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It's a Maven plugin to generate quickly java classes for JAX-RS controllers using with Quarkus and Hibernate Panache, with Hibernate @filters on @entity classes annotated.


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Queryable is a Maven plugin to generate quickly Java classes for JAX-RS controllers using with Quarkus and Hibernate Panache, with Hibernate @filters on @entity classes annotated.


Normally we use the following paradigm to developing quarkus rest app (our api rules).

1 - Let's start writing our entities with some hibernate filters: official documentation - Hibernate_User_Guide#pc-filter Hibernate’s @Filter Annotation – Apply Dynamic Filters at Runtime (Thorben Janssen)

@Table(name = "customers")

@FilterDef(name = "Customer.obj.code", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "code", type = String.class))
@Filter(name = "Customer.obj.code", condition = "code = :code")

@FilterDef(name = "", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "name", type = String.class))
@Filter(name = "", condition = "lower(name) LIKE :name")

@FilterDef(name = "", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "active", type = Boolean.class))
@Filter(name = "", condition = "active = :active")

public class Customer extends PanacheEntityBase {

    @GeneratedValue(generator = "uuid")
    @GenericGenerator(name = "uuid", strategy = "uuid2")
    @Column(name = "uuid", unique = true)
    public String uuid;
    public String code;
    public String name;
    public boolean active;
    public String ldap_group;
    public String mail;

2 - We continue by writing one rest controller for each entity, as:

public class CustomerServiceRs extends RsRepositoryServiceV3<Customer, String> {

    public CustomerServiceRs() {

    protected String getDefaultOrderBy() {
        return "name asc";

    public PanacheQuery<Customer> getSearch(String orderBy) throws Exception {
        PanacheQuery<Customer> search;
        Sort sort = sort(orderBy);

        if (sort != null) {
            search = Customer.find(null, sort);
        } else {
            search = Customer.find(null);
        if (nn("obj.code")) {
            search.filter("Customer.obj.code", Parameters.with("code", get("obj.code")));
        if (nn("")) {
            search.filter("", Parameters.with("name", likeParamToLowerCase("")));
        search.filter("", Parameters.with("active", true));
        return search;


3 - the customer api, will be querable using:

You can find more examples in the api rules page.

The boring process is:

  • the writing of hibernate filters
  • the writing of search conditions using query parameters. With our annotation set, we will generate at request using maven goal!

Quarkus Project Setup

Well!, we will try to start a maven project:

mvn io.quarkus.platform:quarkus-maven-plugin:3.5.0:create \
        -DprojectGroupId=it.queryable \
        -DprojectArtifactId=awesomeproj \
        -DclassName="" \
cd awesomeproj

Following the guide: we will add to the pom.xml configuration the hibernate/panache/driver dependencies:

./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions="jdbc-postgresql,resteasy-jackson,hibernate-orm-panache"

or directly on the pom.xml:

    <!-- Jackson Mapper -->
    <!-- Hibernate ORM specific dependencies -->

    <!-- JDBC driver dependencies -->

And then?! you should start to in our pom.xml our plugin:

Add queryable to your project:

./mvnw it.n-ess.queryable:queryable-maven-plugin:3.0.3:add

or directly on the pom.xml:


In build section add plugin:


Some avaliable options in the configuration:

                <!-- default is false -->
                <!-- default is {groupId}/model -->
                <!-- default is {groupId}/service/rs -->
                <!-- default is src/main/java-->
                <!-- default is true -->
                <!-- default is true -->
                <!-- default is true -->

And then?! Our queryable maven cmd:

Before start to edit the entities, run this maven command:

./mvnw queryable:install

This command will add our minimal api and will add an entity class in the package {groupId}.{artifactId}.model.Greeeting (ie it.queryable.awesomeproj.model.Greeeting). Our convention is:

  • the package for the api will be: {groupId}.api (ie it.queryable.api)
  • the package for model classes will be: {groupId}.{artifactId}.model (ie it.queryable.awesomeproj.model)

And then?! start to write your entities!

After creating your annotated entities, run the following maven command:

./mvnw queryable:source

That command will add @FilterDef on your model classes and will add the "getSearch" method on existent rest api controllers, or will generate the non existent rest api controllers (one for each model class).

