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Example apps

Sascha edited this page Dec 26, 2023 · 16 revisions


git clone
cd ecovacs-deebot.js
npm install


  • app.js: (basic functions)
  • app2.js (standard functions)
  • mapInfos.js (map related functions)
  • mapDataObject.js (map data object only, incl. map image)
  • mapInfosYeedi.js (map related functions for yeedi models)
  • airPurifier.js (AIRBOT Z1 functions)
  • dumpIncomingMessages.js (Output of incoming messages)


Copy the settings.js.example file to the parent folder of the working directory and then rename it to deebotExampleSettings.js.

cp example/settings.js.example ./../deebotExampleSettings.js

Add your Ecovacs account information to this file

exports.ACCOUNT_ID = '';
exports.PASSWORD = 'a1b2c3d4';

Check also the country code and device number:

exports.COUNTRY_CODE = 'DE';
exports.DEVICE_NUMBER = 0; // 0 = first device, 1 = second device etc.
exports.AUTH_DOMAIN = ''; // Can be left blank for Ecovacs - '' for yeedi devices


cd example
node ./app2.js

Debug output

cd example
NODE_ENV=dev node ./dumpIncomingMessages.js
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