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Convert genomic coordinates from the Human Genome version 19 (hg19) to version 38 (hg38)


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This script performs the conversion of genomic coordinates from Human Genome version 19 (hg19) to version 38 (hg38) using the liftover plugin from bcftools.

It takes a tab-separated values (TSV) file as input. This file should contain variant information with columns denoting chromosome (chr), position (pos), identifier (id), reference allele (ref), and alternate allele (alt).


Advantage of using BCFtools/liftover over other tools: Comparison of features and limitations across BCFtools/liftover, Transanno/liftover, Genozip/DVCF, GenomeWrap, Picard/LiftoverVcf and CrossMap/VCF

Genovese, Giulio, et al. "BCFtools/Liftover: An Accurate and Comprehensive Tool to Convert Genetic Variants across Genome Assemblies." Bioinformatics, vol. 40, no. 2, 2024,



Please note that this script requires python3 and the pandas library. However, if you are using the Docker image, these requirements are already included in the image.

To install the necessary tools, which include bcftools, htslib, and the liftover plugin, and to download the required genome files (hg19.fa, hg38.fa and hg19ToHg38.over.chain.gz), execute the following command:

cd liftover
make install

This command will also create a directory named genomes and store the downloaded genome files in it.



  • input_tab_file: The input file should be a tab-delimited file containing the following columns: chr, pos, id, ref, and alt.
  • output_prefix: Prefix for the output file.

Command line

After installing the necessary tools and downloading the required genome files using the steps provided in the "Installation" section, you can run the script as follows:

cd liftover
bash <input_tab_file> <output_prefix> <output_directory>


This package is also available as a Docker image, which can be pulled from the GitHub Container Registry using the following command:

docker pull

You can run the Docker image as follows:

cd liftover
docker run -v $(pwd):/data -it /scripts/ /data/test/test.tsv docker_test /data

The output from the above command will be saved in a directory named docker_test_liftover_results in your current directory.

In this command, -v $(pwd):/data mounts your current directory to the /data directory in the Docker container.

Replace /data/test/test.tsv with your input file, docker_test with your desired output prefix, and /data with your desired output directory.

Example usage


The script assumes that the liftover plugin and reference genomes are located in specific directories. These paths may need to be adjusted based on your specific setup. The script also assumes that the input file is properly formatted and contains the necessary columns.

Input file

cat test/test.tsv

1 818046 . T C
2 265023 . C A
3 361463 3:361463:G:T G T


cd liftover
bash test/test.tsv test_set

This command will create a directory named <prefix>_liftover_results, where <prefix> is the provided prefix, and save the output in a TSV file named <prefix>_lo_variants.tsv.

Each variant is represented as a row with the following columns:

  • chr: The chromosome where the variant is located in the target genome assembly.
  • pos: The position of the variant on the chromosome in the target genome assembly.
  • ref: The reference allele in the target genome assembly.
  • alt: The alternate allele in the target genome assembly.
  • source: Additional information about the variant in the original genome assembly. This includes:
    • SRC_CHROM: The chromosome where the variant is located in the original genome assembly.
    • SRC_POS: The position of the variant on the chromosome in the original genome assembly.
    • SRC_ID: The identifier of the variant in the original genome assembly.
    • SRC_REF_ALT: The reference and alternate alleles in the original genome assembly.

Output file

cat test_set_liftover_results/test_set_lo_variants.tsv

chr1 882666 T C SRC_CHROM=1;SRC_POS=818046;SRC_ID=.;SRC_REF_ALT=T,C
chr2 265023 C A SRC_CHROM=2;SRC_POS=265023;SRC_ID=.;SRC_REF_ALT=C,A
chr3 319780 G T SRC_CHROM=3;SRC_POS=361463;SRC_ID=3:361463:G:T;SRC_REF_ALT=G,T


  1. Convert the tab-delimited file to a VCF file using the Python script.
  2. Compress the VCF file and generate the index.
  3. Perform a liftover operation to convert the variants from one genome build to another using bcftools liftover plugin.
  4. Normalize the VCF file using bcftools.
  5. Generate a mapping table from the old reference to the new reference using bcftools.
