- This project was created through the
Software Testing
course, to access it click here. - This repository has some changes and improvements to what is presented in the course.
Software Testing is a skill that you must fully grasp as a software engineer. It ensures that any code you write to production is more likely to contain less bugs.
In this repository you will see everything about some types of tests implemented that were presented in the course:
- Unit Testing
- Integration Testing
- Testing External Services
- Mocking with Mockito
- Test Driven Development -
- This diagram shows how the system and its layers were separated to understand each part of the tests.
- Testing the CustomerRepository class using the settings with
void itShouldSelectCustomerByPhoneNumberExists() {
// Given
UUID id = UUID.randomUUID();
String phoneNumber = "0000";
Customer customer = new Customer(id, "Murillo", phoneNumber);
// When
Optional<Customer> optionalCustomer = underTest.selectCustomerByPhoneNumber(phoneNumber);
// Then
.hasValueSatisfying(c -> {
- Testing the CustomerRegistrationService class using
void itShouldSaveNewCustomer() {
// Given a phone number and a customer
String phoneNumber = "000099";
Customer customer = new Customer(UUID.randomUUID(), "Murillo", phoneNumber);
// ... a request
CustomerRegistrationRequest request = new CustomerRegistrationRequest(customer);
// ... No customer with phone number passed
// -> when this code is called in the service, we force the return of this method to be "empty",
// so that it falls into the condition of saving the object and does not fall into the logic of the IF
// otherwise it will not go to DB, so we are mocking the data
// ... Valid phone number
// When
// Then
then(customerRepository).should().save(customerArgumentCaptor.capture()); // capture the same value passed in call method 'request'
Customer customerArgumentCaptorValue = customerArgumentCaptor.getValue(); // get Customer used in request (custumer)
assertThat(customerArgumentCaptorValue).isEqualTo(customer); // compare Customer with Customer passed in request (are the same object)
- Testing the PaymentIntegrationTest class using
to perform integration testing, making HTTP calls to Controllers.
//it starts the application instead of testing separately
//To test endpoints, it is necessary to use this annotation, as it will go up the spring service to perform this test.
@AutoConfigureMockMvc //Without this "auto configuration" it will not work
class PaymentIntegrationTest {
private PaymentRepository paymentRepository;
private MockMvc mockMvc;
void itShouldCreatePaymentSuccessfully() throws Exception {
// Given a customer
UUID customerId = UUID.randomUUID();
Customer customer = new Customer(customerId, "Murillo", "+447000000000");
CustomerRegistrationRequest customerRegistrationRequest = new CustomerRegistrationRequest(customer);
// Customer Register
ResultActions customerRegResultActions = mockMvc.perform(put("/api/v1/customer-registration")
// ... Payment
long paymentId = 1L;
Payment payment = new Payment(
new BigDecimal("10.00"),
// ... Payment request
PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest(payment);
// ... When payment is sent
ResultActions paymentResultActions = mockMvc.perform(post("/api/v1/payment")
// Then both customer registration and payment requests are 200 status code
// Payment is stored in db
// TODO: Do not use paymentRepository instead create an endpoint to retrieve payments for customers
.hasValueSatisfying(p -> assertThat(p).isEqualToComparingFieldByField(payment));