THEANO-KALDI-RNNs is a software which offers the possibility to use various Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in the context of a Kaldi-based hybrid HMM/RNN speech recognizer.
Note: A new project called "pytorch-kaldi" is now available. If you are interested, please take a look into it.
The current version supports the following standard architectures:
- reluRNN
The code also considers some architectural variations:
- ReluGRU
- Minimal Gated Recurrent Units (M_GRU)
- M-reluGRU (also known as Light-GRU)
The latter architectures have been explored in [1] (see reference). Please cite this paper if you use this toolkit or a part of it.
All the RNNs are based on a state-of-the-art technology which includes:
- Bidirectional architectures
- Bach Normalization (applied to feed-forward connections)
- Recurrent Dropout
- RMSE prop optimization
If not already done, install KALDI ( and make sure that your KALDI installation is working.
Run the original TIMIT kaldi recipe in egs/timit/s5/ and check whether everything is properly working. This step is necessary to compute features and labels that will be inherited in the theano/python part of this code.
Install THEANO ( and make sure your installation is working. Try for instance to type import theano in the python environment and check whether everything works fine.
The code has been tested with:
- Python 2.7
- Ubuntu 14 and RedHat (6,7)
- Theano 0.8.1
- Bash shell
This step is necessary to derive the labels later used to train the RNN. In particular:
- go to $KALDI_ROOT/egs/timit/s5.
- run the script Make sure everything (especially the tri3-ali part) works fine. Note that the s5 recipe computes tri3-ali for training data only. Please, computed them for test and dev data as well with the following commands:
steps/ --nj "$train_nj" --cmd "$train_cmd" \
data/dev data/lang exp/tri3 exp/tri3_ali_dev
steps/ --nj 24 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
data/test data/lang exp/tri3 exp/tri3_ali_test
- Set your own paths in (ali_dir,ali_dir_dev,ali_dir_test,data_dir,...)
- Run
- Open the file TIMIT_GRU.cfg and modify it according to your paths. Feel free to modify the DNN architecture and the other optimization parameters according to your needs. See the comments in the TIMIT_GRU.cfg file for a brief description of each parameter. The number of outputs N_out can be found with the following kaldi command (see number of pdfs):
am-info exp/tri3/final.mdl
- The required count_file in the config file (used to normalize the DNN posteriors before feeding the decoder) corresponds to the following file:
- Open the file Please note that the parameters defined in have the priority over the parameters specified in the cfg_file. For example, the learning rate defined in is the one that will be actually used during training.
- Set cfg_file, graph_dir, data_dir, ali_dir according to your specific paths
- To replicate GRU experiments of the paper [1], set cfg_file=TIMIT_GRU.cfg in
- To replicate M_reluGRU experiments (improved architecture) of the paper [1], set cfg_file=TIMIT_M_reluGRU.cfg in
After training, forward and decoding phases are finished, you can go into the kaldi_decoding_scripts foder and run ./RESULTS to check the system performance.
Note that the performance obtained can be slightly different from that reported in the paper due, for instance, to the randomness introduced by different initializations. To mitigate this source of randomness and perform a fair comparison across the various architectures, in [1] we ran more experiments with different seeds (i.e., setting a different seed in the cfg_file) and we averaged the obtained error rates.
Please, note that this is an ongoing project. It would be helpful to report us any issue!
[1] M. Ravanelli, P. Brakel, M. Omologo, Y. Bengio, "Improving speech recognition by revising Gated Recurrent Units", in Proceedings of Interspeech 2017