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Releases: nflverse/nflreadr

nflreadr 1.4.1

29 Jul 14:05
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This release covers a number of bugfixes and function improvements:

  • %c% internal helper now uses data.table::fifelse() to avoid falsely converting
    dates to integers. (#214)
  • load_schedules() cleans the roof variable in order to avoid nflverse model
    issues. (#218)
  • join_coalesce() coerces x/y args to data.frame and will return a data.frame
  • most_recent_season() now internally computes the exact day of the season
    opener as Thursday after first Monday of September. (#221)
  • load_espn_qbr() no longer supports argument league which used to allow
    loading of College QBR (not in nflverse scope) (#222)
  • New function stat_mode(), a re-export from nflfastR, which computes the
    statistical mode of a vector. (#224)
  • load_ftn_charting() now accepts the argument file_type. (#228)
  • clean_team_abbrs() now accepts the "team" name "NFL". (#231)
  • load_participation() now returns additional fields time_to_throw,
    was_pressure, defense_man_zone_type, and defense_coverage_type (#233,
    thank you @mistakia @john-b-edwards)
  • clean_player_names() now can transliterate to latin-ascii if the stringi package
    is available, controlled by the convert_to_ascii argument.

Thank you to: @arjunmenon10, @engineerchange, @isaactpetersen, @Jeffery-777, @john-b-edwards, @justlikekevin, @mrcaseb, @SCasanova, and @tanho63 for their questions, feedback, and contributions to this release.

nflreadr 1.4.0

05 Sep 14:38
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This release addresses bugs, improves some utilities, and adds a few new datasets.

New Datasets

  • load_player_stats(stat_type = "defense") added to provide defensive player stats
    as computed by nflfastR::calculate_player_stats_def() (#200) It also comes with
    a data dictionary, courtesy of @mpcen (#192)
  • load_ftn_charting() adds manual charting data for 2022-onwards, graciously
    provided by FTN Data. This should automatically be updated when published
    by FTN, and the early indication is that it will be within 48 hours after a game
    has finished.

Function Improvements

  • nflverse_sitrep() and friends overhauled:
    • now returns a list of sitrep attributes rather than only printing to console (for programmatic use)
    • now checks CRAN and r-universe to tell you if your installation is behind cran or devel
    • now handles dependencies for nflverse/ffverse packages that are not on CRAN
  • nflreadr::most_recent_season() and aliases get_latest_season, get_current_season
    etc now use March 15th as the changeover for league year. Hopefully this is not
    a moving target 🙃
  • nflreadr::clean_homeaway() now handles columns with suffixes _home and _away
  • nflreadr::nflverse_game_id() now accepts old team abbreviations and outputs useful errors.
  • Added .for_cran() to limit parallelization in CRAN examples and tests
  • make_nflverse_data_class() now uses data.table::setattr() to preserve data.table pointer

Dictionary updates

  • Clarified description of the "special" variable in the play-by-play data dictionary. (#189)

Thank you to @ak47twq, @alecglen, @andycancapital, @bullaspc, @mcarman8, @mpcen, @mrcaseb, @tanho63, @tashapiro, and @TheMathNinja for their questions, feedback, and contributions to this release


nflreadr 1.3.2

06 Jan 12:33
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Minor changes and patch CRAN-related example issue.


  • .clear_cache() now re-exported without dot prefix as clear_cache(). Hopefully more obvious.
  • join_coalesce() is now added as a utility to join two dataframes and coalesce any shared columns.
  • load_teams() now uses the argument current (TRUE/FALSE) to standardize which rows are returned - this aligns with nflreadr::clean_team_abbrs and nflreadr::team_abbr_mapping
  • dictionary_participation added (thank you @Josephhero!)
  • clean_homeaway() now preserves neutral site location as well as input class and input attributes
  • load_ff_rankings() URL bug corrected (thank you @kharigardner)
  • test and example for clean_homeaway() resolved for CRAN failure

Thank you to @ak47twq, @bachlaw, @brunomioto, @guga31bb, @Josephhero, @kharigardner, @mrcaseb, @MysteryPollster, @numbersinfigures, and @ohri for their questions, feedback, and contributions towards this release.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.3.2

nflreadr 1.3.1

06 Jan 01:12
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Fixes CRAN bug and provides some function improvements, most notably improved logic for load_participation()'s pbp join.

New Features

  • Added nflverse_game_id() which computes valid nflverse game identifiers in the format "{season}_{week}_{away}_{home}"

Function Updates

  • load_participation() now joins pbp on via nflverse_game_id instead of old_game_id
  • load_snap_counts() now allows download of the 2012 season which was previously hardcoded from 2013 (#128)
  • progressively() now works with purrr-style lambda functions and no longer checks for progressor class, allowing it to be used more flexibly (and with cli-based progress bars.)


  • nflverse_releases() and nflverse_download() now accept .token arguments which default to gh::gh_token(). This is mostly to let us test things properly. (#131)
  • Adjust import references per Jenny Bryan's recommendations in hadley/r-pkgs#828 to avoid loading unused packages.
  • clean_player_names() now fully lives in nflreadr, the squish/trim happens first
  • player name mapping update
  • get_current_season() now exists, because we can't agree on what to name things.

Thank you to @atungate,@grayhawk40, @guga31bb,@jestarr, @john-b-edwards,@marvin3FF,@mrcaseb, @SCasanova, @shirondru, @tanho63, and @TheMathNinja for their contributions and feedback towards this release!

nflreadr 1.3.0

06 Aug 20:50
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This release introduces several new data functions, some new utilities, and an array of data/function updates.

