title | subtitle | layout | rank | icon |
INF385T, UX Proto |
UX Prototyping |
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fa-edit |
The syllabus is the course's main document. Expect it to be followed to the letter.
The homework instructions detail what is expected of you in this course.
01designThinking covers an exercise in design thinking and an intro to accessibility.
02designPrinciples introduces several sets of industrial design principles.
03sketching recaps the previous week and introduces mood boards, sketching, and crazy eights.
04storyMapping recaps the previous week and introduces user story mapping.
05lofi describes lofi prototyping and the related concepts of ideation, how might we statements, diverging and converging, and the distinctions between lofi and hifi.
06hifi describes four components of hifi prototyping: color, typography, layout, and animation.
07ucdAgile describes the relationship between User Centered Design and Agile.
08clients recaps the previous week and discusses clients and stakeholders.
09microinteractions recaps the previous week and discusses microinteractions and pair designing.
10testing explains user testing and its aftermath.
11moreTesting further talks about testing.
12misc introduces four miscellaneous topics.
13workshop discusses how to lead a design thinking workshop to get developers and other stakeholders on the same page as designers.