A simple simulation game of a castle battle with its enemies. CMUGraphics and SFML libraries are used.
- Data of the fight (castle and enemies) is loaded from a text file (several files are provided for different scenarios).
- An output file is produced showing game status and statistics.
- 3 Modes of simulation are available:
- Interactive mode: time passes with mouse clicks.
- Step-By-Step mode: one time step passes every second.
- Silent mode:only an output file is produced (no simulation).
- The castle has 4 regions, each with a tower protecting it.
- Each time step, enemies can move closer to the castle, based on whether the area is paved.
- Enemies types:
- Fighters: Damage the castle towers.
- Shielded Fighters: Deals more damage to towers and take less damage from them.
- Pavers: Pave unpaved areas for other enemies to move on.
- Balloons: Heal wounded enemies.
- Freeze Tanks: Freezes a tower for one time step preventing it from attacking.
- Each enemy has unique reload time, fire power, starting health, etc.
- Tower and Enemy damages are calculated based on the distance they are from each other, their firepower, and several constants.
- The towers prioritize enemies that arrived first to their regions, however, some types of enemies are prioritized over others.
- The modes are dynamic, you can change the game mode during the simulation or load another file to start a new simulation.
- Sounds and images are added for better experience.