New Data!

  • load_participation() returns new play-level information about what players are on the field, how many players are in the box, and what formation the offense is using. Data from NGS starting 2016 and onward
  • load_contracts() downloads (historical) player contracts from
  • load_players() returns player-level information and is the new recommended source (over rosters) for IDs, positions, birthdates etc.
  • load_rosters_weekly() provides week-by-week team rosters dating back to 2002.
  • load_officials() returns game-level information about which officials are assigned to specific games.

New Functions!

  • nflverse_download() downloads all files attached to specified/all releases to a local folder. This facilitates something like arrow::open_dataset() for reading files locally.
  • nflverse_releases() lists all releases that can be loaded through nflverse_download()
  • load_from_url() exposes a new utility function for loading any csv, rds, qs, parquet URL to memory.

Function Updates!

  • load_draft_picks() now has the rest of the career stat fields from PFR
  • *sitrep() functions now report package-specific options that are set.
  • get_current_week() helper to get the current nfl season week
  • load_rosters() now provides season-level rosters dating back to 1920.

Other bugfixes

  • moved rbindlist to a helper that manages attributes better
  • update dictionary_snap_counts and dictionary_schedules with some missing fields
  • rewrite from_url error messages to use cli and improve usefulness
  • bump minimum rlang version to 1.0.0
  • add piggyback suggested dependency
  • Export old class to support S4/DBI/nflfastR::update_db() as if it were a tibble
  • Fix exportOldClass so that it supports only data.frame stuff? we have no idea,,,
  • options(nflreadr.prefer) defaults to rds now since qs is no longer a required dependency
  • clean_player_names() now also removes commas (after optionally using them for convert_lastfirst)
  • clean_player_names() now also removes all caps suffixes
  • dictionary updates: return labelled.
  • .sitrep() exits nicely if no packages are to be investigated. #114
  • refactored all the loaders to use load_from_url as primary
  • fixed broken example in load_ff_opportunity() documentation. #117

Thank you to @albtree, @john-b-edwards, @mrcaseb, @pranavrajaram, @tanho63, and @tpenney89 for their contributions and feedback on this release!

nflreadr 1.2.0

21 Mar 14:43
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This release updates all nflverse URLs to use the new nflverse-data repository releases, as well as provides improved pretty-printing methods that tell you when the data was last updated.

nflreadr 1.1.3

28 Jan 13:52
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This release adds functions and arguments to access new data, along with some backend changes.

New data and functions

  • load_ff_opportunity() downloads expected fantasy points data from the ffopportunity package
  • load_ff_rankings() gains an "all" parameter to return all available rankings data (weekly archives since 2019)
  • load_pfr_advstats() gains a "summary_level" parameter to return season-level data, which has some fields that are not available at the week-level.


  • options(nflreadr.verbose) replaces options(nflreadr.cache_warning) as the best way to silence nflreadr messages.
  • Improved data dictionaries for ESPN QBR, Injuries, Trades, Depth Charts, and Combine
  • Exported most_recent_season() function
  • Updated documentation with improved linking and where to file data issues.
  • Sitrep functions have ffopportunity and nflverse packages.
  • Pkgdown site upgraded to Bootstrap 5.

Thank you to @armstjc, @Grayhawk34, @john-b-edwards, @mrcaseb, @pranavrajaram, @rogers1000, and @tanho63 for their contributions and feedback on this release!

nflreadr 1.1.2

09 Dec 15:49
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A small update that adds sitrep functions for checking package dependencies and helping with debugging.


  • nflverse_sitrep() and ffverse_sitrep() give a minimal overview of the package dependencies
  • Minimum R version bumped to R 3.6.0 - this is the minimum version required to read the current RDS file-version.

nflreadr 1.1.1

05 Oct 18:39
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New Data and Functions

  • clean_player_names() and clean_team_abbrs() added - these help standardise player names and team abbreviations based on internal dictionaries.
  • load_ff_rankings() now has a type argument and can return "draft" or "week" rankings from the DynastyProcess/data repo.
  • clean_homeaway() converts a dataframe of games with columns prefixed with home_ and away_ to a dataframe of teams, renaming to team_ and opponent_ and doubling the rows.
  • Added load_pfr_advstats() which provides pass, rush, rec, def additional data for each week.

Bug Fixes

  • Add Rcpp and RcppParallel minimum dependencies to fix qs issues.
  • Added a message that reminds the user of the caching behavior. The message will be displayed once every 8 hours if the session is interactive.
  • Adjusted file location of snap count data

Thank you to @ajreinhard, @brunomioto, @jthomasmock, @mrcaseb, @SCasanova, and @tanho63 for their feedback and contributions to this package!

nflreadr 1.1.0

02 Sep 11:55
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This release makes some backend changes for speed, reduced dependency footprint, and ease of maintenance.

New Data

  • load_player_stats() can now retrieve weekly summaries of kicking data by specifying the stat_type argument to be "kicking".
  • load_combine() retrieves NFL combine data (from PFR).

Backend Changes

  • Remove progress handling from *_from_url() family of functions and move responsibility to progressively() function decorator instead. See vignette for details.
  • Removed dependency on dplyr and purrr in favour of data.table - this hopefully improves speed and reduces the dependency footprint.
  • Uses rlang::arg_match0 instead of match.arg (uses rlang explicitly instead of implicitly as a dependency of memoise).