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Releases: nicolargo/glances

Glances 4.2.1

01 Nov 11:00
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  • [WEBUI] Came back to default Black Theme / Reduce font size #2993
  • Improve hide_zero option #2958

Bug corrected:

  • Possible memory leak #2976
  • Docker/Podman shoud not flood log file with ERROR if containers list can not be retreived #2994
  • Using "-w" option gives error: NameError: name 'Any' is not defined #2992
  • Non blocking error message when Glances starts from a container (alpine-dev image) #2991

Continuous integration and documentation:

  • Migrate from to pyproject.yml #2956
  • Make pyproject.toml's version dynamic #2990

Thanks to all contributors and bug reporters !

Special thanks to:

Glances 4.2.0

20 Oct 16:46
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  • Call process_iter.clear_cache() (PsUtil 6+) when Glances user force a refresh (F5 or CTRL-R) #2753
  • PsUtil 6+ no longer check PID reused #2755
  • Add support for automatically hiding network interfaces that are down or that don't have any IP addresses #2799

Bug corrected:

  • API: Network module is disabled but appears in endpoint "all" #2815
  • API is not compatible with requests containing special/encoding char #2820
  • 'j' hot key crashes Glances #2831
  • Raspberry PI - CPU info is not correct #2616
  • Graph export is broken if there is no graph section in Glances configuration file #2839
  • Glances API status check returns Error 405 - Method Not Allowed #2841
  • Rootless podman containers cause glances to fail with KeyError #2827
  • --export-process-filter Filter using complete command #2824
  • Exception when Glances is ran with limited plugin list #2822
  • Disable separator option do not work #2823

Continuous integration and documentation:

  • test test_107_fs_plugin_method fails on aarch64-linux #2819

Thanks to all contributors and bug reporters !

Special thanks to:

  • Bharath Vignesh J K
  • RazCrimson
  • Vadim Small

Glances 4.1.2

04 Jul 07:48
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Version 4.1.2

Bug corrected:

  • AttributeError: 'CpuPercent' object has no attribute 'cpu_percent' #2859

Version 4.1.1

Bug corrected:

  • Sensors data is not exported using InfluxDB2 exporter #2856

Version 4.1.0


  • Call process_iter.clear_cache() (PsUtil 6+) when Glances user force a refresh (F5 or CTRL-R) #2753
  • PsUtil 6+ no longer check PID reused #2755
  • Add support for automatically hiding network interfaces that are down or that don't have any IP addresses #2799

Bug corrected:

  • API: Network module is disabled but appears in endpoint "all" #2815
  • API is not compatible with requests containing spcial/encoding char #2820
  • 'j' hot key crashs Glances #2831
  • Raspberry PI - CPU info is not correct #2616
  • Graph export is broken if there is no graph section in Glances configuration file #2839
  • Glances API status check returns Error 405 - Method Not Allowed #2841
  • Rootless podman containers cause glances to fail with KeyError #2827
  • --export-process-filter Filter using complete command #2824
  • Exception when Glances is ran with limited plugin list #2822
  • Disable separator option do not work #2823

Continious integration and documentation:

  • test test_107_fs_plugin_method fails on aarch64-linux #2819

Thanks to all contibutors and bug reporters !

Special thanks to:

  • Bharath Vignesh J K
  • RazCrimson
  • Vadim Smal

Glances 4.1.1

29 Jun 16:11
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Version 4.1.1

Bug corrected:

  • Sensors data is not exported using InfluxDB2 exporter #2856

Version 4.1.0


  • Call process_iter.clear_cache() (PsUtil 6+) when Glances user force a refresh (F5 or CTRL-R) #2753
  • PsUtil 6+ no longer check PID reused #2755
  • Add support for automatically hiding network interfaces that are down or that don't have any IP addresses #2799

Bug corrected:

  • API: Network module is disabled but appears in endpoint "all" #2815
  • API is not compatible with requests containing spcial/encoding char #2820
  • 'j' hot key crashs Glances #2831
  • Raspberry PI - CPU info is not correct #2616
  • Graph export is broken if there is no graph section in Glances configuration file #2839
  • Glances API status check returns Error 405 - Method Not Allowed #2841
  • Rootless podman containers cause glances to fail with KeyError #2827
  • --export-process-filter Filter using complete command #2824
  • Exception when Glances is ran with limited plugin list #2822
  • Disable separator option do not work #2823

Continious integration and documentation:

  • test test_107_fs_plugin_method fails on aarch64-linux #2819

Thanks to all contibutors and bug reporters !

