Various scripts and programs dealing with the Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Languages by Ralph Lilley Turner (hosted on SOAS by UChicago).
You need Python 3.x and pip
; to run Jambu (CLLD app for CDIAL) do this:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can edit
to change the port and IP for hosting Jambu.
Check the dataset front page.
: The CLLD app including the entire parsed CDIAL, plus Liljegren's Palula data, my Kholosi data, data from various papers of Patyal on Mandeali and Dogri (+more W. Pahari), and eventually even more
: Runs the server forjambu/
You probably don't need to do this since I commit the SQLite database directly to the repo. These instructions are for myself.
cd jambu
pip install -e .
clld initdb development.ini --glottolog . --cldf ../../data/cldf/Wordlist-metadata.json
To test:
pserve --reload development.ini