// Handler is not triggered as nothing tried to load a route (no trigger)
See [https://mattbryson.github.io/backbone.historyEvents] for documentation