Special thanks to:

  • Bharath Vignesh J K
  • RazCrimson
  • Vadim Smal

Glances 4.0.8

08 Jun 08:33
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Version 4.0.8

  • Make CORS option configurable security webui #2812
  • When Glances is installed via venv, default configuration file is not used documentation packaging #2803
  • GET /1272f6e9e8f9d6bfd6de.png results in 404 bug webui #2781 by Emporea was closed May 25, 2024
  • Screen frequently flickers when outputting to local display bug needs test #2490
  • Retire ujson for being in maintenance mode dependencies enhancement #2791

Glances 4.0.7

31 May 06:50
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Version 4.0.7

  • cpu_hz_current not available on NetBSD #2792
  • SensorType change in REST API breaks compatibility in 4.0.4 #2788

Version 4.0.6

  • No GPU info on Web View #2796

Version 4.0.5

  • SensorType change in REST API breaks compatibility in 4.0.4 #2788
  • Please make pydantic optional dependency, not required one #2777
  • Update the Grafana dashboard #2780
  • 4.0.4 - On Glances startup "ERROR -- Can not init battery class #2776
  • In codeSpace (with Python 3.8), an error occurs in ./ #2773

Use Ruff as default Linter.

Version 4.0.4

Hostfix release for support sensors plugin on python 3.8

Version 4.0.3

Additional fixes for Sensor plugin

Version 4.0.2

  • hotfix: plugin(sensors) - race conditions btw fan_speed & temperature… #2766
  • fix: include requirements.txt and for pypi dist #2761

Thanks to RazCrimson for the sensors patch !

Version 4.0.1

Correct issue with CI (miss pydantic dep).

Version 4.0.0

New Features

Export individual processes stats

Thanks to the new software architecture it is now possible to export individual processes stats.

You should define the processes to export from the configuration file (section processlist /option export)
or via the --export-process-filter option on the command line.

Those options are a comma separated list of Glances filter (example bellow):

  • python.*: Filter processes name or command line starting with python
  • .python.: Filter processes name or command line containing python
  • username:nicolargo: Processes belong to nicolargo user
  • cmdline:/usr/bin.*: Processes starting by /usr/bin

The following example exports all processes with the name 'python' or 'bash':


Note: or the --export-process-filter ".python.,.bash." option in the command line.

Another example exports all processes belong to 'nicolargo' user:


Note: or the --export-process-filter "username:nicolargo" option in the command line.

Last example with the output result in a CSV file, with the following command line example:

glances -C ./conf/glances.conf --export csv --export-csv-file /tmp/glances.csv --disable-plugin all --enable-plugin processlist --quiet

the output CSV file (with the PID as primary key) will look like:

2024-04-03 18:39:55,3.692938041968513,S,138,1702.88,567.89,1752.79,244.18,0.0,288919552,12871561216,95182848,856064,0,984535040,0,firefox,1863281664,0,0.5,845992,1000,1000,1000,pid,2.2084147930145264,/snap/firefox/3836/usr/lib/firefox/firefox,nicolargo,403,1,333,1511,0
2024-04-03 18:39:57,3.692938041968513,S,138,1702.88,567.89,1752.79,244.18,0.0,288919552,12871561216,95182848,856064,0,984535040,0,firefox,1863281664,0,0.5,845992,1000,1000,1000,pid,2.2084147930145264,/snap/firefox/3836/usr/lib/firefox/firefox,nicolargo,403,1,333,1511,0

Note: more details in issue #794.

GPU plugin now support AMD GPU

Lasts Linux Kernel expose the GPU stats in the /sys/class/drm folder.

So, additionally to NVidia cards and without any external lib, Glances can display AMD GPU stats:


GPU plugin software architecture has been re-factorized in order to easily add others cards in the future (Intel).

Note: more details in issue #993.

Wifi plugin is back

As Glances version 4 is no longer supported Python 2, Wifi plugin has been refactor and do not need any external library.

Glances parses the /proc/net/wireless file on new Linux kernel.


Note: more details in issue #1377.

Refactor alias configuration

Alias has been completely refactor for all plugins in order to make it easier to configure.

Glances version 3.x and lower:


Glances version 4.x and higher:


Note: more details in issue #1735.

