Objective-C Helper Methods to interact with Plaid.com. These classes are a subclass of AFNetworking. You must have AFNetworking as a part of your project for these methods to work. AFNetworking can be found at http://afnetworking.com
Nearly all methods require a Plaid ClientID and a Plaid Secret. You can sign up to receive these at http://plaid.com
Import AFNetworking into your project. PlaidHTTPClient is a subclass of AFHTTPSessionManager
###Methods First create an singleton instance of PlaidHTTPClient with
+ (PlaidHTTPClient *)sharedPlaidHTTPClient;
All methods are performed in the background with the responses from Plaid in the form of a completion handler.
#####Retrieve All Institutions
- (void)downloadPlaidInstitutionsWithCompletionHandler: (void(^)(NSArray * institutions))handler;
institutions will be an array of NSDictionaries
####Log In to Institution Once an institution is selected, you can log into the institution with
- (void)loginToInstitution: (NSString *)institutionType
userName: (NSString *)userName
password: (NSString *)password
pin: (NSString *)pin
email: (NSString *)email
withCompletionHandler: (void(^)(NSInteger responseCode, NSDictionary *userAccounts))handler;
'pin' is optional. If the institution does not require one, set to nil. userAccounts will indicate if an MFA authentication is required. Default MFA is questions
####MFA Response Submit the user's MFA response using
- (void)submitMFAResponse: (NSString *)mfaResponse
institution: (NSString *)institutionType
accessToken: (NSString *)accessToken
withCompletionHandler: (void(^)(NSInteger responseCode, NSDictionary *userAccounts))handler;
userAccounts will either return another MFA response or the list of user accounts
####Download User Account Details And Transactions
- (void)downloadAccountDetailsForAccessToken: (NSString *)accessToken
account: (NSString *)accountID
success: (void(^)(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, NSDictionary *accountDetails))success
failure: (void(^)(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, NSError *error))failure;
- (void) downloadTransactionsForAccessToken: (NSString *)accessToken
pending: (BOOL) isPending
account: (NSString *)accountID
sinceTransaction: (NSString *)transactionID
gte: (NSDate *)fromDate
lte: (NSDate *)toDate
success: (void(^)(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, NSArray * transactions))handler
failure: (void(^)(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, NSError *error))handler;
isPending, accountID, transactionID, fromDate, toDate are all optional fields. Set to nil if not needed. If accountID is not set, all transactions for the particular institution will be downloaded
####Plaid Entity Details
- (void)downloadPlaidEntity: (NSString *)entityID
success: (void(^)(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, id plaidEntity))success
failure: (void(^)(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, NSError *error))failure;