This Jekyll plugin provides 3 new Liquid tags that work together: pre
, noselect
and exec
A pre
block tag can be displayed various ways.
{% pre [Options] [free text label] %}
Contents of pre tag
{% endpre %}
class="class1 class2"
– Apply CSS classes -
– Line break after floating HTML elements -
– Generate a copy button -
– Dark mode -
– Remove leading spaces common to all lines, like Ruby's <<~ squiggly heredoc (default is false) -
‐ Generate anid
with the given value for the generated output. -
label='This is a label'
– Apply text abovepre
tag. Thelabel
parameter value can also be specified in free text. For example, the following produce the same results:-
{% pre label="This is a label" %}
Contents of pre tag
{% endpre %} -
{% pre This is a label %}
Contents of pre tag
{% endpre %}
– Number the lines -
– Equivalent tolabel='Shell'
– Apply inline CSS styles
The generated <pre></pre> tag has an data-lt-active="false"
attribute, so
does not check the spelling or grammar of the contents.
A noselect
tag renders HTML content passed to it unselectable,
and generates a $
prompt if no content is provided.
{% pre %}
{% noselect [optional text string, defaults to $]%}Command
{% noselect unselectable output goes here %}
{% endpre %}
An exec
tag executes shell commands and incorporates the command and its output into the content of the pre
Environment variables are evaluated,
output data is escaped, whitespace is condensed, and wrapped in the same unselectable
class as does unselectable
{% exec [Options] [shell command] %}
- Change to specified directory before executing shell command. Environment variables in the directory path will be expanded. -
– Setfalse
to treat non-zero return codes as non-fatal. Instead of terminating Jekyll with an error message, the message will be displayed as an error by the Jekyll logger, and a red message will appear in place of the result on the web page. -
– Setfalse
to treat exceptions generated by this plugin as non-fatal. Instead of terminating Jekyll with an error message, the message will be displayed as an error by the Jekyll logger. -
– Do not HTML escape the result of running the shell command. -
- Discard STDERR output. This is helpful for suppressing annoyinggroff
error messages that are emitted when theexec
subcommand runsman
. Use it like this:{% pre copyButton dedent shell %} {% noselect %}{% exec no_stderr man netplan %} {% endpre %}
– Do not remove leading and trailing whitespace from the result. -
class applied to outerdiv
. -
style applied to outerdiv
For all keyword options, including keyword options for the pre
and exec
Option values specified in the document may be provided. If a value is not provided, the value
is assumed. Otherwise, if a value is provided, it must be wrapped in single or double quotes. -
Option values specified in
must be provided, and the valuetrue
cannot be implied. Values that do not contain special characters may be wrapped in single or double quotes.
The following sets die_if_error
{% pre die_if_error %} ... {% endpre %}
The above is the same as writing:
{% pre die_if_error='true' %} ... {% endpre %}
Or writing:
{% pre die_if_error="true" %} ... {% endpre %}
Neglecting to provide surrounding quotes around the provided value causes the parser to not recognize the option.
Instead, what you had intended to be the keyword/value pair will be parsed as part of the command.
For the pre
tag, this means the erroneous string becomes part of the label
value, unless label
is explicitly specified.
For the exec
tag, this means the erroneous string becomes part of the command to execute.
The following demonstrates the error.
{% pre die_if_error=false %} ... {% endpre %}
The above causes the label to be die_if_error=false
{% exec die_if_error=false ls %} ... {% endpre %}
The above causes the command to be executed to be die_if_error=false ls
instead of ls
See demo/assets/css/style.css
for the CSS declarations,
between /* Start of pre tag css */
and /* End of pre tag css */
Default options can be set for the pre
tag by entries in _config.yml
The following demonstrates setting a default value for every possible option:
class: bg_yellow
clear: true
dark: true
dedent: true
highlight: 'Error:.*'
label: Shell
copyButton: true
number: true
style: 'font-face: courier'
wrapper_class: rounded shadow
wrapper_style: 'padding: 2em; border: thin green dashed;'
The default values used on
dedent: true
label: Shell
copyButton: true
Specifying a default value for die_if_error
in _config.yml
could be done as follows:
die_if_error: true
die_if_error: "true"
die_if_error: 'true'
More information is available on Mike Slinn’s website.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile, within the jekyll_plugins
group :jekyll_plugins do
gem 'jekyll_pre'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Copy assets and CSS from the demo/ directory of the jekyll_pre GitHub project.
- Copy
to a directory of the same name in your Jekyll project. - Copy
to your Jekyll project assets directory. - Copy
to your Jekyll project assets directory. - Copy
to your Jekyll project assets directory. - Incorporate the CSS stylesheets into the appropriate layout in your Jekyll project:
{% assign nowMillis = site.time | date: '%s' %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/assets/css/jekyll_plugin_support.css?v=' | append: nowMillis }}" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/assets/css/shared_include_pre.css?v=' | append: nowMillis }}" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/assets/css/jekyll_pre.css?v=' | append: nowMillis }}" type="text/css">
Copy demo/assets/js/clipboard.min.js
from the jekyll_flexible_include_plugin
GitHub project
to your Jekyll project’s JavaScript directory.
Modify the Jekyll layout or selected pages to load the JavaScript. You can load it from your project, as shown below, or from a CDN.
<script defer src="/assets/js/clipboard.min.js"></script>
The following examples are rendered on Mike Slinn’s website.