Fields descriptions and units are now available through the API

You can now get stat description and unit through the Glances version 4 API.

$ curl
$ curl
"Sum of all CPU percentages (except idle)."
$ curl

Note: more details in issue #2630.

Make the left menu configurable

It is now possible to configure the plugins list displayed in the Curses and Web interfaces thanks to the left_menu option in the outputs section of the Glances configuration file:




Quick look plugin is now configurable

By default it displays CPU, Memory and Load information.


Example to cam back to the Glances version 3.0 configuration (with swap instead of load):

# Stats list (default is cpu,mem,load)
# Available stats are: cpu,mem,load,swap
# Graphical bar char used in the terminal user interface (default is |)

Note: More information in issue #2662.

Enhance per CPU display

Number of cores increase, so the "Per CPU" plugin has been adpated in order to display the top 'n' CPU consuption ('n' is configurable from the Glances configuration file through the max_cpu_display option in the percpu section (default is 4 CPUs).


Note: see more details in issue #2734.

Display guest CPU statistic in the CPU plugin

On Linux, guest CPU is percentage of time a virtual CPU spends servicing another virtual CPU under the control of the kernel.


  • Ability to hide Engine and Pod columns in Containers #2423

A new logo !

Last and not least, thanks to Elad @eBarazi...


a new logo is released...



Speed up Glances launch

Glances version 3 takes between 2 and 3 seconds to start.
Glances version 4 takes less than 1 seconds to start, with all plugins.

See #1534 for more information.

Huge improvement of the Restful API documentation

More example and information available in the single page documentation:

Breaking changes

Python version

Support of Python 2 has been removed. Glances needs Python 3.8 or higher.

Python dependencies

For package maintainers, please note that standards dependencies have changed.

Minimal requirements for Glances version 4 are:

  • psutil
  • defusedxml
  • packaging
  • ujson
  • pydantic
  • fastapi (for WebUI / RestFull API)
  • uvicorn (for WebUI / RestFull API)
  • jinja2 (for WebUI / RestFull API)

Majors changes between Glances version 3 and version 4:

  • Bottle has been replaced by FastAPI and Uvicorn
  • CouchDB has been replaced by PyCouchDB
  • nvidia-ml-py has been replaced by py3nvml
  • pysnmp has been replaced by pysnmp-lextudio


  • XML/RPC API have changed between Glances 3 and Glances 4. It is not possible to use a Glances 3.x client with a Glances 4.x.
  • Restful API upgraded to version 4 (default entry point is http://localhost:61208/api/4).

Alias definition change in the configuration file

Glances version 3.x and lower:


Glances version 4.x and higher:


More details in issue #1735.


  • Alert data model change from a list of list to a list of dict #2633
  • Docker memory usage uses the same algorithm than docker stats #2637

All the issues corrected in this version


  • Export individual processes stats #794
  • [WebUI] Feature Request: Ability to hide Engine and Pod columns in Containers #2423
  • [IP plugin] Make the public ip information more configurable (not only from the Censys service) #2732
  • Getting field information (description, unit) from the API #2630
  • Refactor alias configuration and allow alias for fs devices #1735
  • Improve alert with mininimal interval/duration configuration keys #2558
  • --stdout plugin.attr is not compliant with plugins returning list of dicts #2446
  • Lot's of log messages when a proxy is used with the Podman plugin #2714
  • [WEBUI & CURSES] Make the left menu configurable #2648
  • [WEBUI] Custom system header information #2695
  • [CURSES] Use normal color for normal text instead of an arbitrary color #2687
  • [WEBUI] Showin...
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Glances 4.0.6

25 May 10:14
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New Features

Export individual processes stats

Thanks to the new software architecture it is now possible to export individual processes stats.

You should define the processes to export from the configuration file (section processlist /option export)
or via the --export-process-filter option on the command line.

Those options are a comma separated list of Glances filter (example bellow):

  • python.*: Filter processes name or command line starting with python
  • .python.: Filter processes name or command line containing python
  • username:nicolargo: Processes belong to nicolargo user
  • cmdline:/usr/bin.*: Processes starting by /usr/bin

The following example exports all processes with the name 'python' or 'bash':


Note: or the --export-process-filter ".python.,.bash." option in the command line.

Another example exports all processes belong to 'nicolargo' user:


Note: or the --export-process-filter "username:nicolargo" option in the command line.

