PyTorch reimplementation of code from "Nonparametric Score Estimators" (Yuhao Zhou, Jiaxin Shi, Jun Zhu. See original Tensorflow implementation at (MIT license).
Install project for local development with:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# Install from local source
pip install -Ue .
To install directly from GitHub:
source venv/bin/activate
pip install git+
Run tests with:
source venv/bin/activate
pytest tests/ -s
Run tests with coverage report:
to show missing line ranges on terminal, skip-covered
to ignore files with 100% coverage)
source venv/bin/activate
pytest --cov-report term-missing:skip-covered --cov=kscore tests/
Basic usage examples, as explained in the original Tensorflow implementation.
Create a score estimator:
from kscore.estimators import Landweber, NuMethod, SpectralCutoff, Stein, Tikhonov
from kscore.kernels import (
# Tikhonov regularization (Theorem 3.1), equivalent to KEF (Example 3.5)
kef_estimator = Tikhonov(lam=0.0001, use_cg=False, kernel=CurlFreeIMQ())
# Tikhonov regularization + Conjugate Gradient (KEF-CG, Example 3.8)
kefcg_estimator = Tikhonov(lam=0.0001, use_cg=True, kernel=CurlFreeIMQ())
# Tikhonov regularization + Nystrom approximation (Appendix C.1),
# equivalent to NKEF (Example C.1) using 60% samples
nkef_estimator = Tikhonov(lam=0.0001, use_cg=False, subsample_rate=0.6, kernel=CurlFreeIMQ())
# Tikhonov regularization + Nystrom approximation + Conjugate Gradient
nkefcg_estimator = Tikhonov(lam=0.0001, use_cg=True, subsample_rate=0.6, kernel=CurlFreeIMQ())
# Landweber iteration (Theorem 3.4)
landweber_estimator = Landweber(lam=0.00001, kernel=CurlFreeIMQ())
landweber_estimator = Landweber(iternum=100, kernel=CurlFreeIMQ())
# nu-method (Example C.4)
nu_estimator = NuMethod(lam=0.00001, kernel=CurlFreeIMQ())
nu_estimator = NuMethod(iternum=100, kernel=CurlFreeIMQ())
# Spectral cut-off regularization (Theorem 3.2),
# equivalent to SSGE (Example 3.6) using 90% eigenvalues
ssge_estimator = SpectralCutoff(keep_rate=0.9, kernel=DiagonalIMQ())
# Original Stein estimator
stein_estimator = Stein(lam=0.001)
Fit the score estimator using samples
# manually specify the hyperparameter, kernel_hyperparams=kernel_width)
# automatically choose the hyperparameter (using the median trick)
Predict the score
gradient = estimator.compute_gradients(x)
Predict the energy (unnormalized log-density)
log_p = estimator.compute_energy(x) # only for curl-free kernels
Construct other curl-free kernels (see kscore/kernels/
Note that the test suite is written with arbitrary thresholds on the L2 distance between estimated and true score function, and the cosine angle between estimated and true score function.
The code in this repo is quite sensitive to random seed; this might be due to the particular set of test data constructed by torch.randn
, or due to randomness within the estimators themselves.
The tests in the original Tensorflow repo are set with a particular random seed such that they all pass with that seed.
By exploring a larger number of random seeds in the tests here, we see that the estimators meet the desired thresholds a majority of the time, but not always.
Finally - note that there is a difference between CPU and GPU randomness; simply changing the device where test data is placed will change the outcomes of the tests.
The effect of random seed and the differences between CPU and GPU behavior can be observed by changing the device for the test suite to GPU, and by increasing the number of random seeds from ~10 to >30
Install development requirements and pre-commit hooks.
Note that pre-commit hooks will be automatically run during git commit
. If any
changes are made (such as automatically formatting a file), the commit step will be stopped
and the modified files should be inspected and staged (git add -u
or equivalent) before
trying to commit again.
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install
To manually run pre-commit hooks at any time and inspect the resulting changes:
source venv/bin/activate
pre-commit run --all-files
See for our policy on contributions.
Released under BSD-3-Clause
license, as found in the file.
All files, except as listed below:
Copyright (c) 2022 Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
and files in examples/
, kscore/
, tests/
, except kscore/kernels/utils.pyx
were adapted
from (MIT license: see LICENSES/MIT.txt):
Copyright (c) 2022 Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)
Copyright (c) 2020 Yuhao Zhou (, Jiaxin Shi (
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
was adapted from
(BSD-3-Clause license: see LICENSES/
Copyright (c) 2022 Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL)
Copyright (c) 2007-2021 The scikit-learn developers.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause