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Added subsample tests, changed brute-force interface, added convinien…
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…t get_transition_costs
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mfalt committed Jan 17, 2018
1 parent caa5cb2 commit bc72b8c
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Showing 7 changed files with 122 additions and 34 deletions.
50 changes: 32 additions & 18 deletions src/solve.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -549,9 +549,33 @@ function poly_minus_constant_is_greater{T}(Λ::PiecewiseQuadratic{T}, ρ::Quadra
return true

# Continuous case
""" `get_transition_costs(g, t, lazy; tol=1e-3)`
Return `(ℓ, cost_last)`: the transition cost and end-cost.
Slightly unsafe since `tol` is ignored (not needed) on discrete problems
function get_transition_costs(g, t, lazy; tol=1e-3)
= lazy ? TransitionCostContinuous{Float64}(g, t, tol) :
compute_transition_costs(g, t, tol)
# Continouous case, no cost at endpoint
cost_last = zero(QuadraticPolynomial{Float64})
return ℓ, cost_last

# Discrete case, tol is not used here, but in signature to enable dispatch
function get_transition_costs(g::AbstractArray, t, lazy; tol=1e-3)
= lazy ? TransitionCostDiscrete{Float64}(g, t) :
compute_discrete_transition_costs(g, t)
if t[1] != 1 || t[end] != length(g)
warn("In fit_pwl_constrained: The supplied grid t only covers the range ($(t[1]),$(t[end])) while the range of indices for g is (1,$(length(g))). No costs will be considered outside the range of t.")
# Discrete case, so cost at endpoint is quadratic
cost_last = QuadraticPolynomial(1.0, -2*g[t[end]], g[t[end]]^2)
return ℓ, cost_last

## Convenience function
## Public interface
I, Y, v = fit_pwl_regularized(g::AbstractArray, ζ; t=1:length(g), lazy=true)
I, Y, v = fit_pwl_regularized(g, t, ζ, tol=1e-3; lazy=true)
Expand All @@ -571,19 +595,13 @@ i.e. so that `f[t[I]] .= Y`.
`tol` specifies the relative tolerance sent to `quadg` kused when calculating the integrals (continuous case).
function fit_pwl_regularized(g::AbstractArray, ζ; t=1:length(g), lazy=true)
= lazy ? TransitionCostDiscrete{Float64}(g, t) :
compute_discrete_transition_costs(g, t)
# Discrete case, so cost at endpoint is quadratic
cost_last = QuadraticPolynomial(1.0, -2*g[end], g[end]^2)
ℓ, cost_last = get_transition_costs(g, t, lazy)
fit_pwl_regularized_internal(ℓ, cost_last, ζ)

# Continuous function
function fit_pwl_regularized(g, t, ζ, tol=1e-3; lazy=true)
= lazy ? TransitionCostContinuous{Float64}(g, t, tol) :
compute_transition_costs(g, t, tol)
# Continouous case, no cost at endpoint
cost_last = zero(QuadraticPolynomial{Float64})
ℓ, cost_last = get_transition_costs(g, t, lazy, tol=tol)
fit_pwl_regularized_internal(ℓ, cost_last, ζ)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -615,26 +633,22 @@ i.e. so that `f[t[I]] .= Y`.
`tol` specifies the relative tolerance sent to `quadg` kused when calculating the integrals (continuous case).
function fit_pwl_constrained(g::AbstractArray, M; t=1:length(g), lazy=false)
= lazy ? TransitionCostDiscrete{Float64}(g, t) :
compute_discrete_transition_costs(g, t)
cost_last = QuadraticPolynomial(1.0, -2*g[end], g[end]^2)
ℓ, cost_last = get_transition_costs(g, t, lazy)
fit_pwl_constrained_internal(ℓ, cost_last, M)

# Continuous function
function fit_pwl_constrained(g, t, M, tol=1e-3; lazy=false)
= lazy ? TransitionCostContinuous{Float64}(g, t, tol) :
compute_transition_costs(g, t, tol)
cost_last = zero(QuadraticPolynomial{Float64})
ℓ, cost_last = get_transition_costs(g, t, lazy, tol=tol)
fit_pwl_constrained_internal(ℓ, cost_last, M)

function fit_pwl_constrained_internal(ℓ, cost_last, M)
function fit_pwl_constrained_internal{T}(ℓ::AbstractTransitionCost{T}, cost_last, M)
Λ = pwq_dp_constrained(ℓ, cost_last, M);

Ivec = Vector{Vector{Int}}(M)
Yvec = Vector{Vector{Float64}}(M)
fvec = Vector{Float64}(M)
Yvec = Vector{Vector{T}}(M)
fvec = Vector{T}(M)

for m=1:M
Ivec[m], Yvec[m], fvec[m] = recover_solution(Λ[m, 1], ℓ, cost_last)
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/types/QuadraticPolynomial.jl
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Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ QuadraticPolynomial{T}() where {T} = new()

QuadraticPolynomial{T}(a::T,b::T,c::T) = QuadraticPolynomial{T}(a,b,c)
QuadraticPolynomial(a,b,c) = QuadraticPolynomial(promote(a,b,c)...)

function QuadraticPolynomial(x::Vector)
QuadraticPolynomial(x[3], x[2], x[1])
Expand Down
35 changes: 21 additions & 14 deletions test/auxilliary_test_fcns.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,33 +2,40 @@
circle_segment(N) = sin.(acos.(linspace(-1, 1, N)))
linear_trend(N) = (0:N-1)