Last example with the output result in a CSV file, with the following command line example:

glances -C ./conf/glances.conf --export csv --export-csv-file /tmp/glances.csv --disable-plugin all --enable-plugin processlist --quiet

the output CSV file (with the PID as primary key) will look like:

2024-04-03 18:39:55,3.692938041968513,S,138,1702.88,567.89,1752.79,244.18,0.0,288919552,12871561216,95182848,856064,0,984535040,0,firefox,1863281664,0,0.5,845992,1000,1000,1000,pid,2.2084147930145264,/snap/firefox/3836/usr/lib/firefox/firefox,nicolargo,403,1,333,1511,0
2024-04-03 18:39:57,3.692938041968513,S,138,1702.88,567.89,1752.79,244.18,0.0,288919552,12871561216,95182848,856064,0,984535040,0,firefox,1863281664,0,0.5,845992,1000,1000,1000,pid,2.2084147930145264,/snap/firefox/3836/usr/lib/firefox/firefox,nicolargo,403,1,333,1511,0

Note: more details in issue #794.

GPU plugin now support AMD GPU

Lasts Linux Kernel expose the GPU stats in the /sys/class/drm folder.

So, additionally to NVidia cards and without any external lib, Glances can display AMD GPU stats:


GPU plugin software architecture has been re-factorized in order to easily add others cards in the future (Intel).

Note: more details in issue #993.

Wifi plugin is back

As Glances version 4 is no longer supported Python 2, Wifi plugin has been refactor and do not need any external library.

Glances parses the /proc/net/wireless file on new Linux kernel.


Note: more details in issue #1377.

Refactor alias configuration

Alias has been completely refactor for all plugins in order to make it easier to configure.

Glances version 3.x and lower:


Glances version 4.x and higher:


Note: more details in issue #1735.

Fields descriptions and units are now available through the API

You can now get stat description and unit through the Glances version 4 API.

$ curl
$ curl
"Sum of all CPU percentages (except idle)."
$ curl

Note: more details in issue #2630.

Make the left menu configurable

It is now possible to configure the plugins list displayed in the Curses and Web interfaces thanks to the left_menu option in the outputs section of the Glances configuration file:




Quick look plugin is now configurable

By default it displays CPU, Memory and Load information.


Example to cam back to the Glances version 3.0 configuration (with swap instead of load):

# Stats list (default is cpu,mem,load)
# Available stats are: cpu,mem,load,swap
# Graphical bar char used in the terminal user interface (default is |)

Note: More information in issue #2662.

Enhance per CPU display

Number of cores increase, so the "Per CPU" plugin has been adpated in order to display the top 'n' CPU consuption ('n' is configurable from the Glances configuration file through the max_cpu_display option in the percpu section (default is 4 CPUs).


Note: see more details in issue #2734.

Display guest CPU statistic in the CPU plugin

On Linux, guest CPU is percentage of time a virtual CPU spends servicing another virtual CPU under the control of the kernel.


  • Ability to hide Engine and Pod columns in Containers #2423

A new logo !

Last and not least, thanks to Elad @eBarazi...


a new logo is released...



Speed up Glances launch

Glances version 3 takes between 2 and 3 seconds to start.
Glances version 4 takes less than 1 seconds to start, with all plugins.

See #1534 for more information.

Huge improvement of the Restful API documentation

More example and information available in the single page documentation:

Breaking changes

Python version

Support of Python 2 has been removed. Glances needs Python 3.8 or higher.

Python dependencies

For package maintainers, please note that standards dependencies have changed.

Minimal requirements for Glances version 4 are:

  • psutil
  • defusedxml
  • packaging
  • ujson
  • pydantic
  • fastapi (for WebUI / RestFull API)
  • uvicorn (for WebUI / RestFull API)
  • jinja2 (for WebUI / RestFull API)

Majors changes between Glances version 3 and version 4:

  • Bottle has been replaced by FastAPI and Uvicorn
  • CouchDB has been replaced by PyCouchDB
  • nvidia-ml-py has been replaced by py3nvml
  • pysnmp has been replaced by pysnmp-lextudio


  • XML/RPC API have changed between Glances 3 and Glances 4. It is not possible to use a Glances 3.x client with a Glances 4.x.
  • Restful API upgraded to version 4 (default entry point is http://localhost:61208/api/4).

