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License: MIT, Platform: iOS, Carthage: compatible

Language: Swift 5


If you are wondering "what is STOMP??" - see the Apache ActiveMQ website for an introduction to message brokers, MQTT, Websockets and STOMP.

StompClientLib is a STOMP client in Swift. It uses Facebook's SocketRocket as a websocket dependency. SocketRocket is written in Objective-C but StompClientLib's STOMP part is written in Swift and its usage is Swift. You can use this library in your Swift 5+ projects.

This is a fork from StompClientLib, forked in February 6th 2020 by michaelpeternell. StompClientLib is a fork from AKStompClient.

Changes in this fork

  • Carthage works now properly (I added a Cartfile that specifies dependencies)
  • Proper configurable logging instead of just printing to the console.
  • Added documentation about how to login with username and password.


To run the example project, clone the repo and set a development team for code signing (or run in the simulator). (Node by michaelpeternell: I didn't manage to make the example actually work, but I could compile it and run it.)


  • iOS 8.0+
  • XCode 11
  • Swift 5


StompClientLib is available through Carthage.


Add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "michaelpeternell/StompClientLib" ~> 1.4


import StompClientLib

Once imported, you can open a connection to your WebSocket server.

var socketClient = StompClientLib()
let url = NSURL(string: "wss://")!
socketClient.openSocketWithURLRequest(request: NSURLRequest(url: url as URL), delegate: self, connectionHeaders: ["login": "kermit", "passcode": "Miss Piggy"])

You may provide username and password by specifying the connectionHeaders "login" and "passcode". If you don't need authentication, just omit that parameter. You should use "ws" or "wss" as a protocol.

After you are connected, StompClientLib will call some delegate methods, which you will need to implement.



func stompClientDidConnect(client: StompClientLib) {
    print("Socket is connected")
    // Stomp subscribe will be here!
    socketClient.subscribe(destination: topic)
    // Note : topic needs to be a String object


func stompClientDidDisconnect(client: StompClientLib) {
    print("Socket is Disconnected")

didReceiveMessageWithJSONBody ( Message Received via STOMP )

Your json message will be converted to JSON Body as AnyObject and you will receive your message in this function

func stompClient(client: StompClientLib, didReceiveMessageWithJSONBody jsonBody: AnyObject?, akaStringBody stringBody: String?, withHeader header: [String : String]?, withDestination destination: String) {
    print("Destination : \(destination)")
    print("JSON Body : \(String(describing: jsonBody))")
    print("String Body : \(stringBody ?? "nil")")

didReceiveMessageWithJSONBody ( Message Received via STOMP as String )

Your json message will be converted to JSON Body as AnyObject and you will receive your message in this function

func stompClientJSONBody(client: StompClientLib, didReceiveMessageWithJSONBody jsonBody: String?, withHeader header: [String : String]?, withDestination destination: String) {
    print("DESTIONATION : \(destination)")
    print("String JSON BODY : \(String(describing: jsonBody))")


If you will use STOMP for in-app purchase, you might need to use this function to get receipt

func serverDidSendReceipt(client: StompClientLib, withReceiptId receiptId: String) {
    print("Receipt : \(receiptId)")


Your error message will be received in this function

func serverDidSendError(client: StompClientLib, withErrorMessage description: String, detailedErrorMessage message: String?) {
  print("Error Send : \(String(describing: message))")


If you need to control your server's ping, here is your part

func serverDidSendPing() {
    print("Server ping")

How to subscribe and unsubscribe

There are functions for subscribing and unsubscribing. Note : You should handle your subscribe and unsubscibe methods ! Suggestion : Subscribe to your topic in "stompClientDidConnect" function and unsubcribe to your topic in stompClientWillDisconnect method.


let topic = "/topic/FOO.BAR.1337"
socketClient.subscribe(destination: topic)


socketClient.unsubscribe(destination: topic)

Important: You have to send your destination for both subscribe or unsubscribe!

Unsubsribe with header

let destination = "/topic/your_topic"
let ack = destination
let id = destination
let header = ["destination": destination, "ack": ack, "id": id]

// subscribe
socketClient?.subscribeWithHeader(destination: destination, withHeader: header)

// unsubscribe
socketClient?.unsubscribe(destination: subsId)

Auto Reconnect with a given time

You can use this feature if you need to auto reconnect with a spesific time or it will just try to reconnect every second.

// Reconnect after 4 sec
socketClient.reconnect(request: NSURLRequest(url: url as URL) , delegate: self as StompClientLibDelegate, time: 4.0)

Auto Disconnect with a given time

// Auto Disconnect after 3 sec
socketClient.autoDisconnect(time: 3)

Change Log

1.4.1 (2020-02-10)

Delegate protocol StompClientLibDelegate now uses client: StompClientLib instead of client: StompClientLib! in its signatures.

1.4.0 (2020-02-06)

First version after I (michaelpeternell) forked the library.

  • Improve documentation
  • Better carthage support
  • Better logging

Previous versions

See versions 1.3.6 and below at


Simple STOMP Client library, Swift 5 compatible







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  • Swift 93.1%
  • Ruby 6.9%