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Solutions for the Educative's Grokking Coding Interview Patterns Course

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Grokking Coding Interview Patterns

This repository contains my solutions and notes for the Educative's Grokking Coding Interview Patterns in Python course.


Two Pointers

  1. Pair with Target Sum
  2. Remove Duplicates
  3. Squaring a Sorted Array
  4. Triplet Sum to Zero
  5. Triplet Sum Close to Target
  6. Triplets with Smaller Sum
  7. Dutch National Flag Problem
  8. Quadruple Sum to Target
  9. Comparing Strings Containing Backspaces
  10. Minimum Window Sort

Fast and Slow Pointers

  1. Linked List Cycle
  2. Start of Linked List Cycle
  3. Happy Number
  4. Middle of the Linked List
  5. Palindrome Linked List
  6. Rearrange a Linked List
  7. Cycle in a Circular Array

Sliding Window

  1. Maximum Sum Subarray of Size K
  2. Smallest Subarray with a Given Sum
  3. Longest Substring with K Distinct Characters
  4. Fruits into Baskets
  5. No-repeat Substring
  6. Longest Substring with Same Letters after Replacement
  7. Longest Subarray with Ones after Replacement
  8. Permutation in a String
  9. String Anagrams
  10. Smallest Window Containing Substring
  11. Words Concatenation

Merge Intervals

  1. Merge Intervals
  2. Insert Interval
  3. Intervals Intersection
  4. Conflicting Appointments
  5. Minimum Meeting Rooms
  6. Maximum CPU Load
  7. Employee Free Time

In-Place Reversal of a Linked List

  1. Reverse a Linked List
  2. Reverse a Sub-List
  3. Reverse Every K-element Sub-List
  4. Reverse Alternating K-element Sub-List
  5. Rotate a Linked List

Two Heaps

  1. Find the Median of a Number Stream
  2. Sliding Window Median

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Solutions for the Educative's Grokking Coding Interview Patterns Course