JPA @Entity classes location

The plugins searches for java JPA @Entity classes that extends io.quarkus.hibernate.orm.panache.PanacheEntityBase in specified folder location {groupId}.{artifactId}.model

JAX-RS classes location

The plugins searches for java classes (JAX-RS @Path @Singleton classes) in specified folder location {groupId}.{artifactId} with naming convention {entity_name}ServiceRs (Greeting => GreetingServiceRs)


Q annotations

We can attach them to classes or fields, annotations by themselves have no effect on the execution of a program.

  • Q (class or field level)
  • QExclude (class level)
  • QInclude (class level)
  • QLike (field level)
  • QLikeList (field level)
  • QList (field level)
  • QLogicalDelete (field level)
  • QNil (field level)
  • QNotNil (field level)
  • QOrderBy (class level)
  • QRs (class level)

Q annotation

Q can be used on class fields: String, enums, LocalDateTime, LocalDate, Date, Boolean, boolean, BigDecimal, Integer, Long

String usage case:

public String code;

will create FilterDef in model class

@FilterDef(name = "XXX.obj.code", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "code", type = String.class))
@Filter(name = "XXX.obj.code", condition = "code = :code")

and in rest service class will add to getSearch method

if (nn("obj.code")) {
	search.filter("XXX.obj.code", Parameters.with("code", get("obj.code")));

Enum usage case:

public MovementReason movementReason;

will create FilterDef in model class

@FilterDef(name = "XXX.obj.movementReason", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "movementReason", type = String.class))
@Filter(name = "XXX.obj.movementReason", condition = "movementReason = :movementReason")

and in rest service class will add to getSearch method

if (nn("obj.movementReason")) {
	search.filter("XXX.obj.movementReason", Parameters.with("movementReason", get("obj.movementReason")));

if used with QOptions:

@Q(condition = "BLANK_DELIVERY", options = {QOption.EXECUTE_ALWAYS})
public OperationType operationType;

will create FilterDef in model class

@FilterDef(name = "XXX.obj.operationType", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "operationType", type = String.class))
@Filter(name = "XXX.obj.operationType", condition = "operationType = :operationType")

and in rest service class will add to getSearch method (the filter will be execute in each get list request):

search.filter("XXX.obj.operationType", Parameters.with("operationType", "BLANK_DELIVERY"));

LocalDateTime, LocalDate, Date usage case:

@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss", timezone = "Europe/Rome")
public LocalDateTime execution_date;

will create two FilterDefs in model class

@FilterDef(name = "XXX.from.execution_date", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "execution_date", type = java.time.LocalDate.class))
@Filter(name = "XXX.from.operation_date", condition = "operation_date >= :execution_date")

@FilterDef(name = "", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "execution_date", type = java.time.LocalDate.class))
@Filter(name = "", condition = "execution_date <= :execution_date")

and in rest service class will add to getSearch method

if (nn("from.execution_date")) {
	LocalDateTime date = LocalDateTime.parse(get("from.execution_date"));
	search.filter("XXX.from.execution_date", Parameters.with("execution_date", date));
if (nn("to.execution_date")) {
	LocalDateTime date = LocalDateTime.parse(get("to.execution_date"));
	search.filter("", Parameters.with("execution_date", date));

BigDecimal usage case:

public BigDecimal weight;

will create FilterDef in model class

@FilterDef(name = "XXX.obj.weight", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "weight", type = java.math.BigDecimal.class))
@Filter(name = "XXX.obj.weight", condition = "weight = :weight")

and in rest service class will add to getSearch method

if (nn("obj.weight")) {
	BigDecimal numberof = new BigDecimal(get("obj.weight"));
	search.filter("XXX.obj.weight", Parameters.with("weight", numberof));

Integer usage case:

public Integer quantity;

will create FilterDef in model class

@FilterDef(name = "XXX.obj.quantity", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "quantity", type = Integer.class))
@Filter(name = "XXX.obj.quantity", condition = "quantity = :quantity")

and in rest service class will add to getSearch method

if (nn("obj.quantity")) {
	Integer numberof = _integer("obj.quantity");
	search.filter("XXX.obj.quantity", Parameters.with("quantity", numberof));

