Provision a static website hosted through S3 + CloudFront in AWS
module "website" {
source = "realglobe-Inc/static-website/aws"
version = "2.0.0"
service_name = "your-service-name"
aws_profile = "aws-profile-name"
domain_names = list("", "")
route53_zone_id = "ZXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
s3_bucket_name = "your-s3-web-bucket"
cloudfront_origin_path = "/dev" # optional
save_access_log = true # optional
Output CroudFront cache invalidation command.
output "cache_invalidation_command" {
value =
Create or switch workspace and apply.
$ terraform init
$ terraform workspace new development
$ terraform apply
Upload assets to S3.
$ aws s3 sync path/to/website/assets s3://your-s3-web-bucket/development/ --profile aws-profile-name
Then, access to your web site
If responce is cached, invalidate CloudFront edge caches.
$ terraform output cache_invalidation_command
# Copy and paste printed command, overwrite paths and run.