Alias definition change in the configuration file

Glances version 3.x and lower:


Glances version 4.x and higher:


More details in issue #1735.


  • Alert data model change from a list of list to a list of dict #2633
  • Docker memory usage uses the same algorithm than docker stats #2637

All the issues corrected in this version


  • Export individual processes stats #794
  • [WebUI] Feature Request: Ability to hide Engine and Pod columns in Containers #2423
  • [IP plugin] Make the public ip information more configurable (not only from the Censys service) #2732
  • Getting field information (description, unit) from the API #2630
  • Refactor alias configuration and allow alias for fs devices #1735
  • Improve alert with mininimal interval/duration configuration keys #2558
  • --stdout plugin.attr is not compliant with plugins returning list of dicts #2446
  • Lot's of log messages when a proxy is used with the Podman plugin #2714
  • [WEBUI & CURSES] Make the left menu configurable #2648
  • [WEBUI] Custom system header information #2695
  • [CURSES] Use normal color for normal text instead of an arbitrary color #2687
  • [WEBUI] Showing the full arguments on the command column of the TASKS #2634
  • Add graph export for GPU plugin (related to #2542)
  • Refactor Alert data model from list of list to list of dict #2633
  • Use enum instead of int for callback API version. #2712
  • Make the alerts number configurable (related to #2558)
  • [WebUI] Added smart plugin support #2435
  • No more threshold display in the WebUI cpu/mem and memswap plugins #2420
  • Refactor Glances curses code #2580
  • Replace Bottle by FastAPI #2181
  • Replace py3nvml with nvidia-ml-py #2688

Bug corrected:

  • Crash when reading timezone for generating alert #2659
  • Newline in container command corrupts display / hides container #2733
  • RAID plugin not showing up in Glances web UI (Docker install) #2716
  • Alerts showing different time than time plugin #2214
  • OpenBSD crash on start without a swap file/partition #2719
  • Folders plugin always fails on special directories #2518
  • Update dependency urllib3 to v2 #2397
  • Crach when ENTER key is ...
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Glances 4.0.4

17 May 07:20
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New Features

Export individual processes stats

Thanks to the new software architecture it is now possible to export individual processes stats.

You should define the processes to export from the configuration file (section processlist /option export)
or via the --export-process-filter option on the command line.

Those options are a comma separated list of Glances filter (example bellow):

  • python.*: Filter processes name or command line starting with python
  • .python.: Filter processes name or command line containing python
  • username:nicolargo: Processes belong to nicolargo user
  • cmdline:/usr/bin.*: Processes starting by /usr/bin

The following example exports all processes with the name 'python' or 'bash':


Note: or the --export-process-filter ".python.,.bash." option in the command line.

Another example exports all processes belong to 'nicolargo' user:


Note: or the --export-process-filter "username:nicolargo" option in the command line.

Last example with the output result in a CSV file, with the following command line example:

glances -C ./conf/glances.conf --export csv --export-csv-file /tmp/glances.csv --disable-plugin all --enable-plugin processlist --quiet

the output CSV file (with the PID as primary key) will look like:

2024-04-03 18:39:55,3.692938041968513,S,138,1702.88,567.89,1752.79,244.18,0.0,288919552,12871561216,95182848,856064,0,984535040,0,firefox,1863281664,0,0.5,845992,1000,1000,1000,pid,2.2084147930145264,/snap/firefox/3836/usr/lib/firefox/firefox,nicolargo,403,1,333,1511,0
2024-04-03 18:39:57,3.692938041968513,S,138,1702.88,567.89,1752.79,244.18,0.0,288919552,12871561216,95182848,856064,0,984535040,0,firefox,1863281664,0,0.5,845992,1000,1000,1000,pid,2.2084147930145264,/snap/firefox/3836/usr/lib/firefox/firefox,nicolargo,403,1,333,1511,0

Note: more details in issue #794.

GPU plugin now support AMD GPU

Lasts Linux Kernel expose the GPU stats in the /sys/class/drm folder.

So, additionally to NVidia cards and without any external lib, Glances can display AMD GPU stats:


GPU plugin software architecture has been re-factorized in order to easily add others cards in the future (Intel).

Note: more details in issue #993.

Wifi plugin is back

As Glances version 4 is no longer supported Python 2, Wifi plugin has been refactor and do not need any external library.

Glances parses the /proc/net/wireless file on new Linux kernel.