Long usage case:

public Long quantity;

will create FilterDef in model class

@FilterDef(name = "XXX.obj.quantity", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "quantity", type = Long.class))
@Filter(name = "XXX.obj.quantity", condition = "quantity = :quantity")

and in rest service class will add to getSearch method

if (nn("obj.quantity")) { 
	Long numberof = _long("obj.quantity"); 
	search.filter("XXX.obj.quantity", Parameters.with("quantity", numberof)); 

Boolean usage case:

@Q(prefix = "not")
public boolean default_template;

will create FilterDef in model class

@FilterDef(name = "XXX.not.default_template", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "default_template", type = Boolean.class))
@Filter(name = "XXX.not.default_template", condition = "default_template = :default_template")

and in rest service class will add to getSearch method

if (nn("not.default_template")) {
	Boolean valueof = _boolean("not.default_template");
	search.filter("XXX.not.default_template", Parameters.with("default_template", valueof));

if used with condition

@Q(prefix = "not", condition = "false")
public boolean default_template;

will create FilterDef in model class

@FilterDef(name = "XXX.not.default_template", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "default_template", type = Boolean.class))
@Filter(name = "XXX.not.default_template", condition = "default_template = :default_template")

and in rest service class will add to getSearch method

if (nn("not.default_template")) {
	search.filter("XXX.not.default_template", Parameters.with("not.default_template", false));

QNil, QNotNil annotations

public String executor;

will create FilterDef in model class

@FilterDef(name = "XXX.nil.executor")
@Filter(name = "XXX.nil.executor", condition = "executor IS NULL")
@FilterDef(name = "XXX.notNil.executor")
@Filter(name = "XXX.notNil.executor", condition = "executor IS NOT NULL")

and in rest service class will add to getSearch method

if (nn("nil.executor")) {
if (nn("notNil.executor")) {

QList annotation

on String field:

public String uuid;

will create FilterDef in model class

@FilterDef(name = "XXX.obj.uuids", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "uuids", type = String.class))
@Filter(name = "XXX.obj.uuids", condition = "uuid IN (:uuids)")

and in rest service class will add to getSearch method

if (nn("obj.uuids")) {
	    search.filter("XXX.obj.uuids", Parameters.with("uuids", asList("obj.uuids")));

on Integer field:

public Integer id;

will create FilterDef in model class

@FilterDef(name = "XXX.obj.ids", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "ids", type = Integer.class))
@Filter(name = "XXX.obj.ids", condition = "id IN (:ids)")

and in rest service class will add to getSearch method

if (nn("obj.uuids")) {
	    search.filter("XXX.obj.uuids", Parameters.with("uuids", asIntegerList("obj.uuids")));

on Long field:

public Long id;

will create FilterDef in model class

@FilterDef(name = "XXX.obj.ids", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "ids", type = Integer.class))
@Filter(name = "XXX.obj.ids", condition = "id IN (:ids)")

and in rest service class will add to getSearch method

if (nn("obj.uuids")) {
	    search.filter("XXX.obj.uuids", Parameters.with("uuids", asLongList("obj.uuids")));

QLikeList annotation

public String tags;

will create FilterDef in model class

@FilterDef(name = "", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "tags", type = String.class))
@Filter(name = "", condition = "lower(tags) LIKE :tags")

and in rest service class will add to getSearch method

String query = null;
Map<String, Object> params = null;
if (nn("like.tags")) {
	String[] tags = get("like.tags").split(",");
	StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
	if (null == params) {
		params = new HashMap<>();
	for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
		final String paramName = String.format("tags%d", i);
		sb.append(String.format("tags LIKE :%s", paramName));
		params.put(paramName, tags[i]);
		if (i < tags.length - 1) {
			sb.append(" OR ");
	if (null == query) {
		query = sb.toString();
	} else {
		query = query + " OR " + sb.toString();
PanacheQuery<CostCenter> search;
Sort sort = sort(orderBy);
if (sort != null) {
	search = CostCenter.find(query, sort, params);
} else {
	search = CostCenter.find(query, params);

QLogicalDelete annotation

public boolean active = true;

will create FilterDef in model class

@FilterDef(name = "", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "active", type = Boolean.class))
@Filter(name = "", condition = "active = :active")

and in rest service class will add to getSearch method

search.filter("", Parameters.with("active", true));

QInclude annotation

Used on class level to select a class for filterdef generation. If QInclude is used, all other classes are ignored. If QInclude is not used, all classes are selected.

