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Fractal BCH compliance Build Status

Can create Mandelbrot and Julia fractals

Run> 'java Fractal -h' for help.default mandelbrot is set.

screenshot_2 screenshot_3

Madelbrot set:

You should be able to set the iterations and the region of interest from the command-line by passing arguments; java Fractal Mandelbrot -0.5 0.5 -0.1 1 1000 means the region of interest for the image should be from -0.5<real<0.5 and -0.1<complex<1 and for each point you need to do 1000 iterations before deciding that it is in the set. Note that Fractal is the name of the application.

The Julia set:

If one types; java Fractal Julia -0.5 0.156 1000 then you should plot the Julia set for C = -0.5 + 0.156i with 1000 iterations for each point. You may take the region of interest in the complex plan as 1 < real part < 1 and -1< complex part<1 which cannot be modified.


Your program should accept arguments; at least one which would specify what set to plot. If the set selected is Mandelbrot the user should give either 0, 4 or 5 arguments. If there are 0 arguments then use the default values as specified in the table below. 4 arguments will be the region of interest in the complex plane and the 5th one is the number of iterations to do for a point. For the Julia set the user should give 0 or 2 arguments. If there are no arguments one should use the default arguments and 2 arguments will be the real and complex part for C.

Item Default value Note
Region of interest -1<real<1 -1<complex<1 Always use default for Julia
Number of iterations 1000
C -0.4+0.6i Only for Julia set