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An extension plugin for MobArena that collects arena session stats.


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MobArenaStats is a plugin extension for MobArena. The extension collects stats from MobArena sessions into persistent storage such as MySQL, MariaDB, and SQLite databases. It hooks into MobArena's command handler to provide commands for querying and managing the stats.

Note: This extension requires MobArena 0.107 or later to work.

Getting Started

Download a copy of MobArenaStats from one of these release channels:

Place the jar-file in your server's plugins folder like you would any other plugin.

Start your server and let the plugin load. It will generate a default config.yml file and set up a default SQLite data store. If this is the store you want to use, then there is nothing left to do - fire up a MobArena session and start collecting stats!

If you wish to set up a different data store, please refer to the Configuration section below.


When the plugin first loads, it will generate a config.yml file in the plugin folder. This file consists of a single section, the store section, which is used to set up the data store.

MobArenaStats natively supports a couple of different data stores:

  • SQLite
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • CSV files

The following sections describe the store-specific config properties.


SQLite is a database engine embedded in a library. It uses a single file on disk to store all of its data.

By default, MobArenaStats uses the filename stats.db inside its own plugin folder, but this can be altered with the filename property, which is the relative path from the plugin folder.


An example SQLite database configuration that stores its data in a file called mobarena_stats.db in the server root folder (../.. is the server root relative to the plugin folder).

  type: sqlite
  filename: ../../mobarena_stats.db


MySQL is one of the most well-known relational databases and a common sight in database offerings from various providers.

MobArenaStats requires a host, a port, a database name, and credentials in the form of a username and a password to connect to a MySQL database. By default, the plugin tries to connect to localhost on port 3306 with a database called mobarena_stats, but these can all be altered. There are no defaults for the username and password.

Note: The database must be created manually!

MobArenaStats is tested with MySQL 5.7.


An example MySQL database configuration that connects to a database called mastats on localhost port 1337 with username bob and password saget.

  type: mysql
  host: localhost
  port: 1337
  database: mastats
  username: bob
  password: saget


MariaDB is a fork of MySQL by the original MySQL authors that aims to be free and open-source forever.

MobArenaStats supports MariaDB via the drop-in replacement compatibility with MySQL. This means that the configuration of MariaDB databases is exactly the same as for MySQL databases (including setting type: mysql).

MobArenaStats is tested with MariaDB 10.4.

CSV files

MobArenaStats can persist session stats on the file system in the CSV format. It stores two files, sessions.csv and players.csv, with overall and player-specific session data, respectively. By default, the plugin stores the data files in a local data subfolder in the plugin folder, and it uses semicolons (;) to separate values.

Note: CSV stores do not support data queries!


An example of a CSV configuration that stores the data files in a mobarena_stats folder in the server root (../.. is the server root relative to the plugin folder) and uses commas (,) to separate values.

  type: csv
  folder: ../../mobarena_stats
  separator: ,


MobArenaStats introduces new subcommands to the /ma base command in MobArena. These include player commands for querying the data store, and server admin commands for exporting from and importing into data stores.

The following sections describe each command (and the permission required to run it) and its arguments, if any.


Query commands dip into the data store to fetch global stats, arena-specific stats, or player-specific stats.

Global stats

  • /ma global-stats

Get a summary of session stats across all arenas and all players:

  • Total sessions: total number of unique arena sessions
  • Total duration: sum of all session durations
  • Total kills: sum of all kills made in arena sessions
  • Total waves: total number of waves spawned in arena sessions

Arena stats

  • /ma arena-stats <arena-slug>
  • mobarenastats.command.arena-stats

Get a summary of stats across all sessions in the arena denoted by the given <arena-slug>:

  • Highest wave: the highest wave number spawned in the arena
  • Longest duration: the duration of the longest session in the arena
  • Most kills: the highest number of total kills in a session in the arena
  • Total sessions: total number of unique sessions in the arena
  • Total duration: sum of durations for all sessions in the arena
  • Total kills: sum of all kills made in the arena
  • Total waves: total number of waves spawned in the arena

Player stats

  • /ma player-stats <player-name>
  • mobarenastats.command.player-stats

Get a summary of session stats for the player with the given <player-name>:

  • Total sessions: total number of unique arena sessions for the player
  • Total duration: sum of all session durations for the player
  • Total kills: sum of all kills made in arena sessions by the player
  • Total waves: total number of waves spawned in arena sessions with the player

Import & Export

All data stores can export their stats, and all data stores can import stats exported from other data stores. The plugin always exports data as SQLite database files, and it can only import files that follow the same format and naming convention.


  • /ma export-stats
  • mobarenastats.command.export-stats

Export the stats in the current data store to an SQLite database file. All data exports follow the naming convention stats.export-<timestamp>.db, where <timestamp> is a UNIX timestamp of the time that the export was started.

Note: Exporting stats is a slow operation and will take time proportional to the amount of data in the current store. The operation runs off the main thread, so it should not impact performance.


  • /ma import-stats <filename>
  • mobarenastats.command.import-stats

Import the stats from the data export denoted by the given <filename>. The file must be an SQLite database created with the export command.

Note: It is not recommended to import stats into a non-empty data store. Always import into an empty store unless you know what you are doing.

Note: Importing stats is a very slow operation and will take time proportional to the amount of data in the export file. The operation runs off the main thread, so it should not impact performance.

Getting Help

If you run into problems or need help with something, feel free to hop on the MobArena Discord server: Instant Invite


MobArenaStats collects anonymous server metrics through bStats. The metrics include generic information like Minecraft version, as well as plugin-specific information like plugin version and store type. All collected metrics are publicly available here.

Please note that the stats collected by the plugin itself never leave the server, and they are thus not a part of the metrics collection.

To opt out of metrics collection, edit the plugins/bStats/config.yml file.