This project was generated with Generator-M-Ionic v1.4.1. For more info visit the repository or check out the README below.
Build mobile Cordova/PhoneGap apps quickly with the tools you love: Yeoman, Gulp, Bower, AngularJS, Ionic & of course Cordova. All in one sexy generator.
We provide:- yeoman to scaffold your app -
- gulp to run your tasks -
- bower to manage your client packages -
the following technology stack:
- angular for app structure & logic -
- angular-ui-router -
- ionic for mobile UIs -
- cordova for accessing phone APIs -
- ngCordova -
- sass for styling -
an integrated testing workflow with:
- karma to run your unit tests -
- jasmine for writing unit & integration tests -
- protractor for running and writing integration tests -
and many many features and tools for your convenience:
- powerful collection of gulp tasks
- broad selection of sub-generators
- fine tuned integration with git
- sensible defaults for:
- continuous integration with Travis CI and Jenkins CI
- code style checks with ESLint
- configuration files like .editorconfig, .gitignore, .gitattriubtes and others
For a quick impression head over to and clone the sample project generated with the latest version of Generator-M-Ionic.
- Installation and fair knowledge of:
- node & npm -
- yo:
npm install --global yo
- - gulp:
npm install --global gulp
- - bower:
npm install --global bower
- yo:
- In order to run your app on a device, you'll need:
- Platform SDKs for the ones you are developing for. Head over to cordova documentation: Platform Guides or cordova cli: Requirements
npm install --global generator-m-ionic
create new directory - and cd into it.
mkdir myApp && cd $_
run the generator - and follow the instructions
yo m-ionic
IMPORTANT: Cordova needs an empty directory to work. Please run any other setup (e.g. git init
) after running yo m-ionic
Prepares everything for development and opens your default browser. Get ready to start coding!
gulp watch
Livereloads your application when changing/adding/deleting files to immediately reflect the changes you make. If you don't want this task to open your browser, just add the --no-open
option and navigate to http://localhost:9000
yourself. For your convenience any occurring ESLint or jsonlint errors will be presented to you on every livereload.
└── app/ - your application folder │ └── bower_components/ - local installation of bower packages │ └── main/ - ---main module--- │ │ ├── assets/ - assets: fonts, images, translation, etc... goes here │ │ ├── constants/ - angular constants │ │ ├── controllers/ - angular controllers │ │ ├── directives/ - angular directives │ │ ├── filters/ - angular filters │ │ ├── services/ - angular services │ │ ├── styles/ - scss styles │ │ ├── templates/ - angular templates │ │ └── main.js - angular module definition, routing etc... │ └── anotherModule/ - ---another module--- │ │ ├── ... │ ├── app.js - application module, includes main module, ionic, ui-router etc ... │ └── index.html - angular entry point, injects: app files, bower files, fonts, ... ├── gulp/ - gulp tasks ├── hooks/ - cordova hooks ├── nodes_modules/ - local installation of node modules ├── platforms/ - cordova platforms ├── plugins/ - corodova plugins ├── res/ - resources folder for splash screens and app icons ├── test/ - unit and integration tests ├── www/ - your gulp build goes here, cordova starts building from here ├── .bowerrc - bower configuration ├── .editorconfig - editor configuration ├── .eslintrc - ESLint configuration ├── .gitattributes - git's attribute configuration ├── .gitignore - git's ignore configuration ├── .travis.yml - travis continuous integration configuration ├── .yo-rc.json - yeoman's .yo-rc.json ├── bower.json - bower dependencies ├── config.xml - cordova's config.xml ├── gulpfile.js - entry point to all gulp tasks ├── - shell script for jenkins continuous integration ├── package.json - node dependencies configuration ├── - the generator's
When setting up your project or using the module, controller, service, directive or filter sub-generator, Generator-M-Ionic will automatically generate sample test files for that component. These files can be found in the test/karma
and test/protractor
directory respectively. To check if all tests are running properly run:
gulp karma
# and
gulp protractor
Hint: gulp watch
and gulp protractor
cannot be run at the same time.
If you are new to testing your app with protractor, karma and jasmine. Here are some good places to get started:
Articles on testing angular
- AngularJS Developer Guide - Unit Testing
- Smashing Magazine - Unit Testing In AngularJS
- careful: uses mocha, chai & sinon but we use jasmine. Still worth a look!
jasmine website -
protractor website -
karma website -
- Setting up and working with ESLint
- Working with our SASS integration
- Using Ionic CSS or SASS
- Managing app icons and splash screens. Good for different app configurations (beta, production, ...).
