This gem provides transparent declaration of deprecated methods and classes. It's easy, small, has no dependencies and no overhead.
The simplest way to install Deprecations gem is to use Bundler.
Add Deprecations to your Gemfile
gem 'deprecations'
and install it by running Bundler:
$ bundle add deprecations
To install the gem globally use:
$ gem install deprecations
After adding the gem to your project
require 'deprecations'
you can specify which methods and classes are deprecated. To mark a method as deprecated is quite easy:
class MySample
def clear
# something here
def clean
deprecated :clean, :clear, 'next version'
Whenever the method MySample#clean
is called this warning appears:
is deprecated and will be outdated next version. Please useMySample#clear
Marking a complete class as deprecated will present the deprecation warning whenever this class is instantiated:
class MySample
# some more code here...
You can change the behavior of notifying:
Deprecations.behavior = :raise
There are 3 pre-defined behaviors:
will raise anDeprecationException
when a deprecated method is called:silence
will do nothing (ignore the deprecation):warn
will print a warning (default behavior)
Besides this you can implement your own:
Deprecations.behavior =
proc do |subject, _alternative, _outdated|
SuperLogger.warning "deprecated: #{subject}"
Any object responding to #call
will be accepted as a valid handler.
Whenever you need to temporary change the standard behavior (like e.g. in your specs) you can do this like
Deprecations.with_behavior(:silent) { }
Please have a look at the specs for detailed information and more samples.