These templates automatically create Xposed Module and Hooks, helping module coder focusing on essential implement.
将模板文件夹(注意不是GIT文件夹)放置在 Android Stuido安装位置\plugins\android\lib\templates\other 然后重启AS
Copy templates(not the whole git project) to [Android Stuido Install Path]\plugins\android\lib\templates\other
Then, restart Android Studio.
在write your code处写钩子内容实现即可。
Implement your hook at "write your code".
新建空工程->右键New->Xposed->Xposed Module
Create a new project
right click your package ->New -> Xposed -> Xposed Module
右键New->Xposed->Xposed Hook
right click your package ->New -> Xposed -> Xposed Hook
A pre-made hook designed to print argruments&result in XposedBridge.Log
A pre-made hook designed to dynamically modify arguments&result with a help of an HTTP server.
Help you to inject your code on other timing.(eg. onApplicationAttach)
new Timing(loadPackageParam,true){
protected void onApplicationAttach(Context context) {
//do sth