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Personal linux configuration files

These are my config files. I use linux with suckless's dynamic window manager (dwm), it's nothing too fancy, just a nice wallpaper and a black status bar on the bottom to show basic information.

To write code generaly I use vim (neovim) and tmux, here is a screenshot debugging 6502 emulator

debugging 6502 emulator


As a lockscreen I use a script (wrapper of i3lock) that I made to mimic the lockscreen of Win 11:


Applications that I use

  • OS: Arch linux
  • Shell: Zsh for user, dash linked to /bin/sh
  • Window manager: dwm fork
  • dwm status: dwmblocks-async
  • Application launcher: dmenu fork
  • Term: kitty and my fork of suckless's simple terminal (st) on my laptop
  • Term font: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
  • dwm bar (and dmenu) font: Victor Mono Regular and JoyPixels for emojis
  • Editor: vim (neovim)
  • vim colorscheme: gruvbox
  • Web browser: Firefox
  • Login manager: none, autologin on tty1 and starting Xorg from zsh with the following statement:
# Starts the X server only on tty1
if [[ -z "$DISPLAY" ]] && [[ $(tty) = /dev/tty1 ]]; then
	startx 2> /dev/null
  • Lockscreen: i3lock custom script
  • Notifications: Dunst
  • Blue light filter: redshift
  • Compositor: jonaburg's picom fork (adds animations when changing workspaces in dwm)
  • Applications theme: adwaita
  • Video player: mpv
  • pdf viewer: zathura

Arch linux package installation

Display server and graphics libraries

Starting from a vanilla arch linux installation you will need, first Xorg server and some basic fonts

# pacman -S xorg xorg-server xorg-xinit ttf-dejavu ttf-joypixels

also make sure to install your graphics card drivers as well as common graphics libraries, in the case of integrated intel hd graphics:

# pacman -S xf86-video-intel mesa mesa-utils


# pacman -S zsh dash base-devel ssh git openssh xss-lock xbindkeys xcape dunst \
man-db man-pages

read more about why dash on the arch wiki

Zsh plugins installation

Run the following commands to clone the plugins into the zsh plugged folder, then it should be sourced automatically from the .zshrc file

$ git clone \
$ git clone \
$ git clone

User applications

Official repositories

These are some packages from the offical repos that I use

# pacman -S neovim tmux kitty firefox dolphin dolphin-plugins gvfs gvfs-mtp \
gvfs-smb kio kio-extras kio-fuse adwaita-qt5 zathura zathura-pdf-mupdf \
zathura-pdf-djvu mpv xclip gnome-calculator redshift lxappearance qt5ct \
nitrogen feh translate-shell ueberzug scrot udisks2 gtk2 gtk3

Arch linux User Repositories

These are packages from the AUR (make sure you have an AUR helper installed)

$ yay -S betterlockscreen nerd-fonts-jetbrains-mono picom-jonaburg-git gitmux


Config files from my daily system







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