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Known Issues

Jonathan Casarrubias edited this page Jul 26, 2017 · 11 revisions

LoopBack SDK Builder

This section will list known issues that are not possible to solve in the immediate.

1.- Deep Barrels won't load when using WebPack

When running Angular 2 in WebPack you may find issues due deeply nested barrels, this issue is not present when using SystemJS. If you face that issue you may not be able to load everything from './shared'.


import { Account, Room } from './shared/sdk/models' // instead of from './shared'
import { AccountApi, RoomApi } from './shared/sdk/services' // instead of from './shared'

2.- Max EventListener Issue when using SQL Databases

This issue comes from the DataSource Juggler when using SQL Databases, since it creates 1 database connection per each model when the SDK Builder explores the system. This issue is out of the SDK Builder Scope and won't affect your client application or generated SDK.

(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 authentication listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.