- The contents of the
can be changed programmatically. Good for continuous integration.
A local wrapper for cordova cli (allows to use different cordova CLI versions in different projects). For instance instead of running cordova plugins ls
you'd write the following to list all the installed plugins:
gulp --cordova 'plugin ls'
Head over to the cordova cli documentation or their github page to learn how to use the cordova cli. Remember that when using Generator-M-Ionic you don't need to install cordova globally!
If you run one of the following cordova commands: build <platform>
, run <platform>
, emulate <platform>
, 'serve' or prepare <platform>
, gulp build
will build your app into the www folder, before cordova will take it from there. For instance if you want to test your app on your connected ios device, run:
gulp --cordova 'run ios' # runs gulp build, then cordova run ios
Sometimes you don't want gulp build
to run every time before the cordova command is run. In that case simply add the --no-build
option and gulp build
will be skipped.
Builds into www, watches version in www and opens your browser. Good for debugging and testing your build!
gulp watch-build
Add the --no-build
option and gulp build
will be skipped.
The --no-open
options is available here as well, in case you don't want your browser to open automatically and would rather navigate to http://localhost:9000
Builds your angular app and moves it to the www folder. Usually you don't run this command directly, but it will be implicitly run by gulp watch-build
and any build-related cordova tasks (as explained above).
gulp build
Note that the build will not complete if you have any ESLint or jsonlint errors in your code! Sometimes it's necessary to let the build run anyway. Use the --force-build
option to do so. The --minify
option will minify javascript, css, html and images. These options will also work for all the build-related cordova tasks!
Injects environment (dev, prod and any other you'd like) variables into your Config
Your main
module per default contains the two files env-dev.json
and env-prod.json
located under app/main/constants/
. Any key value pair you define in those files will be copied into the Config.ENV
constant located in app/main/constants/config-const.js
, depending on which environment you chosse. So when you're working on dev, all key value pairs from the main
module's env-dev.json
will be copied to your config-const.js
. Same goes for the prod environment respectively. Then simply inject the Config
constant in any service or controller where you need to use it.
When you run gulp watch
or any other task that runs gulp build
without specifying an environment it will default to the dev environment:
gulp watch # defaults to --env=dev
gulp build # so does this
gulp --cordova 'run ios' # and any other command that uses gulp build
In order to choose an environment explicitly add the --env
flag, like this:
gulp watch --env=prod
gulp build --env=prod
gulp --cordova 'run ios' --env=prod
While you're running gulp watch
you can even temporarily switch the environment you're currently working on without having to restart your watch task. Simply type:
gulp environment --env=<env>
Gulp will livereload with your new environment! It's important to note that as soon as you are making more changes and a livereload is triggered, your environment switches back to the one that was supplied when gulp watch
was started. If you want to permanently switch your environment you should do so by restarting your gulp watch
tasks with the desired environment.
If you find yourself faced needing more than a dev and a prod environment simply create a new file: app/main/constants/dev-env5.json
, fill it with the desired values and then run one the following:
gulp watch --env=env5
gulp build --env=env5
gulp environment --env=env5
In case your project grows large and you have several modules in your project you will probably find yourself wanting to share environments across all modules. No problem. Every module you create has it's own Config
constant located in app/module/constants/config-const.js
. But only your main
module contains the environment files. The gulp tasks will automatically copy the environments to all of your modules' Config.ENV
Inject variables into your angular app -namely your Config
constants which are defined in app/*/constants/config-const.js
- during a build.
Adding the --buildVars
flag to gulp build
or any gulp task that runs gulp build
implicitly, for instance:
gulp watch --buildVars='key:value,keys2:value2'
will result in Config
constants that look like this:
'use strict';
.constant('Config', {
ENV: {
// ..
'key': 'value',
'keys2': 'value2'
Define default flags for each gulp task.
You may have noticed that the Generator-M-Ionic supplies an extended amount of gulp tasks and flags to modify the behaviour of these tasks. Depending on your project specifics you may find yourself always typing the same flags for the same tasks over and over again. With the gulp defaults
task you can spare yourself some typing. Here's how it works:
For instance we use gulp watch --no-open
a lot.
Running the following command will create a new gulp/.gulp_settings.json
file and save your default flags in it. Note: the .gulp_settings.json
file will be ignored by git, so these settings are only applied locally to your machine. If you want these settings to be part of the repository and share it with your team, simply remove the according line from the .gitignore
and add .gulp_setting.json
to your commit.
gulp defaults --set='watch --no-open'
What if you still want use a different set of flags from time to time? No worries, we though of that too!
