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Flexible pipeline to extract causal effects from live-cell time-lapse imaging data


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This repository contains the source code for CausalXtract, a flexible pipeline to extract causal effects from live-cell time-lapse imaging data.

CausalXtract is composed of two parts: the cell feature module CellHunter+ and the causal discovery module tMIIC:

  • CellHunter+ is a method that segments cells, tracks them and extracts features. The segmentation is based on CHT (Circular Hough Transform); the tracking is based on the Munkres algorithm. It extends the functionalities of CellHunter (that implements segmentation and tracking) by adding the feature extraction module.

  • tMIIC is the temporal mode of MIIC (Multivariate Information based Inductive Causation), a method based on constraint-based approaches that learns a large class of causal or non-causal graphical models from purely observational data while including the effects of unobserved latent variables.


CausalXtract, submission pending.

Nguyen M., De Ninno A., Mencattini A., Mermet-Meillon F., Fornabaio G., Evans SS., Cossutta M., Khira Y., Han W., Sirven P., Pelon F., Di Giuseppe D., Bertani FR., Gerardino A., Yamada A., Descroix S., Soumelis V., Mechta-Grigoriou F., Zalcman G., Camonis J., Martinelli E., Businaro L., Parrini MC.; Dissecting Effects of Anti-cancer Drugs and Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts by On-Chip Reconstitution of Immunocompetent Tumor Microenvironments; Cell Rep.; 2018 Dec 26;25(13):3884-3893.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.12.015

Cabeli V., Verny L., Sella N., Uguzzoni G., Verny M., Isambert H.; Learning clinical networks from medical records based on information estimates in mixed-type data; PLoS computational biology., 2020. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007866 | code

Verny L., Sella N., Affeldt S., Singh PP., Isambert H.; Learning causal networks with latent variables from multivariate information in genomic data; PLoS Comput. Biol., 2017. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005662


CellHunter+ was written in MATLAB R2022b. Additional toolboxes required: "Image Processing Toolbox", "Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox". The former is needed for both the "segmentation and tracking" module and the "feature extraction" module. The latter is needed only for the feature extraction module. CellHunter+ should work with other versions of MATLAB as well, but be aware that the definition of the features extracted could slightly change. Therefore, the resulting data obtained with CellHunter+ could be slightly different from the data obtained for the article.

As the tMIIC part contains R and C++ sources, you will need R and a compiler with support for C++14 language features. tMIIC imports the following R packages: ppcor, scales, stats, Rcpp and, if you use the plotting feature, igraph. The R version used to develop tMIIC is the 4.0.5, so any R version equal or above 4.0.5 should be usable.


To replicate the CausalXtract repository on your computer, you can use the git clone command:

git clone

From the R environment, you can install the causal discovery module tMIIC remotely from github or (after cloning the CausalXtract repository) as an usual R source package.

# Remotely from github:
remotes::install_github ("miicTeam/CausalXtract/tMIIC")
# Locally from a clone of CaulsaXtract, i.e. from the CausalXtract folder:
> install.packages ("./tMIIC", repos=NULL, type="source") 

Quick start

A demo is available in the Demo folder: CausalXtract_Demo.Rmd.
This R Markdown Notebook file allows you to run the entire pipeline described in the CausalXtract publication.

Going further

To go further with CellHunter+, the "main_detection.m" file implements the segmentation and tracking module. Each ROI (Region of Interest) is a cropped video, obtained from the original video (reference to dataset: The MCC (Main Cancer Cell) is placed at the centre of the crop and it is possible to observe CAFs, immune cells and other cancer cells. It is possible to change the file path to the specific videos path that the user wants to analyse.
The video of the ROI, saved as .mat file, is a matrix where the third dimension represents the time, i.e. the number of frames. The outputs are the trajectories of the MCC and the trajectories of the immune cells. An additional step, implemented in the "main_division_detection.m" file, allows to correct the "flickering" of the MCC's trajectory when it divides. Finally, the "main_features.m" file implements the feature extraction module, in which the trajectories of the MCC and those of the immune cells are used to compute the features of interest for each ROI.
As the dimensions of your cells will likely be different from the ones used in the CausalXtract publication, you may need to modify the parameters in the "parameters_CellHunterPlus.csv" file.