Note: more details in issue #1377.

Refactor alias configuration

Alias has been completely refactor for all plugins in order to make it easier to configure.

Glances version 3.x and lower:


Glances version 4.x and higher:


Note: more details in issue #1735.

Fields descriptions and units are now available through the API

You can now get stat description and unit through the Glances version 4 API.

$ curl
$ curl
"Sum of all CPU percentages (except idle)."
$ curl

Note: more details in issue #2630.

Make the left menu configurable

It is now possible to configure the plugins list displayed in the Curses and Web interfaces thanks to the left_menu option in the outputs section of the Glances configuration file:




Quick look plugin is now configurable

By default it displays CPU, Memory and Load information.


Example to cam back to the Glances version 3.0 configuration (with swap instead of load):

# Stats list (default is cpu,mem,load)
# Available stats are: cpu,mem,load,swap
# Graphical bar char used in the terminal user interface (default is |)

Note: More information in issue #2662.

Enhance per CPU display

Number of cores increase, so the "Per CPU" plugin has been adpated in order to display the top 'n' CPU consuption ('n' is configurable from the Glances configuration file through the max_cpu_display option in the percpu section (default is 4 CPUs).


Note: see more details in issue #2734.

Display guest CPU statistic in the CPU plugin

On Linux, guest CPU is percentage of time a virtual CPU spends servicing another virtual CPU under the control of the kernel.


  • Ability to hide Engine and Pod columns in Containers #2423

A new logo !

Last and not least, thanks to Elad @eBarazi...


a new logo is released...



Speed up Glances launch

Glances version 3 takes between 2 and 3 seconds to start.
Glances version 4 takes less than 1 seconds to start, with all plugins.

See #1534 for more information.

Huge improvement of the Restful API documentation

More example and information available in the single page documentation:

Breaking changes

Python version

Support of Python 2 has been removed. Glances needs Python 3.8 or higher.

Python dependencies

For package maintainers, please note that standards dependencies have changed.

Minimal requirements for Glances version 4 are:

  • psutil
  • defusedxml
  • packaging
  • ujson
  • pydantic
  • fastapi (for WebUI / RestFull API)
  • uvicorn (for WebUI / RestFull API)
  • jinja2 (for WebUI / RestFull API)

Majors changes between Glances version 3 and version 4:

  • Bottle has been replaced by FastAPI and Uvicorn
  • CouchDB has been replaced by PyCouchDB
  • nvidia-ml-py has been replaced by py3nvml
  • pysnmp has been replaced by pysnmp-lextudio


  • XML/RPC API have changed between Glances 3 and Glances 4. It is not possible to use a Glances 3.x client with a Glances 4.x.
  • Restful API upgraded to version 4 (default entry point is http://localhost:61208/api/4).

Alias definition change in the configuration file

Glances version 3.x and lower:


Glances version 4.x and higher:


More details in issue #1735.


  • Alert data model change from a list of list to a list of dict #2633
  • Docker memory usage uses the same algorithm than docker stats #2637

All the issues corrected in this version


  • Export individual processes stats #794
  • [WebUI] Feature Request: Ability to hide Engine and Pod columns in Containers #2423
  • [IP plugin] Make the public ip information more configurable (not only from the Censys service) #2732
  • Getting field information (description, unit) from the API #2630
  • Refactor alias configuration and allow alias for fs devices #1735
  • Improve alert with mininimal interval/duration configuration keys #2558
  • --stdout plugin.attr is not compliant with plugins returning list of dicts #2446
  • Lot's of log messages when a proxy is used with the Podman plugin #2714
  • [WEBUI & CURSES] Make the left menu configurable #2648
  • [WEBUI] Custom system header information #2695
  • [CURSES] Use normal color for normal text instead of an arbitrary color #2687
  • [WEBUI] Showing the full arguments on the command column of the TASKS #2634
  • Add graph export for GPU plugin (related to #2542)
  • Refactor Alert data model from list of list to list of dict #2633
  • Use enum instead of int for callback API version. #2712
  • Make the alerts number configurable (related to #2558)
  • [WebUI] Added smart plugin support #2435
  • No more threshold display in the WebUI cpu/mem and memswap plugins #2420
  • Refactor Glances curses code #2580
  • Replace Bottle by FastAPI #2181
  • Replace py3nvml with nvidia-ml-py #2688

