- Coding Interview Patterns
- 1. Pattern: Sliding Window
- 1.0 Introduction
- 1.1 Maximum Sum Subarray of Size K (easy)
- 1.2 Smallest Subarray with a given sum (easy)
- 1.3 Longest Substring with K Distinct Characters (medium)
- 1.4 Fruits into Baskets (medium)
- 1.5 No-repeat Substring (hard)
- 1.6 Longest Substring with Same Letters after Replacement (hard)
- 1.7 Longest Subarray with Ones after Replacement (hard)
- 1.8 - Permutation in a String (hard)
- 1.9 String Anagrams (hard)
- 1.10 Smallest Window containing Substring (hard)
- 1.11 Words Concatenation (hard)
- 2. Pattern: Two Pointers
- 2.0 Introduction
- 2.1 Pair with Target Sum (easy)
- 2.2 Remove Duplicates (easy)
- 2.3 Squaring a Sorted Array (easy)
- 2.4 Triplet Sum to Zero (medium)
- 2.5 Triplet Sum Close to Target (medium)
- 2.6 Triplets with Smaller Sum (medium)
- 2.7 Subarrays with Product Less than a Target (medium)
- 2.8 Dutch National Flag Problem (medium)
- 2.9 Comparing Strings containing Backspaces (medium)
- 2.10 Minimum Window Sort (medium)
- 7. Pattern: Tree Breadth First Search
- 7.0 Introduction
- 7.1 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal (easy)
- 7.2 Reverse Level Order Traversal (easy)
- 7.3 Zigzag Traversal (medium)
- 7.4 Level Averages in a Binary Tree (easy)
- 7.5 Minimum Depth of a Binary Tree (easy)
- 7.6 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree (easy)
- 7.7 Level Order Successor (easy)
- 7.8 Connect Level Order Siblings (medium)
- 7.9 Problem Challenge 1 - Connect All Level Order Siblings (medium)
- 7.10 Problem Challenge 2 - Right View of a Binary Tree (easy)
- 11. Pattern: Modified Binary Search
- 16. Pattern: Topological Sort (Graph)
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