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An Elance testing framework, originally forked from LuckyLadyGame's Coffee-Express framework.
- Implement a SHA256 AJAX endpoint
- Implement an scrypt AJAX endpoint
- Integrate output into frontend code
- Change the dl/dd/dt tags to a table
- implement CSS to make the site look nicer
This is how I like to lay out my Express + CoffeeScript projects. It uses CoffeeScript instead of JavaScript and it has bits to make the coffeescript compiling as transparent and frictionless as possible.
For backend development, instead of node server.js
we can run coffee
All the node.js bits inside still work the same but we do not need to compile the
coffeescript first.
For frontend development, the express middleware, connect-coffee-script that compile and cache CoffeeScript just in time. The same goes for the stylus css generator. Just write your code in CoffeeScript or Stylus and ask for them as .js or .css files.
app/ <- the application
libs/ <- put misc. libraries in here
routes/ <- organize express routes in here
views/ <- jade templates ...
public/ <- public files (or ment to be public)
src/ <- coffeescript/stylus source files
generated/ <- generated coffeescript files ...
static/ <- static, public files (.png, .js, .css, etc.) <- main entry point into the Application
docs/ <- generated documentation
test/ <- tests go in here <- starts the web server(s)
Cakefile <- App. specific tasks
package.json <- mmm. npm package definitions