Recipes is an iOS application oriented toward the following patterns:
✅ VIPER Architecture
✅ Protocol Oriented
✅ Functional Programming
✅ Clean Code
✅ Dependency Injection
✅ Unit Tests
It's based on a GET
api and built over a UICollectionView
and detailed UITableView
Each controller is built by 4 files
- Router (routing layer)
- Presenter (view logic)
- Interactor (business logic for a use case)
- View (display data)
The routing layer performs the injection:
🔸 Presenter
🔸 View
🔸 Interactor
view = UIStoryboard(name:, bundle: nil)
.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "productListViewController") as? ProductListViewController
let presenter = ProductListPresenter()
view?.presenter = presenter
view?.imageService = imageService()
presenter.view = view
let fetchData = FetchDataInteractor(service: serviceFacade(),
presenter: presenter)
presenter.fetchData = fetchData
let filterData = FilterDataInteractor(presenter: presenter)
presenter.filterData = filterData
... building the main services of the application:
🔸 Cache facade
let cache = CacheFacade()
🔸 Service facade
private func serviceFacade() -> FacadeProtocol {
let service = Service(session: Session(),
cache: CacheFacade())
let config = Configuration(baseUrl: Constants.URL.baseUrl,
service: service)
return ServiceFacade(configuration: config)
🔸 Image service
private func imageService() -> ImageProtocol {
let service = ImageService(cache: CacheFacade())
return ImageFacade(configuration: service)
View calls Presenter:
override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() presenter?.fetchRecipes() }
Presenter performs Interactor call
func fetchRecipes() { fetchData?.perform() }
Interactor executes "business logic" and notifies Presenter
func perform() { // ... // bla bla bla // ... self.presenter.on(recipes: response) }
Presenter revices data from Interactor and notifies View
func on(recipes: [Recipe]) { view?.show(recipes: recipes) }
View updates the UI
func show(recipes: [Recipe]) { // bla bla bla }
Each module is unit tested (mocks oriented): decoding, mapping, services, presenter, interactor and view (and utilies for sure).
- Presenter sample test
func testFetchRecipesShouldPerform() {
XCTAssertEqual(fetchData?.counterPerform, 1)
class MockedFilterDataInteractor: FilterDataInteractorProtocol {
var counterPerform: Int = 0
var performHandler: (((Recipe) -> Bool, [Recipe]?) -> Void)?
func perform(filter: (Recipe) -> Bool,
on recipes: [Recipe]?) {
counterPerform += 1
if let performHandler = performHandler {
return performHandler(filter, recipes)
- Service sample test
func testGetRecipesShouldSuccess() {
guard let data = JSONUtil.loadData(fromResource: "Recipes") else {
XCTFail("JSON data error!")
let session = MockedSession.simulate(success: data) { request in
XCTAssertEqual(request.url?.absoluteString, "")
ServiceFacade(configuration: configurate(session: session))
.getRecipes(completion: { result in
switch result {
case .success(let response):
XCTAssertEqual(response.count, 9)
XCTAssertEqual(response.first?.name, "Crock Pot Roast")
case .failure(let error):
XCTFail("Should be success! Got: \(error)")
- Decoding/Mapping sample tests
func testRecipeResponse() {
do {
let recipe = try JSONUtil.loadClass(fromResource: "Recipe", ofType: Recipe.self)
XCTAssertEqual(recipe?.name, "Crock Pot Roast")
XCTAssertEqual(recipe?.ingredients.count, 5)
XCTAssertEqual(recipe?.ingredients.first?.quantity, "1")
XCTAssertEqual(recipe?.ingredients.first?.name, " beef roast")
XCTAssertEqual(recipe?.ingredients.first?.type, "Meat")
XCTAssertEqual(recipe?.steps.count, 4)
XCTAssertEqual(recipe?.steps.first, "Place beef roast in crock pot.")
XCTAssertEqual(recipe?.timers.count, 4)
XCTAssertEqual(recipe?.timers.last, 420)
XCTAssertEqual(recipe?.imageURL, "")
XCTAssertEqual(recipe?.originalURL, "")
} catch {
XCTFail("Failed to decode: \(error)")
Any suggestions are welcome 👨🏻💻
• Swift 4.2
• Xcode 10