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Note: This project, while being released, is still WIP. Additional functionality from Research-mupplets is being refactored and ported into this project.


muwerk applets; mupplets: functional units that support specific hardware or reusable applications.

mupplets use muwerks MQTT-style messaging to pass information between each other on the same device. If connected to an MQTT-server via munet, all functionallity is externally available through an MQTT server such as Mosquitto.

The mupplet-core library consists of the following modules:

  • Light The Light GPIO mupplet allows to control a led or light's state, brightness using modes such as user-controlled, blink, soft-wave, one-time pulse and automatic pattern playback. See Led application notes for an example and more information. Complete example muBlink.

  • Switch The Switch GPIO mupplet allows to use hardware buttons and switches connected to a GPIO. Switch supports debouncing, flip-flop mode and push-button event. See Switch application notes for an example-code and more information. Complete example SwitchAndLed.

Additional mupplet implementations can be found:

  • mupplet-sensor: implementations for various sensors, temperature, humidity, pressure, illuminance, generic binary sensors and analog sensors.
  • mupplet-display: implementations for various displays.

Development and Design considerations

Some design recommendations for mupplets:

  • mupplets use asynchronous design. Since muwerk uses cooperative scheduling, any muwerk task can block the muwerk system. It's therefore imperative to use asychronous programming techniques with mupplets. Do not use long-running code with delays. Many third-party sensor libraries are not designed for asynchronous operation, and thus will block the muwerk system more than necessary.
  • If you interact with hardware or software that requires waiting for events, either use a state-machine or interrupt handlers, and give back control to the muwerk scheduler as soon as possible. Avoid polling for events in a delay-loop.
  • As a rule of thumb: avoid blocking operations > 10ms.
  • Use muwerks pub/sub mechanism to interface between other mupplets and the outside world. Compose using messages and functional interfaces with light coupling that do not impose object hierarchies on the programs that use a mupplet.
  • If your mupplet exposes an API, make sure that the same functionality is accessible via pub/sub messages.
  • Mupplets compose with pub/sub messages. If a mupplet uses functionality of another Mupplet, they should use pub/sub messages. Example: a CO2 sensor-mupplet requires the current temperature for calibration: the CO2 mupplet would subscribe to the messages a temperature mupplet would publish. A major advantage of this type of light coupling via messages is that the temperature mupplet could run on a different hardware: an MQTT server and munet make sure that there is absolutely no difference between remote and local communication partners: the implementation of both mupplets in both cases is simply the same. Additionally this facilitates a later port to multi-core and preemtive multi-tasking systems.


  • A mupplet can implement a driver for a hardware sensor (e.g. temperature sensor)
  • If a hardware is for a very specific purpose, even application-style logic can be part of a mupplet. E.g. a 4-digit 7-segment clock display with a colon between 2nd and 3rd digit is basically suited to display time. In additional to implement the basic hardware the mupplet could implement the functions of a basic clock
  • The clock mupplet could (optionally) subscribe to the messages a button publishes to implement functions like "stop alarm".
  • munet's network stacks are basically mupplets themselves.


An example framework for a mupplet:

#define __ESP__         // Platform define, see ustd library
#include <ustd_platform.h>   // ustd library
#include <muwerk.h>     // muwerk library

namespace ustd {
class MyMupplet {
    String name;
    uint8_t addr;  // some hardware address that cannot change
    Scheduler *pSched;  // pointer to muwerk scheduler object, used to start
                        // tasks and to pub/sub messages;
    bool bActive=false; // set to true if conditions for operation are met
                        // (e.g. hardware found and initialized.)
    void MyMupplet(String name): name(name), addr(addr) {
        // Minimal code in constructor, just save invariants like the mupplet's
        // name and immutable hardware parameters.

    void begin(Scheduler *_pSched) {
        pSched=_pSched;  // save muwerk pointer

        // now intialize hard- and software that is used with this mupplet,
        // e.g. initialize a sensor.
        // If things go ok:

        // Initialize the worker "thread":
        auto loopfunc = [=]() { this->loop(); };
        int tID = pSched->add(loopfunc, name, 100000);
        // Scheduler will now call loop() every 100ms (100000us).

        // Subscribe to one or more topics to expose the mupplet's
        // functionality
        auto fnall = [=](String topic, String msg, String originator) {
            this->subsMsg(topic, msg, originator);
        pSched->subscribe(tID, name + "/light/#", fnall);

    // loop is called by the scheduler according to the setting in begin()
    void loop() {
        // Implement the main functionality here.
        // Avoid blocking or polling as much as possible
        if (bActive) { // Initialization in setup() was successful
            // calculation... [state-machine]
            // We got a result, lets publish!
            pSched->publish(name+"/state", "Some data here");
            // Other instances that have subscribed to <name>/state will receive
            // "Some data here"

    // subsMsg is called by the scheduler, if a message that has been
    // subscribed is available
    void subsMsg(String topic, String msg, String originator) {
        // A message with topic topic and content msg has been received
        // from muwerk process with name originator.

}; // MyMupplet

} // ustd


  • 0.5.7 (2024-09-20) Add Random Number Generator hardware support.
  • 0.5.4 (2023-07-29) Use less mem in lightcontroller for low-memory devices.
  • 0.5.3 (2023-03-20) Fix mup_digital_out.h, missing callback in mqtt/state subscription.
  • 0.5.2 (2022-11-07) Preliminary Neopixel support including some effects like a butterlamp simulation.
  • 0.5.1 (2022-09-23)
    • Bugfix: mup_switch.h used time_t, which isn't available on Arduino, replaced with muwerk timestamps.
  • 0.5.0 (2022-09-22)
    • New HomeAssistant Device Autodiscovery Helper
    • New 16 channel light applet using PCA 9685 PWM controller
    • Number in string detection functions
    • Support for ASCII part HD44780 displays charset conversions (see: mupplet-display)
    • count option for switch to count switch events.
    • Astro helper module for sunrise sunset calculations (WIP!)
  • 0.4.0 (2021-02-28) Frequency counter
    • Frequency counter mupplet (Frequency measurement up to 80kHz on ESP32)
    • Codepage conversion utility functions (ISO8859-1 <-> UTF8)
    • New parser function parseLong
    • Improvements in parser functions
  • 0.3.0 (2021-02-19) New helpful parser functions
  • 0.2.0 (2021-02-13) Consistent naming, documentation fixes, configurable topic in DigitalOut.
  • 0.1.1 (2021-02-13) Broken repository-url fixed for library.json.
  • 0.1.0 (2021-02-13) Mupplets for basic I/O, leds and switches.

More mupplet libraries


  • ustd microWerk standard library
  • muwerk microWerk scheduler
  • munet microWerk networking