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A Roman Numeral Analysis Network with Synthetic Training Examples and Additional Tonal Tasks


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AugmentedNet is an automatic Roman numeral analysis neural network.

The network was developed by Néstor Nápoles López as part of his PhD research. It was first mentioned in a co-authored ISMIR paper in 2021, and later on in the body of the dissertation.

It has been used to power the analysis features in at least the following projects:

The version documented in the PhD dissertation matches the v1.9.1 release of this repository.

The older version of the model described in the ISMIR paper matches the v1.0.0 release of this repository.

In general, the results of v1.9.1 are better and it is encouraged to use (and compare against) that version.

PhD Dissertation

Nápoles López, Néstor. 2022. “Automatic Roman Numeral Analysis in Symbolic Music Representations.” PhD Thesis, McGill University.

	type = {{PhD} {Thesis}},
	title = {Automatic {Roman} {Numeral} {Analysis} in {Symbolic} {Music} {Representations}},
	url = {},
	school = {McGill University},
	author = {Nápoles López, Néstor},
	month = dec,
	year = {2022}


N. Nápoles López, M. Gotham, and I. Fujinaga, “AugmentedNet: A Roman Numeral Analysis Network with Synthetic Training Examples and Additional Tonal Tasks.” in Proceedings of the 22nd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 2021, pp. 404–411.

  author       = {Nápoles López, Néstor and Gotham, Mark and Fujinaga, Ichiro},
  title        = {{AugmentedNet: A Roman Numeral Analysis Network 
                   with Synthetic Training Examples and Additional
                   Tonal Tasks}},
  booktitle    = {{Proceedings of the 22nd International Society for 
                   Music Information Retrieval Conference}},
  year         = 2021,
  pages        = {404-411},
  publisher    = {ISMIR},
  address      = {Online},
  month        = nov,
  venue        = {Online},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.5624533},
  url          = {}

Try out the pre-trained network

Open in Colab

Clone, create a virtual environment, and get the python dependencies.

git clone
cd AugmentedNet
python3 -m venv .env 
source .env/bin/activate

(.env) pip install -r requirements.txt

I have experienced that pip is sometimes incapable of installing specific package versions depending on your environment. This requirements.txt was tested on a vanilla Ubuntu 20.04, both in native linux and Windows 10 WSL2. A docker tensorflow/tensorflow:2.5-gpu image should also work.

Run the pre-trained model for inference on a MusicXML file

python -m AugmentedNet.inference AugmentedNetv.hdf5 <input_file>.musicxml

Two files will be generated:

  • <input_file>_annotated.xml
  • <input_file>_annotated.csv

An annotated MusicXML file and the csv file with the predictions of every time step.

Training the network from scratch

Clone recursively (needed to collect the third-party datasets), create a virtual environment, and get the python dependencies

git clone --recursive
cd AugmentedNet
python3 -m venv .env 
source .env/bin/activate

(.env) pip install -r requirements.txt

Using accompanying data

To save you some time, we include the preprocessed tsv files of the real data, as well as the synthetic block-chord templates for texturization. These are available in the release of the latest version.


Now you are ready to train the network.

Generating synthetic examples

There are two ways to generate texturizations: at the tsv-level (legacy) and at the numpy-level (newer).

Texturizations at the tsv-level (legacy)

You can generate one texturization per file in the dataset with this script

(.env) python -m AugmentedNet.dataset_tsv_generator --synthesize --texturize

Originally, this is how I trained v1.0.0. The network was trained with exactly twice the amount of real training data.

Texturizations at the npz-level (newer)

After v1.5.0, the tsv-dataset only includes the templates (i.e., block chords). The texturization is done when encoding the numpy arrays for the neural network. Right before training.

There are two options for texturization in this way

  1. Generate one texturization per file
  2. Generate one texturization per transposition

In the second approach, every time you transpose a synthetic example to a different key, you re-texturize it. The amount of "new" training examples seen by the network is much larger this way.

You can control those settings when training the network.

# No synthetic examples
(.env) python -m AugmentedNet.train <compulsory_args>

# Synthetic examples, one texturization per file
(.env) python -m AugmentedNet.train <compulsory_args> --syntheticDataStrategy concatenate

# Synthetic examples, one texturization per transposition
(.env) python -m AugmentedNet.train <compulsory_args> --syntheticDataStrategy concatenate --texturizeEachTransposition

See next section for the <compulsory_args>.

At the moment, the code for generating the texturizations is not extremely simple, if you only wanted to do that. However, raise an issue, reach out, and I'll make my best effort to help you on your use case.

Training the network

If you want to train the network, the minimum call looks like this.

