CMV widget for layer definition demo
Config Setting
layerDefinitionExample: {
include: true,
id: 'layerDefinitionExample',
type: 'titlePane',
canFloat: true,
path: 'widgets/WindStation',
title: '<i class="icon-large icon-upload"></i> Layer Definition Example',
position: 19,
options: {
map: true
Becasue it is not a layer that defined in config file, so we have to process our own legend. The simple way is to use the right pane, in that pane, we just need to define a div for the legend
right: {
id: 'sidebarRight',
placeAt: 'outer',
region: 'right',
splitter: true,
open: 'none',
collapsible: true,
content: '<div id="legendDiv" style="height:100%;"></div>'
Map Service we are using is from the ESRI example