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Tobias Block edited this page Oct 10, 2023 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the MRI4ALL Console wiki!

Here, you can find installation, development, and usage information about the MRI4ALL console software.

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To get started, you should first install the Development Environment.

Folder structure

After you have setup the development environment, you should see the following folder structure (either when connecting to the dev environment via Visual Studio Code or when opening the graphical X11 shell).

/opt/mri4all         -- Base installation path of the MRI4ALL console software
/opt/mri4all/config  -- Configuration files
/opt/mri4all/console -- Console software (checkout from GitHub MRI4ALL console repository)
/opt/mri4all/data    -- Data folder for scan task management
/opt/mri4all/env     -- Python virtual environment (including installed packages)
/opt/mri4all/logs    -- Log files from the different services

Within the console folder, you can see the following structure:

/opt/mri4all/console/common         -- Helper functions used across all services
/opt/mri4all/console/external       -- External libraries and package used (e.g., Pulseq, MaRCoS)
/opt/mri4all/console/install        -- Installation scripts
/opt/mri4all/console/services/acq   -- Acquisition service (scanner control)
/opt/mri4all/console/services/recon -- Reconstruction service
/opt/mri4all/console/services/ui    -- User interface service (requires X11 shell)

To start the services in the development environment, use the following commands (on the actual console computer, the services will be running as systemd services and don't need to be started manually). To run the services in parallel, you need to either open multiple shells or start them as detached processes (by putting an "&" behind the command).

source /opt/mri4all/env/bin/activate
cd /opt/mri4all/console