# Finds the solution to the cardinality constrained problem for
# m=1:M segments using brute force
function brute_force_multi(g, t, M; tol=1e-3)
# function get_transition_costs(g, t; tol=1e-3)
# ℓ = TransitionCostContinuous{Float64}(g, t, tol=tol)
# V_N = zero(QuadraticPolynomial{Float64})
# return ℓ, V_N
# end
# function get_transition_costs(g::AbstractArray, t; tol=1e-3)
# ℓ = compute_discrete_transition_costs(g, t)
# V_N = QuadraticPolynomial(1.0, -2*g[t[end]], g[t[end]]^2)
# return ℓ, V_N
# end

""" brute_force_multi(g, M, t=1:length(g); tol=1e-3)
Finds the solution to the cardinality constrained problem for
m=1:M segments using brute force with possible breakpoints on grid t.
`t` has to be supplied if `g` is not `AbstractArray`
function brute_force_multi(g, M, t=1:length(g); tol=1e-3)

if length(g) <= M
warn("Specified M too large. Setting M=length(g)-1.")
M = length(g)-1

= []
V_N = []

if typeof(g) <: AbstractArray
= compute_discrete_transition_costs(g)
V_N = QuadraticPolynomial(1.0, -2*g[end], g[end]^2)
= TransitionCostContinuous{Float64}(g, t, tol=tol)
V_N = zero(QuadraticPolynomial{Float64})
ℓ, V_N = DynamicApproximations.get_transition_costs(g, t, true, tol=tol)

I_vec = Vector{Vector{Int64}}(M)
Y_vec = Vector{Vector{Float64}}(M)
f_vec = Vector{Float64}(M)

for m=1:M
(I_bf, Y_bf, f_bf) = brute_force_search(ℓ, V_N, m)
I_vec[m] = I_bf
I_vec[m] = t[I_bf]
Y_vec[m] = Y_bf
f_vec[m] = f_bf
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/brute_force_search.jl
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Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ for problem_fcn in ["discontinuous1",
g, ζ_vec, I_sols, f_sols = @eval $(Symbol(problem_fcn))()

M = length(I_sols)
I_vec, _, f_vec = brute_force_multi(g, -1, M)
I_vec, _, f_vec = brute_force_multi(g, M)

@testset "Data set: $problem_fcn, brute_force_search m=$m" for m in 1:length(f_sols)
@test f_vec[m] f_sols[m] atol=1e-10
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/generate_problem_files.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ problem_data[10] = ("super_exponential5",
for (problem_name, g, M) in problem_data[10:end]

@time I_vec, Y_vec, f_vec = brute_force_multi(g, 1, M)
@time I_vec, Y_vec, f_vec = brute_force_multi(g, M)

# It should not be beneficial to use more segments than has been computed ...
ζ_vec = logspace(log10(f_vec[2]), log10(0.8*(max(f_vec[end-1] - f_vec[end], f_vec[end-1]))), 10)
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ tests = [

@testset "All Tests" begin
Expand Down
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions test/subsample_test.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
using DynamicApproximations, Base.Test



# Brute force up to nbr segments:
M = 7
# Total number of points:
N = 40
# Number of internal gridpoints:
n = 12

g = cumsum(randn(N).^2)

t_grids = Vector{Int}[1:N, [[1;sort!(shuffle(2:N-1)[1:n]);N] for i = 1:10]...]
@testset "Testing subgrid, regularized, with endpoints, i=$i" for (i,t_grid) in enumerate(t_grids)
I_sol, Y_sol, f_sol = brute_force_multi(g, M, t_grid, tol=1e-3)

I, Y, f = fit_pwl_constrained(g, M, t=t_grid)
I_t = getindex.([t_grid], I)
@test I_t == I_sol
@test Y Y_sol atol = 1e-10 # Crazy that this is possible
@test f f_sol atol = 1e-10

ζ_vec = logspace(log10(f_sol[2]), log10(0.8*(max(f_sol[end-1] - f_sol[end], f_sol[end-1]))), 3)
for ζ in ζ_vec
I2, Y2, f2 = fit_pwl_regularized(g, ζ, t=t_grid)
I2_t = t_grid[I2]
#Make sure regularized solution is in constrained solution
idx = find([I2_t] .== I_t)
@test length(idx) == 1
if length(idx) == 1
@test Y2 Y_sol[idx[1]] atol = 1e-10
@test f2 f_sol[idx[1]] atol = 1e-10

println("Testing sub-grid that is not covering the full range of input, expect warnings.")
# Test when endpoints are not included
t_grids = Vector{Int}[1:N, [sort!(shuffle(2:N-1)[1:n]) for i = 1:10]...]
@testset "Testing subgrid, constrained, without endpoints, i=$i" for (i, t_grid) in enumerate(t_grids)
I_sol, Y_sol, f_sol = brute_force_multi(g, M-2, t_grid, tol=1e-3)

I, Y, f = fit_pwl_constrained(g, M-2, t=t_grid)
I_t = getindex.([t_grid], I)
@test I_t == I_sol
@test Y Y_sol atol = 1e-10 # Crazy that this is possible
@test f f_sol atol = 1e-10

ζ_vec = logspace(log10(f_sol[2]), log10(0.8*(max(f_sol[end-1] - f_sol[end], f_sol[end-1]))), 3)
for ζ in ζ_vec
I2, Y2, f2 = fit_pwl_regularized(g, ζ, t=t_grid)
I2_t = t_grid[I2]
#Make sure regularized solution is in constrained solution
idx = find([I2_t] .== I_t)
@test length(idx) == 1
if length(idx) == 1
@test Y2 Y_sol[idx[1]] atol = 1e-10
@test f2 f_sol[idx[1]] atol = 1e-10

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