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fun Gallery(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, list: List<Any?> = listOf(Unit), index: Int = 0, delayedHide: Long = 5000, controlsState: MutableState<Boolean> = remember { mutableStateOf(true) }, currentItemIndex: MutableIntState = remember { mutableIntStateOf(index) }, focusRequester: FocusRequester = rememberFocusRequester(), imageScaleType: MutableState<ContentScale> = rememberSaveable( saver = contentScaleSaver ) { mutableStateOf(ContentScale.Crop) }, listState: LazyListState = rememberLazyListState(), switchImageScale: () -> Unit = { imageScaleType.value = when (imageScaleType.value) { ContentScale.Fit -> ContentScale.Crop ContentScale.Crop -> ContentScale.Fit else -> ContentScale.Fit } }, customContentViewer: @Composable(src: Any?, type: ItemType, list: List<Any?>) -> Unit = { _, _, _ -> })