A hybrid mobile app displaying Marvel heroes built in Ionic, Angular with a Marvel API call.
Live site can be viewed at:
To build:
Make sure NPM is installed, and type in:
npm install
To serve in your localhost, and view in your desktop web browser http://localhost:8100/:
ionic serve
If you want to test on your mobile device, install Ionic DevApp on your phone, make sure your phone is connected to the same Wi-fi as your laptop, then from the command line on your laptop type:
ionic serve --devapp
Create productions files in 'docs' folder locally:
ng build --prod --output-path docs --base-href /ionic-angular-marvel-heroes/
Copy the index.html file and rename the copy to 404.html.
Then, add, commit, push, and merge to Master Origin branch on repository.
On your repository settings, make sure for GitHub Pages you are pointing to the 'docs' folder on your Master branch.
Give it a few minutes to deploy, then it should be visible on the live URL link mentioned above.
- Welcome page
- Characters list page (with search field and previous/next page buttons for results)
- Character details page (with button to view comics they are in)
- Character Comics list page (with previous/next page buttons for results)
- Comic details page
Data provided by Marvel. © 2014 Marvel (http://marvel.com)
Ionic (https://ionicframework.com/docs)
Angular (https://angular.io/docs)
CryptoJS (https://github.com/brix/crypto-js)
NPM (https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm)
- create global function/component for Back button used on most pages
- create component for Previous & Next buttons used on list pages
- improve button placement (maybe pin to top or bottom)
- centre the layout for desktop view
- use larger loading SVG/GIF
- maybe include Scroll to Top/Bottom buttons
- include buttons to go to First and Last page of list
- include number of items a search returns
- ensure MarvelData format is used for Observables
- remove keys