In this project, we will parse arxiv latex file, restruct it(recomplie \newcommand and \input and so on) and extract figure/table or other information tag for training.
we use pylatexenc to parse the latex file.
- Parse latex using pylatexenc
- reconstruct latex file
- extract target function
- Parse figure or other information
- extract information
- format to internlmxcomposer training format.
from gettext import find
import sys
import os
file_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sys.path.append(os.path.join(file_path, "utils"))
import pylatexenc
from pylatexenc.latexwalker import LatexWalker
from pylatexenc.latex2text import LatexNodes2Text
from pylatexenc.latexnodes import nodes as latexnodes_nodes
from pylatexenc.latexnodes import parsers as latexnodes_parsers
from pylatexenc import _util,macrospec,latexwalker
from process import (
reconstruct_latex, get_all_figure)
file_path = "./example/a.tex"
with open(file_path, "r") as fp:
latex_data =
reconstruct_latex_data = reconstruct_latex(latex_data)
all_figure = get_all_figure(reconstruct_latex_data)