QExclude annotation

Used on class level to deselect a class for filterdef generation.

Test builder annotations

QT annotation

QT annotation is used to describe test values, and override defaults, for test classes generation.

@QT(defaultValue = "default_fiscal_code", updatedValue = "updated_fiscal_code")
public String fiscal_code;

To generate test classes run

./mvnw queryable:testsources

The plugin will generate test stub classes for each model class, with adding, updating, deleting model items. Headers are generated for keycloak too, using token from oidc-client, thus dependencies for oidc-client should be added, along with appropriate settings in If annotations is not used on field, default values are used depending on field type. For String default values are

defaultValue = "defaultValue_" + field name
updatedValue = "updatedValue_" + field name

for int, Integer, long, Long

defaultValue = "0";
updatedValue = "1";

for boolean, Boolean

defaultValue = "false";
updatedValue = "true";

for LocalDateTime

defaultValue =;
updatedValue =;

for LocalDate

defaultValue =;
updatedValue =;

for BigDecimal

defaultValue = "0";
updatedValue = "1";

example class, with just one overloaded default value for fiscal code

public class Simple extends PanacheEntityBase {
  @GeneratedValue(generator = "uuid")
  @GenericGenerator(name = "uuid", strategy = "uuid2")
  @Column(name = "uuid", unique = true)
  public String uuid;

  public String name;

  public String surname;

  @QT(defaultValue = "BBAZNB67E68Z301G", updatedValue = "5f4984648e00e528b50")
  public String fiscal_code;

  public LocalDateTime born_date;

generated test class

public class SimpleServiceRsTest {

    KeycloakUtils keycloakUtils;

    public static Simple createdSimple;

    public String getBearerToken() {
        String token = "Bearer " + keycloakUtils.getToken();
        return token;

    public String createSingle() {
        return null;

    public int createList() {
        return 0;

    public void shouldAddSimpleItem() {
        Simple simple = new Simple();
        simple.fiscal_code = "BBAZNB67E68Z301G"; = "defaultValue_name";
        simple.surname = "defaultValue_surname";
        simple.born_date = LocalDateTime.parse("2022-03-02T19:33:23.379120043");

        String token = getBearerToken();

        createdSimple = given()
            .header(CONTENT_TYPE, ContentType.JSON)
            .header(ACCEPT, ContentType.JSON)
            .header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, token)

    public void shouldPutSimpleItem() {
        Simple simple = createdSimple;
        simple.fiscal_code = "5f4984648e00e528b50"; = "updatedValue_name";
        simple.surname = "updatedValue_surname";
        simple.born_date = LocalDateTime.parse("2022-03-03T19:33:23.380619377");

        String token = getBearerToken();

            .header(CONTENT_TYPE, ContentType.JSON)
            .header(ACCEPT, ContentType.JSON)
            .header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, token)
            .put(SIMPLE_PATH + "/" + createdSimple.uuid)
            .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);

    public void shouldDeleteSimpleItem() {

        String token = getBearerToken();

            .header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, token)
            .delete(SIMPLE_PATH + "/" + createdSimple.uuid)


Migrate to Quarkus3, from Quarkus1 and Quarkus2

To migrate to quarkus 3 run

./mvnw queryable:quarkus3conv

The plugin will replace javax imports with jakarta, and quarku2 filterdefs types with quarkus3 class types.
The migration is not complete, pom.xml, needs to be updated too.
quarkus version in pom.xml is not updated, must be done manually.


It's a Maven plugin to generate quickly java classes for JAX-RS controllers using with Quarkus and Hibernate Panache, with Hibernate @filters on @entity classes annotated.








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