A migration tool for shell script executions.
scriptup is a framework- and language-agnostic tool that enables software projects to maintain code-based migration scripts. This is very similar to database migration tools, just that it is based on shell instead of SQL executions. While traditional SQL migration frameworks aid deploying database changes to production systems and to other developer machines, scriptup is able to perform state migrations using general-purpose code! Example use cases include complex data alterations in the database (e.g. encryption) or the installation of IDE extensions or even git hooks on developer machines.
The tool is run as a standalone binary. You can find the appropriate executable for your OS on the Releases page. However, macOS users are very welcome to install it via the package manager brew.
brew tap mg98/homebrew-tap
brew install scriptup
# Verify your installation
scriptup -v
To setup scriptup in your project, you have to create its configuration file in your project's root directory. Take scriptup.yml as a template and adjust the values as needed.
Create a new migration, e.g.
scriptup new add-git-hook
This will create a new file in your configured migration folder, something like 20220626135412_add-git-hook.sh
Edit the file to contain the script that you want to be executed when running this migration.
As you will see from the template, the file is subdivided into two sections.
Everything after ### migrate up ###
and before (an optional) ### migrate down ###
will be run on scriptup up
Everything after ### migrate down ###
will be executed on scriptup down
and is supposed to undo the changes
performed through the script in the up-section (your responsibility though).
new, n Generate a new migration file
up, u Execute recent scripts that have not been migrated yet
down, d Undo recently performed migrations
status, s Get status about open migrations and which was run last
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--env value, -e value specify which configuration to use (default: "dev")
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--version, -v print the version (default: false)