BitHive is a cross-platform desktop application built with Tauri, Next.js, and React. It combines the power of a Rust backend with a modern React frontend to deliver a fast and efficient developer tool.
- Cross-platform support (macOS, Windows, Linux)
- Built with Tauri for a lightweight and secure desktop application
- Modern web technologies (Next.js, React) for the frontend
- Tailwind CSS and DaisyUI for styling
- React Query for efficient data fetching and state management
- Recharts for data visualization
This is a Tauri project template using Next.js,
bootstrapped by combining create-next-app
and create tauri-app
- TypeScript frontend using Next.js React framework
- TailwindCSS as a utility-first atomic CSS framework
- The example page in this template app has been updated to use only TailwindCSS
- While not included by default, consider using React Aria components and/or HeadlessUI components for completely unstyled and fully accessible UI components, which integrate nicely with TailwindCSS
- Opinionated formatting and linting already setup and enabled
- GitHub Actions to check code formatting and linting for both TypeScript and Rust
- pnpm as the package manager