I'm a professional Data Engineer with over 4 years of experience transforming raw data into meaningful insights. Passionate about solving complex data problems, I have a proven track record of implementing scalable data pipelines and analytics solutions that drive strategic decisions. Here's a bit about what I do and what I love in the realm of data engineering.
- 🛠 Tech Stack
Here are some of the technologies I've worked with:
- Programming Languages: Python, SQL
- Databases: Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server
- Cloud Platforms: AWS (Amazon Web Services), GCP (Google Cloud Platform), Azure
- Big Data Technologies: Apache Spark, Apache Airflow, Databricks, dbt
- Cloud Data Warehousing: Amazon Redshift, Google Big Query
- DevOps Tools: Docker
- Version Control: Git, Github
- Documentation: Confluence
- Project Management: Jira
- Data Visualization/BI Tools: Microsoft Power BI, Qlik, Tableau
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help
- 📫 How to reach me: mtahiraslan23@gmail.com
Technologies & Tools: