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Build and Run

Make sure that nvcc is avilable or set nvcc path in Makefile

make clean && make &&./bench

and the result will be saved as task1_cuda.csv,task1_serial.csv ...

cuckoohashing introduction

Cuckoo hashing is a simple hash table where

  1. Lookups are worst-case $O(1)$.
  2. Deletions are worst-case $O(1)$.
  3. Insertions are amortized $O(1)$ with reasonably high probability.

This lab is a implication of CuckooHashing on CUDA. The parallelization processing will meet several challenges:

  1. Seeing that hash look up or insert will access to uniformly distributed memory, this will introduce a large cache miss.
  2. Cuckoo hashing is a variation of the open addressing hashing algorithm, in which the addressing iteration can cause a lot of divergence across threads in a warp.
  3. The quality of the hash function have a large impact on the rehash times and hash function calculation efficiency.

cuckoohashing gpu imply

I follow the following pseudo code to deploy the cuckoohashing on CUDA.

procedure Cuckoo-Hashing-Insert(H, T, k)
	for i 0 to k-1 do
		T[i] = empty
	end for
	for all t in T do
		Push-Back(T[h(t)], t)
	end for
	parallel for i 0 to k-1 do
		parallel for j 1 to T[i] do
			call Insert(H[i], T[i][j]) on block i
		end for
	end for
end procedure

procedure Insert(H, t) // kernel funtion
	z = -1
	while true do
		for i 0 to d - 1 do
			if H[h_i(t)] is empty then
				H[h_i(t)] = t
				z = i
			end if
		end for
		if z != -1 and H[h_z(t)] = t then
		end if
		r = (z + 1) % d
		ATOMIC_SWAP(H[h_r(t)], t)
	end while
end procedure

Choice of Hash Function

So as to reduce the rehash times, we need a good hash function to decrease the probability of cillision.

I have tried some of the hash functions like MUM, or the original hash function mentioned in the paper: [(c0 + c1 * k) mod 1900813]. I choose xxhash at last, because an experiment has shown that xxhash is the fastest hash function with least collision, which result in nearly no rehash.

#define PRIME1 2654435761U
#define PRIME2 2246822519U
#define PRIME3 3266489917U
#define PRIME4 668265263U
#define PRIME5 374761393U

inline uint32_t rotate_left(uint32_t v, uint32_t n) {
  return (v << n) | (v >> (32 - n));

inline uint32_t xxhash(uint32_t seed, uint32_t v) {
  uint32_t acc = seed + PRIME5;

  acc = acc + v * PRIME3;
  acc = rotate_left(acc, 17) * PRIME4;

  uint8_t *byte = (uint8_t *)(&v);
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) {
    acc = acc + byte[i] * PRIME5;
    acc = rotate_left(acc, 11) * PRIME1;

  acc ^= acc >> 15;
  acc *= PRIME2;
  acc ^= acc >> 13;
  acc *= PRIME3;
  acc ^= acc >> 16;

  return acc;

test env

machine: Tesla V100-PCIE NVIDIA-SMI 470.42.01    Driver Version: 470.42.01    CUDA Version: 11.4 

nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2019 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Sun_Jul_28_19:07:16_PDT_2019
Cuda compilation tools, release 10.1, V10.1.243


task 1

As expected, when the insert scale increase the insertion time is increasing because the collision times is increasing.

task 2

Seeing that the lookup procedure is nearly $O(1)$ and the CUDA version only affected by creating thread blocks, so the time is almost stable as long as the cuda device have enough threads.

task 3

The results of the experiment indicate the hashing efficiency rules: a low load factor leads to greater performance.

task 4

the result shows that when the bound multiplier is around 4 we will get an efficient insertion. And this is relied on the hash table size, insertion size and the hash funciton number . A research from cudpp have discovered a special math function to calculate the evict bound

int cal_evict_bound(uint32_t n, uint32_t table_size)
    float lg_input_size = log2(n);
    float load_factor = float(n) / table_size;
    float ln_load_factor = (float)(log(load_factor) / log(2.71828183));

    unsigned max_iterations = (unsigned)(4 * ceil(-1.0 / (0.028255 + 1.1594772 * ln_load_factor) * lg_input_size));
    return max_iterations;

But it doesn't have a good result with my code, So we can study this in the future.


raw data

task 1


t scale mean stddev
2 10 0.00294358 0.00117434
2 11 0.00453888 2.50499e-05
2 12 0.00929965 0.000977017
2 13 0.0188897 0.00260624
2 14 0.0311063 0.00196453
2 15 0.048496 0.000189106
2 16 0.0691273 0.00129734
2 17 0.0836684 0.000473563
2 18 0.0991308 0.000285876
2 19 0.130948 0.0050953
2 20 0.193696 0.00665161
2 21 0.312579 0.00654705
2 22 0.579419 0.0129313
2 23 1.20794 0.00717695
2 24 6.31342 2.57052
3 10 0.00242764 4.84352e-05
3 11 0.00462542 4.73939e-05
3 12 0.00884682 7.31999e-05
3 13 0.0165434 5.152e-05
3 14 0.0294167 0.000107872
3 15 0.0476152 0.000395084
3 16 0.0667526 0.000277471
3 17 0.0820039 0.000516152
3 18 0.0982705 0.000424502
3 19 0.128771 0.00131435
3 20 0.185879 0.000716197
3 21 0.307996 0.00141848
3 22 0.575608 0.0106
3 23 1.17707 0.00836132
3 24 2.17964 0.0107465
4 10 0.00243318 2.03671e-05
4 11 0.00468536 8.1657e-05
4 12 0.0089843 8.31572e-05
4 13 0.0167891 8.05382e-05
4 14 0.0297521 0.000109064
4 15 0.0477755 0.000342193
4 16 0.0675574 0.000561497
4 17 0.0823062 0.000275971
4 18 0.0980929 0.00081326
4 19 0.12705 0.000958727
4 20 0.187746 0.00206568
4 21 0.307825 0.000470541
4 22 0.570981 0.00454909
4 23 1.16951 0.0114623
4 24 2.13056 0.00607601


t scale mean(s) stddev
2 10 0.0439475 0.031358
2 11 0.028437 0.000538266
2 12 0.029533 0.00149321
2 13 0.029754 0.0014734
2 14 0.0304956 0.00255695
2 15 0.0287444 0.00074101
2 16 0.0288483 0.000477728
2 17 0.0288742 0.000659089
2 18 0.0287951 0.000542492
2 19 0.0297718 0.0010092
2 20 0.0294233 0.00063985
2 21 0.0292366 0.000466167
2 22 0.0298903 0.000506495
2 23 0.0308985 0.000410042
2 24 0.0339043 0.00127225
3 10 0.0424197 0.000729002
3 11 0.0425257 0.000471147
3 12 0.0427115 0.00092511
3 13 0.042387 0.00075543
3 14 0.041738 0.000511761
3 15 0.0427216 0.000867726
3 16 0.0425506 0.00127709
3 17 0.0427581 0.000675577
3 18 0.0431516 0.00134628
3 19 0.0429878 0.000797801
3 20 0.0429794 0.000995563
3 21 0.0430716 0.000920747
3 22 0.0438478 0.000834177
3 23 0.0453104 0.0011289
3 24 0.0473812 0.00133997
4 10 0.0564562 0.000283378
4 11 0.0564457 6.24392e-05
4 12 0.0569901 0.00179263
4 13 0.0571567 0.00136263
4 14 0.0568225 0.00153941
4 15 0.0569652 0.0014114
4 16 0.0560084 0.00047187
4 17 0.0568908 0.00094533
4 18 0.0554421 0.000156175
4 19 0.0562346 0.000510276
4 20 0.0568849 0.00120743
4 21 0.0564395 0.000591619
4 22 0.0580903 0.00159833
4 23 0.0583454 0.00131948
4 24 0.0615281 0.00180113

task 2


func_num percent mean stddev
3 0 1.34678 0.0587823
3 1 1.41286 0.0877683
3 2 1.37728 0.00966961
3 3 1.40732 0.00638956
3 4 1.43947 0.00867214
3 5 1.456 0.0197337
3 6 1.49219 0.00751178
3 7 1.54796 0.0736653
3 8 1.53773 0.0125593
3 9 1.56582 0.00917863
3 10 1.60554 0.021908
4 0 1.43469 0.0177649
4 1 1.48251 0.0227062
4 2 1.52871 0.0226731
4 3 1.57684 0.0142959
4 4 1.63308 0.0164356
4 5 1.67967 0.0238586
4 6 1.70774 0.0231868
4 7 1.75888 0.0233812
4 8 1.81261 0.0148471
4 9 1.81874 0.00303701
4 10 1.88467 0.0165726


func_num percent mean stddev
3 0 0.0641776 0.0154878
3 1 0.0540872 0.013985
3 2 0.057729 0.0148768
3 3 0.053734 0.0140887
3 4 0.0463816 8.02272e-05
3 5 0.0466504 0.000302077
3 6 0.0468175 0.000140561
3 7 0.0482275 0.00258002
3 8 0.0470635 3.9098e-05
3 9 0.0488269 0.00133298
3 10 0.0525858 0.00708853
4 0 0.056194 0.000200821
4 1 0.0568326 0.000866486
4 2 0.0570963 0.000747452
4 3 0.0644422 0.0135237
4 4 0.0642838 0.0132718
4 5 0.0575442 6.62837e-05
4 6 0.0580009 0.000212051
4 7 0.0580671 6.12257e-05
4 8 0.0587873 0.000668385
4 9 0.0652892 0.0133975
4 10 0.0592308 0.000674014

task 3


func_num ratios mean stddev
3 1.9 2.3893 0.249726
3 1.8 2.31445 0.0172794
3 1.7 2.40922 0.0549364
3 1.6 2.53768 0.036038
3 1.5 2.70946 0.0239621
3 1.4 2.8919 0.0256617
3 1.3 3.21708 0.0125243
3 1.2 6.33848 1.89421
3 1.1 12.0994 3.75464
3 1.05 8.24154 1.64733
3 1.02 10.2252 3.61084
3 1.01 9.26819 2.64024
4 1.9 2.20334 0.00657852
4 1.8 2.24865 0.00849129
4 1.7 2.32576 0.00664565
4 1.6 2.41653 0.012299
4 1.5 2.56341 0.0206585
4 1.4 2.67255 0.00898152
4 1.3 2.9339 0.0177339
4 1.2 3.39156 0.0188618
4 1.1 8.2102 3.26455
4 1.05 9.86271 1.67544
4 1.02 15.7333 2.37041
4 1.01 10.9119 2.16711


func_num ratios mean stddev
3 1.9 0.0924973 0.0395274
3 1.8 0.0663222 0.00146865
3 1.7 0.0617394 0.000625437
3 1.6 0.0589297 0.00164882
3 1.5 0.055202 0.00120727
3 1.4 0.0530938 0.0010728
3 1.3 0.0491142 0.000880428
3 1.2 0.0467326 0.00058291
3 1.1 0.0435251 0.0015199
3 1.05 0.0400999 0.000109168
3 1.02 0.0415416 0.00143584
3 1.01 0.0394398 0.000970893
4 1.9 0.0911189 0.00193572
4 1.8 0.0869779 0.00164433
4 1.7 0.0816485 0.00193868
4 1.6 0.0768154 0.00127531
4 1.5 0.0737705 0.00305763
4 1.4 0.0684717 0.00120234
4 1.3 0.0635253 0.00137649
4 1.2 0.0604276 0.00139355
4 1.1 0.0544544 0.000986151
4 1.05 0.052581 0.00138648
4 1.02 0.0525545 0.000971579
4 1.01 0.0508431 0.000653479

task 4


func_num bound_mul mean stddev
3 1 6.67216 1.8861
3 2 2.9423 0.0529595
3 3 2.89136 0.00846956
3 4 2.89256 0.00984937
3 5 2.90935 0.035254
3 6 2.86938 0.0100022
3 7 2.878 0.019243
3 8 2.88295 0.0103433
3 9 2.88911 0.0175928
3 10 2.87754 0.00822457
4 1 2.68566 0.0162709
4 2 2.68867 0.0135275
4 3 2.67755 0.00633684
4 4 2.67851 0.00671768
4 5 2.67755 0.00890246
4 6 2.6794 0.00797972
4 7 2.68103 0.0145091
4 8 2.67792 0.00583736
4 9 2.6827 0.00952223
4 10 2.69846 0.0346252


func_num bound_mul mean stddev
3 1 0.0726327 0.0402696
3 2 0.050474 0.00153943
3 3 0.0504257 0.0018765
3 4 0.0498386 0.00025331
3 5 0.0497058 0.000148922
3 6 0.0492598 0.00140374
3 7 0.0493404 0.00112154
3 8 0.0494495 0.000546652
3 9 0.0500446 0.00111553
3 10 0.0499941 0.00189854
4 1 0.0651577 0.000844501
4 2 0.0648131 0.000587351
4 3 0.0639362 0.00140711
4 4 0.0637468 0.00120811
4 5 0.0649046 0.0013293
4 6 0.0641954 0.00133467
4 7 0.0634533 0.00158846
4 8 0.0630698 0.00117277
4 9 0.0632451 0.00168766
4 10 0.06401 0.000882801


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