  1. The parameter polarity must be set to "bright" if bright cells are identified in a dark background. Otherwise, it must be set to "dark".
  2. The parameter flag_imm must be set to 1 if you want to consider the presence of immune cells, otherwise it must be set to 0.
  3. r_tu is the theoretical radius for detecting cancer cells, in pixels.
  4. Rmax_tu is the maximum distance for tracking cancer cells, i.e. for linking two presumed instances of the same cancer cell in two different frames to construct the trajectory of that cancer cell, in pixels.
  5. DP_tu is the number of frames after which the trajectory of a cancer cell is stopped if the cancer cell is not detected for that specific number of frames.
  6. dist_tu imposes to detect only the cancer cells whose centre is less than dist_tu pixels away from the centre of the ROI.
  7. r_sp is the theoretical radius for detecting immune cells, in pixels.
  8. Rmax_sp is the maximum distance for tracking immune cells, i.e. for linking two presumed instances of the same immune cell in two different frames to construct the trajectory of that immune cell, in pixels.
  9. DP_sp is the number of frames after which the trajectory of an immune cell is stopped if the immune cell is not detected for that specific number of frames.
  10. L_sp, in frames, filters the immune cells trajectories that are returned as output in the tracking refining process based on their length which must be less than L_sp.
  11. r_std, in pixels, allows to delete the trajectories of presumed immune cells that do not move enough to be considered as such. If r_std is increased, less immune cells are considered. If r_std is decreased, more immune cells are considered.

As example, in the CausalXtract publication, the parameters used are the following:
polarity="bright"; flag_imm=1; r_tu=14; Rmax_tu=40; DP_tu=70; dist_tu=30; r_sp=4; Rmax_sp=20; DP_sp=10; L_sp=10; r_std=4

Moreover, modify the "state_data.csv" file with your experimental conditions. The first column "IDExp" stores the file name of the roi and the second column "ID_frame" stores the number of frame. If you do not have one condition among "CAF_presence", "treatment", "apoptosis" and "division", you have to delete the corresponding column in the file. "CAF_presence"/"treatment" values must be set to 1 if CAFs/treatment are/is present, otherwise they must be set to 0. The "apoptosis"/"division" column indicates if the cell has died/divided during the experiment. It must be set to 0 as long as the MCC is alive/has not divided, otherwise it must be set to 1 if the MCC has died/divided.
If you want to run the track correction for division, update the cell information about division in the "global_division.csv" file. If you do not wish to apply the tracking division correction, delete this file. The first column "IDExp" stores the file name of the roi. The second column "global_division" stores whether the MCC undergoes division, it must be set to 1 if that is the case, otherwise it must be set to 0. The third column "frame_division" stores the number of frame in which division happens; if the cell does not undergoes division it must be set to NaN.

Even if the dynamic of your cells will likely differ from the one in the CausalXtract publication, the causal discovery part tMIIC includes an automatic estimation of the temporal dynamic and will adapt accordingly.

To perform a first try on the features extracted by CellHunter+, the minimal parameters of tMIIC are input_data and mode:

tmiic_res <- miic(input_data=dataframe_features, mode="TS")

It will produce a lagged graph with only 50 nodes by default in order to run quickly, so you can have a first look on the result of tMIIC:

# default plot (compact view)
# raw plot (the output of tMIIC)
plot(tmiic_res, display="raw")
# lagged plot (the full lagged graph completed by stationarity)
plot(tmiic_res, display="lagged")

To go even further, tMIIC has several parameters useful to know:

  • max_nodes: can be used to increase (or decrease) the maximum number of nodes in the lagged graph. Once tMIIC has estimated the temporal dynamic, the max_nodes allows tMIIC to infer the number of layers and time steps between layers that best fit the dynamic. The more nodes you allow in the final graph, the more time tMIIC will need to perform the discovery, but the more precise and/or complete will be the discovery by having more layers and/or less time steps between each layer. On recent computers or servers, values up to 200 or 300 are usually possible (depending on the number of time steps in your dataset).
  • n_layers and delta_t: you can specify your own parameters for the number of layers and time steps between layers. In such case, tMIIC will not perform the automatic dynamic estimation and will use the provided parameters instead.
  • state_order: the state_order is an optional data frame that can be used to specify extra characteristics per variable. The information that you are the more likely to be interested in are var_names, levels_increasing_order and is_contextual.
    • var_names: mandatory, this is the name of the variables in the input dataset.
    • levels_increasing_order: optional, can be used to specify an order for the discrete variables. A typical example is for logical variables as "Treatment", where we can add a string 0,1 as levels_increasing_order to display colored edges highlighting the negative and positive correlations with "Treatment".
    • is_contextual: optional, is frequently used for experimental conditions, that are set up from the start of each experiment and don't change over time. Values can be 0 or 1, where 0 is a normal variable and 1 indicates a contextual one. Variables defined as contextual can not be the consequence of any other variables in the dataset.
      To have an example on how to set up a state_order, you can have a look on the one used in the CausalXtract publication in the Demo folder: CausalXtract_Publication_State_Order.csv.

More information about the tMIIC parameters is also available by calling the documentation of the MIIC R package.


You can find the documentation pages about the tMIIC module by using the R functions help() or ?.

# Package summary help
# Help page of the MIIC method


  • Franck Simon
  • Maria Colomba Comes
  • Tiziana Tocci
  • Louise Dupuis
  • Vincent Cabeli
  • Nikita Lagrange
  • Arianna Mencattini
  • Maria Carla Parrini
  • Eugenio Martinelli
  • Hervé Isambert




Flexible pipeline to extract causal effects from live-cell time-lapse imaging data







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