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This project builds an automated, monthly feedback form sent to a team, the results of which are complied, saved, and sent to the Principal Investigator (PI). The tool is ‘deploy and forget,’ meaning once the infrastructure is in place, it operates automatically in perpetuity.


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Google Apps Script Project

EK Klinkman, EJ Rouse Neurobionics Lab, Department of Robotics, University of Michigan, 2024


This repository contains the code for a Google Apps Script (GAS) project. The project is designed to build an automated, monthly feedback form sent to a team, the results of which are complied, saved, and sent to the Principal Investigator (PI). The tool is ‘deploy and forget,’ meaning once the infrastructure is in place, it operates automatically in perpetuity. This tool was written for the Neurobionics Lab at the University of Michigan Department of Robotics. The purpose of this tool is to establish a quick, no-overhead feedback mechanism where students / staff can share anything they’d like to say to their advisor. Each month, this tool will:

  • Automatically email a pre-defined questionnaire on the same day every month
  • Collect responses in a google sheet and generate a PDF report of the current month’s responses over two days
  • Save the PDF feedback report in a google drive folder for record keeping
  • Email the PDF report to the lab PI

To get started, you will need to create and modify some Google documents, which will then set the tool up for your group. Once it’s created and launched, it will operate monthly in perpetuity.

To create the tool for your group, you will need to: 1) create a google form, 2) draft an email, 3) create a google apps script project. This document will walk through the steps required, which may take an hour.


Integration with Google Services: Integrates with Google Forms, Google Sheets and Google Drive to manage, store, and read data.

Google Apps Script (GAS) works with Clasp for local development and version control


  • Code.js: Contains the main script logic for processing form data and sending emails.
  • send_neurobionics_form.html: HTML file of sample email asking for team members to fill out feedback form.


To set up this project on your local machine, follow these steps:

1. Install Node.js and npm

Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed. You can download and install them from

2. Install Clasp

Clasp is a command-line tool used to manage Google Apps Script projects.

  1. Open your Command Prompt, PowerShell, or terminal.
  2. Install Clasp globally using npm:
    npm install -g @google/clasp

3. Log In to Clasp

You will need to log in to Clasp to authorize it to access your Google account

  1. Run the following command
    clasp login
  2. Follow the prompts to authorize Clasp with your google account

4. Clone the repository using Git

  1. Clone the repository into the local directory of your choice using git
  2. Navigate to the directory of your cloned GitHub repository via Command Prompt, PowerShell, or terminal

5. Unlink existing '.clasp.json' file

Remove old file

del .clasp.json

Google Apps Script setup

1. Create a new Google Apps Script project & push Git repository to GAS project

  1. Create a new project using CLASP
clasp create "New Project Name"
  1. Choose script type: when prompted, select 'standalone'

NOTE: you may receive the following warning message:

 User has not enabled the Apps Script API. Enable it by visiting
 then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.

Enable the API and re-run the previous clasp command.

CLASP may prompt you about overwriting local files. Since you want to push your GitHub repository's content to the new Google Apps Script project, select No to prevent overwriting your local files.

  1. Push the files now that the repository is linked to the new GAS project
clasp push
  1. Verify the push
clasp open

Review the files to ensure everything has been uploaded correctly.

2. Create a Google Form & Google Drive Folder

Using your desired Google account, create a Google form. Instructions for creating a google form can be found here. Once you have created your form, navigate to the ‘Responses’ tab and click on ‘Link to Sheets’. LinkToSheets

This will create a google sheet to record form responses, from which your Google Apps Script will operate.

To see a version of Dr. Rouse’s form, please see this link.

NOTE: this sheet needs to be owned by whomever is setting up and deploying the project, in order for GAS to have permissions to pull its content.

Navigate to your Google drive and create a new folder. This folder will be used as an archive to store a PDF of the monthly feedback report.

3. Draft an email

You will need to draft an email with your desired message that will be sent out to the target recipients of your form. Make sure to include the link to your google form within the body of this email. Once drafted, send the email to yourself. Open the email in your inbox and select ‘show original’.


