polybar shell scripts for polybar file comment image _polybar_helper.sh used in the other scripts for output, net check, etc. polybar.sh start, restart, kill and cycle polybars polybar_freshrss.sh shows the number of rss feeds (unreaded/starred) from freshrss polybar_inoreader.sh shows the number of rss feeds (unreaded/starred) from inoreader polybar_music.sh cmus statusbar and notification polybar_openweather.sh shows current/forecast weather and sunrise/sunset time from openweather polybar_pacman.sh shows the number of package updates from pacman/aur polybar_services.sh shows the status of defined services polybar_trash-cli.sh shows the number of trash items config files: dotfiles/polybar dotfiles/i3 dotfiles/cmus dotfiles/xresource dotfiles/systemd