You can add any amount of additional command line flags, they will be merged with your defaults. In the next example gulp watch
will run with both the --env-prod
from the command line and the --no-open
flag from your defaults.
gulp watch --env=prod ## the --no-open flag will be merged
You can also overwrite your task's defaults by explicitly setting the flag to a different value. The value that is explicitly set, will always win:
gulp watch --open # will run with --open despite defaults
If on of the defaults is no longer required, running the following command will get rid of it:
gulp defaults --clear=watch
By running gulp defaults
without a 'set' or 'clear' flag, a comprehensive list of all the defaults that are defined in the .gulp_settings.json
is shown.
gulp defaults
Deploy to anywhere using rsync.
By running gulp deploy
the build will get deployed to /srv/www/htdocs
You can override some parts of the deploy on the command line.
gulp deploy --destination=/path/to/webroot
The generator should work just like on unix/mac except there's one difference, when running gulp --cordova
tasks. They need doublequotes. So write this:
gulp --cordova "run android" # will work on windows
instead of this:
gulp --cordova 'run android' # won't work on windows
A handy and fast way to create different angular components, handling all the boilerplate for you.
The <moduleName>
is optional and defaults to the main module when left blank
yo m-ionic:constant <constantName> <moduleName>
yo m-ionic:controller <controllerName> <moduleName>
yo m-ionic:directive <directiveName> <moduleName>
yo m-ionic:filter <filterName> <moduleName>
yo m-ionic:pair <pairName> <moduleName> # creates controller & template
yo m-ionic:template <templateName> <moduleName>
yo m-ionic:service <serviceName> <moduleName>
If you have gulp watch
running, gulp will automatically inject your new files into your application and they will be available right away.
Important: While we are particularly proud of this feature, please note that using modules is only useful in large projects. We recommend that you only use them, if you know why you want to use them in your project. In our experience for most projects using one module is just fine.
yo m-ionic:module <moduleName>
- create a new module- choose your template:
- add your module to the
'use strict';
angular.module('myProject', [
// your modules
- restart your
gulp watch
task - in your browser, depending on the template you chose, navigate to
- Done! - see your new module in action!
The generator provides a default set of configuration for git:
Leaving them as they are generated, you will allow git to exclude all of the 3rd party code from your project. Specifically this means:
- no bower components
- no node modules
- no cordova platforms and plugins
Since all these files are excluded from git, you need to install all of them when you start with a fresh clone of your project. In order to do so, run the following commands in that order:
npm install # installs all node modules including cordova, gulp and all that
bower install # install all bower components including angular, ionic, ng-cordova, ...
gulp --cordova 'prepare' # install all cordova platforms and plugins from the config.xml
Since cordova 5.0
all platforms and plugins you install can be added to the config.xml
Release notes:
Added the ability to manage your plugin and platform dependencies in your project’s
. When adding plugins or platforms, use the--save
flag to add them toconfig.xml
. Ex:cordova platform add android --save
. Existing projects can usecordova plugin save
andcordova platform save
commands to save all previously installed plugins and platforms into your project’sconfig.xml
. Platforms and plugins will be autorestored whencordova prepare
is run. This allows developers to easily manage and share their dependenceis among different development enviroments and with their coworkers.
Since your projects .gitignore
will completely ignore the platforms/
and plugins/
folders, it's important to make sure your config.xml
contains all the plugins and platforms required by your project. As explained above this can either be achieved by always using the --save
options when adding/removing platforms:
gulp --cordova 'platform add ios --save'
gulp --cordova 'plugin remove cordova-plugin-camera --save'
or by typing the following commands before you commit:
gulp --cordova 'platform save'
gulp --cordova 'plugin save'
If you're experiencing difficulties using the generator please refer to the Troubleshooting section in our wiki or create an issue!
yo m-ionic --appName='App Name' # set appName via CLI
yo m-ionic --skip-welcome-message # skips welcome message
yo m-ionic --skip-sdk # skip adding cordova platforms and plugins (sdk-specific) for travis
yo m-ionic --skip-install # for debugging purposes, no npm and bower install
yo m-ionic --skip-prompts # for debugging purposes, run with predefined answers
yo m-ionic --ios-only # in conjunction with --skip-prompts
yo m-ionic --android-only # in conjunction with --skip-prompts
yo m-ionic --no-cordova # in conjunction with --skip-prompts, no platforms/plugins
Start by reading our:
Code licensed under MIT. Docs under Apache 2. PhoneGap is a trademark of Adobe.