{% pre dedent %} This line was indented 4 spaces This line was indented 6 spaces This line was indented 4 spaces {% endpre %}
Which renders as:
This line was indented 4 spaces This line was indented 6 spaces This line was indented 4 spaces
This example does not generate a copy button and does not demonstrate noselect
{% pre %} Contents of pre tag {% endpre %}
<pre data-lt-active='false' class='maxOneScreenHigh copyContainer' id='id377433c30186'>Contents of pre tag</pre>
Which renders as:
Contents of pre tag
This example generates a copy button and does not demonstrate noselect
{% pre copyButton %} Contents of pre tag {% endpre %}
<pre data-lt-active='false' class='maxOneScreenHigh copyContainer' id='id6a831a3e8992'><button class='copyBtn' data-clipboard-target='#id6a831a3e8992' title='Copy to clipboard'><img src='images/clippy.svg' alt='Copy to clipboard' style='width: 13px'></button>Contents of pre tag</pre>
Which renders as (note the clipboard icon at the far right):
This example generates a copy button and does demonstrates the default usage of noselect
, which renders an unselectable dollar sign followed by a space.
{% pre copyButton %}
{% noselect %}Contents of pre tag
{% endpre %}
<pre data-lt-active='false' class='maxOneScreenHigh copyContainer' id='id1e4a8fe53480'><button class='copyBtn' data-clipboard-target='#id1e4a8fe53480' title='Copy to clipboard'><img src='/assets/images/clippy.svg' alt='Copy to clipboard' style='width: 13px'></button><span class='unselectable'>$ </span>Contents of pre tag</pre>
Which renders as:
This example generates a copy button and does demonstrates the noselect
being used twice:
the first time to render an unselectable custom prompt,
and the second time to render unselectable output.
{% pre copyButton %}
{% noselect >>> %}Contents of pre tag
{% noselect How now brown cow%}
{% endpre %}
<pre data-lt-active='false' class='maxOneScreenHigh copyContainer' id='idb58a6cf1761c'><button class='copyBtn' data-clipboard-target='#idb58a6cf1761c' title='Copy to clipboard'><img src='/assets/images/clippy.svg' alt='Copy to clipboard' style='width: 13px'></button><span class='unselectable'>>>> </span>contents of pre tag
<span class='unselectable'>How now brown cow</span></pre>
Which renders as:
A regular expression can be passed to the highlight
This causes text that matches the regex pattern to be wrapped within a <span class="bg_yellow"></span> tag.
The CSS stylesheet used for this page contains the following:
.bg_yellow {
background-color: yellow;
padding: 2px;
This example demonstrates highlighting text that matches a regular expression. Regular expressions match against lines, which are delimited via newlines (\n).
{% pre copyButton highlight="Line 2" %}
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Line 6
Line 7
{% endpre %}
Regular expressions match against lines, which are delimited via newlines (\n
Thus to match an entire line that contains a phrase, specify the regex as .*phrase.*
The following matches 3 possible phrases (2
, 4
or 6
), then selects the entire line if matched.
{% pre copyButton highlight=".*(2|4|6).*" %}
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Line 6
Line 7
{% endpre %}
This example floats an image to the right.
The jekyll_pre plugin
’s clear
option moves the generated HTML below the image.
<img src="jekyll.webp" style="float: right; width: 100px; height: auto;">
{% pre clear copyButton label='Clear example' %}
Using clear, copyButton and label parameters
{% endpre %}
The following executes ls -alF /
and displays the output.
{% pre clear copyButton label='Exec without error' %}
{% noselect %}{% exec die_if_nonzero='false' ls -alF / %}
{% endpre %}
The following changes to the home directory ($HOME
), then executes pwd
and displays the output.
{% pre clear copyButton label='Exec without error' %}
{% noselect %}{% exec cd="$HOME" die_if_nonzero='false' pwd %}
{% endpre %}
The following executes echo $USER
and displays the output.
{% pre clear copyButton label='Exec display $USER' %}
{% noselect %}{% exec die_if_nonzero='false' echo $USER %}
{% endpre %}
The code I wrote to generate the above CSS was a good example of how the plugins work together with
the from
and to
tags from my from_to_until
{% capture css %}{% flexible_include '_sass/mystyle.scss' %}{% endcapture %}
{% pre copyButton %}{{ css | from: '.copyBtn' | to: '^$' | strip }}
{{ css | from: '.copyContainer' | to: '^$' | strip }}
{{ css | from: '.maxOneScreenHigh' | to: '^$' | strip }}
{{ css | from: '.unselectable' | to: '^$' | strip }}
{% endpre %}
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies.
You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
A test website is provided in the demo
Set breakpoints.
Initiate a debug session from the command line:
$ bin/attach demo
Once the
Fast Debugger
signon appears, launch the Visual Studio Code launch configuration calledAttach rdebug-ide
. -
View the generated website at
To build and install this gem onto your local machine, run:
$ bundle exec rake install
Examine the newly built gem:
$ gem info jekyll_pre
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
jekyll_pre (1.0.0)
Author: Mike Slinn
License: MIT
Installed at: /home/mslinn/.gems
Generates Jekyll logger with colored output.
To release a new version,
Update the version number in
. -
Commit all changes to git; if you don't the next step might fail with an unexplainable error message.
Run the following:
$ bundle exec rake release
The above creates a git tag for the version, commits the created tag, and pushes the new
file to
- Fork the project
- Create a descriptively named feature branch
- Add your feature
- Submit a pull request
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.