(.env) python -m AugmentedNet.train debug testexperiment

The code is integrated with mlflow. In the training script, debug and testexperiment refer to the experiment and run names passed down to mlflow. You can access more CLI parameters by running python -m AugmentedNet.train --help.

After training the network, you will get a path to the trained hdf5 model, which looks something like this:

The trained model is available in: .model_checkpoint/debug/testexperiment-220101T000000/81-6.000-0.78.hdf5

You can use that trained model for inference, using the same workflow shown above.

About the AugmentedNet

The neural network architecture

The architecture is a CRNN (Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network) with an alternative representation of pitch spelling at the input.

More information about the neural network architecture can be found in the paper.

AugmentedNet Architecture

Organization of the repo

This repository is organized in the following way

  • AugmentedNet has all the source code of the network
  • img the image diagrams of the network and code organization
  • misc useful, but non-essential, stand-alone scripts that I wrote while developing this project
  • notebooks Jupyter notebook playgrounds used throughout the project (e.g., data exploration)
  • test unit tests for all relevant modules of the network

The AugmentedNet source code

The general organization of the code is summarized by the following diagram.


Each of the blue rectangles roughly corresponds to a Python module.

The inputs of the network are pairs of (MusicXML, RomanText) files.

The inputs pairs are converted into pandas DataFrame objects, stored as .tsv files.

Later on, these are encoded in a representation that can be dispatched to the neural network.

The module documentation is located here.


Visualizing the results with mlflow

All the experiments presented in the paper were monitored using mlflow.

If you want to visualize the experiments with the mlflow ui:

  1. pip install mlflow
  2. Download our mlruns with the AugmentedNet experiments
  3. Unzip anywhere
  4. Run mlflow ui from the terminal; make sure that ./mlruns/ is reachable from the current directory
  5. Visit localhost:5000
  6. That's it! The experiments should be available in the browser

For extra convenience, I also uploaded the logs to

Here are the tables of the paper and a link to see the runs of each model in

Paper results and tensorboard visualizations

AugmentedNet configurations

These are the results for the four different configurations of the AugmentedNet.

Model Key Deg. Qual. Inv. Root RN
AugmentedNet6 82.7 64.4 76.6 77.4 82.5 43.3
AugmentedNet6+ 83.0 65.1 77.5 78.6 83.0 44.6
AugmentedNet11 81.3 64.2 77.2 76.1 82.9 43.1
AugmentedNet11+ 83.7 66.0 77.6 77.2 83.2 45.0

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6 and 11 indicate the number of tasks in the multitask learning layout.

+ indicates the use of synthetic training data.

AugmentedNet vs. other models

These are the results for the best AugmentedNet configuration (11+) against other models.

Test set Training set Model Key Degree Quality Inversion Root ComRN RNconv RNalt
Full test set Full dataset AugN 82.9 67.0 79.7 78.8 83.0 65.6 46.4 51.5
WiR Full dataset AugN 81.8 69.2 85.9 90.3 90.3 70.2 56.4 62.4
HaydnSun Full dataset AugN 81.2 62.9 80.2 82.7 86.5 60.4 48.6 52.1
ABC Full dataset AugN 83.6 65.6 78.0 76.9 78.9 62.6 44.5 48.4
TAVERN Full dataset AugN 88.7 60.0 77.4 78.8 81.5 66.3 42.6 52.9
WTC Full dataset AugN 77.2 69.7 75.0 74.4 82.7 61.7 46.2 47.9
WTCcrossval BPS+WTC AugN 85.1(4.0) 62.9(5.5) 69.1(1.9) 70.1(3.7) 79.2(1.8) 59.9(3.4) 42.9(4.2) 46.9(4.7)
WTCcrossval BPS+WTC CS21 56.3(2.5) - - - - - 26.0(1.7) -
BPS Full dataset AugN 85.0 73.4 79.0 73.4 84.4 68.3 45.4 49.3
BPS All data Mi20 82.9 68.3 76.6 72.0 - - 42.8 -
BPS BPS+WTC AugN 82.9 70.9 80.7 72.0 85.3 67.6 44.1 47.5
BPS BPS+WTC CS21 79.0 - - - - - 41.7 -
BPS BPS AugN 83.0 71.2 80.3 71.1 84.1 68.5 44.0 47.4
BPS BPS Mi20 80.6 66.5 76.3 68.1 - - 39.1 -
BPS BPS CS19 78.4 65.1 74.6 62.1 - - - -
BPS BPS CS18 66.7 51.8 60.6 59.1 - - 25.7 -

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A Roman Numeral Analysis Network with Synthetic Training Examples and Additional Tonal Tasks







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