Copy everything that’s enclosed in the < html >...</ html>" or <div...div> tags (including the tags). This HTML text is coded as encoded-printable, and you will need to decode it. You can use this site here. Copy this code to your clipboard, you will need it in the next steps.

The email used by Prof. Rouse is provided as an example:

Hello team--please take <5 minutes to fill out the monthly Lab feedback form sometime in the next 24 hours (link). 
The more people who participate in providing feedback, the better we can be at addressing team needs, supporting each other, 
and streamlining lab operations. 

All responses are anonymous; we will not collect names or email addresses with your feedback. Please be respectful and constructive. 

Thank you!


4. Edit the local repository with your content

The following information within and send_neurobionics_form.html will need to be populated with your information. This can either be done locally using a text editor or coding environment, or within the GAS editing page once you push the repository to your GAS project (see step 5 below).


Replace text in this template file with your decoded html from Step 3 above. You can rename the .html file if you wish.

Populate global variables

  • toEmailAddress: populate this with the recipient's email
  • name_of_your_file.html: populate with the name of your decoded html file. You can also leave this as-is if you did not change the name of the file from "send_neurobionics_form.html"
  • subject: enter email subject
  • message: can leave blank, .html file will overwrite
  • spreadsheetURL: paste your form response spreadsheet URL between single quotes. NOTE: this sheet needs to be owned by YOU in order for GAS to pull its content
  • sheetTab: paste your feedback tab name between single quotes
  • folderID: paste google folder ID between single quotes. The ID of a google folder is the string of numbers and letters at the end of the folder URL (ex. ID = 1dyUEebJaFnWa3Z4n0BFMVAXQ7mfUH11g within the URL https:// drive. google. com/ drive/ folders/ 1dyUEebJaFnWa3Z4n0BFMVAXQ7mfUH11g)
  • recipient: populate email address between single quotes of wherever you want to send response report
  • subject_report: report email subject between single quotes
  • body: insert email body between single quotes

5. Push the updated code to Google Apps Script

If you make changes in the GAS editor page after your initial clasp push command, you will need to pull the changes to your local repository using the following command:

clasp pull

If you make changes locally, you can push the changes to your GAS project using clasp push

6. Deploy the project

  1. Test your functions in the GAS environment

After using Clasp to push the project to your GAS environment, it is recommended to test/debug two functions, (1) sendFormEmail and (2) refreshAndSendEmail, before deploying. Select the function to test from the dropdown menu and click "run".


  1. Add triggers within GAS environment

After testing the script locally within GAS, debugging, and customizing settings to your desired specifications, you will need to set up triggers in order to run the project. Click on ‘Triggers’ from the left hand sidebar.


Click ‘Add Trigger’ - you will add a separate trigger for the ‘sendFormEmail’ and ‘refreshAndSendEmail’ functions.

Customize your desired Trigger settings.


For both ‘sendFormEmail’ and ‘refreshAndSendEmail’: I recommend a time-driven event source and month timer. These options will allow you to select which day of the month and time of day the initial email is sent out, and enable you to delay sending results (e.g. 48 hours after the initial email is sent).

NOTE: It is possible to hard-code your triggers into the script itself. This project does not cover that functionality.

Once you have configured the triggers, you can deploy your project.

  1. Deploy project within GAS environment

To deploy your project, click ‘Deploy’ → ‘New Deployment’.


Enter your desired information in the pop-up window. A 'Web app' deployment is recommended.


It is recommended to test your trigger timing and deployment before sending to your desired audience.


  1. You will likely need to authorize the project by providing permission for the script to access your data.


Allow the project to access your Google Account: press ‘Allow’.

  1. The script does not handle text wrapping/width formatting within the CurrentMonthSnapshot.pdf very well.

This may require you to manually adjust column widths within the CurrentMonth data sheet and run/debug the ‘refreshAndSendEmail’ function several times to preview the CurrentMonthSnapshot.pdf output until it meets your desired format.


Please report any issues here.


Contributions are welcome. Please see the Contributions page for more information.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out:


This project builds an automated, monthly feedback form sent to a team, the results of which are complied, saved, and sent to the Principal Investigator (PI). The tool is ‘deploy and forget,’ meaning once the infrastructure is in place, it operates automatically in perpetuity.







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