Bug corrected:

  • Crash when reading timezone for generating alert #2659
  • Newline in container command corrupts display / hides container #2733
  • RAID plugin not showing up in Glances web UI (Docker install) #2716
  • Alerts showing different time than time plugin #2214
  • OpenBSD crash on start without a swap file/partition #2719
  • Folders plugin always fails on special directories #2518
  • Update dependency urllib3 to v2 #2397
  • Crach when ENTER key is ...
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15 May 07:59
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  • Bug fixes for sensors plugin

Full Changelog: v4.0.2...v4.0.3

Glances 4.0.2

13 May 21:03
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New Features

Export individual processes stats

Thanks to the new software architecture it is now possible to export individual processes stats.

You should define the processes to export from the configuration file (section processlist /option export)
or via the --export-process-filter option on the command line.

Those options are a comma separated list of Glances filter (example bellow):

  • python.*: Filter processes name or command line starting with python
  • .python.: Filter processes name or command line containing python
  • username:nicolargo: Processes belong to nicolargo user
  • cmdline:/usr/bin.*: Processes starting by /usr/bin

The following example exports all processes with the name 'python' or 'bash':


Note: or the --export-process-filter ".python.,.bash." option in the command line.

Another example exports all processes belong to 'nicolargo' user:


Note: or the --export-process-filter "username:nicolargo" option in the command line.

Last example with the output result in a CSV file, with the following command line example:

glances -C ./conf/glances.conf --export csv --export-csv-file /tmp/glances.csv --disable-plugin all --enable-plugin processlist --quiet

the output CSV file (with the PID as primary key) will look like:

2024-04-03 18:39:55,3.692938041968513,S,138,1702.88,567.89,1752.79,244.18,0.0,288919552,12871561216,95182848,856064,0,984535040,0,firefox,1863281664,0,0.5,845992,1000,1000,1000,pid,2.2084147930145264,/snap/firefox/3836/usr/lib/firefox/firefox,nicolargo,403,1,333,1511,0
2024-04-03 18:39:57,3.692938041968513,S,138,1702.88,567.89,1752.79,244.18,0.0,288919552,12871561216,95182848,856064,0,984535040,0,firefox,1863281664,0,0.5,845992,1000,1000,1000,pid,2.2084147930145264,/snap/firefox/3836/usr/lib/firefox/firefox,nicolargo,403,1,333,1511,0

Note: more details in issue #794.

GPU plugin now support AMD GPU

Lasts Linux Kernel expose the GPU stats in the /sys/class/drm folder.

So, additionally to NVidia cards and without any external lib, Glances can display AMD GPU stats:


GPU plugin software architecture has been re-factorized in order to easily add others cards in the future (Intel).

Note: more details in issue #993.

Wifi plugin is back

As Glances version 4 is no longer supported Python 2, Wifi plugin has been refactor and do not need any external library.

Glances parses the /proc/net/wireless file on new Linux kernel.


Note: more details in issue #1377.

Refactor alias configuration

Alias has been completely refactor for all plugins in order to make it easier to configure.

Glances version 3.x and lower:


Glances version 4.x and higher:


Note: more details in issue #1735.

Fields descriptions and units are now available through the API

You can now get stat description and unit through the Glances version 4 API.

$ curl
$ curl
"Sum of all CPU percentages (except idle)."
$ curl

Note: more details in issue #2630.

Make the left menu configurable

It is now possible to configure the plugins list displayed in the Curses and Web interfaces thanks to the left_menu option in the outputs section of the Glances configuration file:




Quick look plugin is now configurable

By default it displays CPU, Memory and Load information.


Example to cam back to the Glances version 3.0 configuration (with swap instead of load):

# Stats list (default is cpu,mem,load)
# Available stats are: cpu,mem,load,swap
# Graphical bar char used in the terminal user interface (default is |)

Note: More information in issue #2662.

Enhance per CPU display

Number of cores increase, so the "Per CPU" plugin has been adpated in order to display the top 'n' CPU consuption ('n' is configurable from the Glances configuration file through the max_cpu_display option in the percpu section (default is 4 CPUs).


Note: see more details in issue #2734.

Display guest CPU statistic in the CPU plugin

On Linux, guest CPU is percentage of time a virtual CPU spends servicing another virtual CPU under the control of the kernel.


  • Ability to hide Engine and Pod columns in Containers #2423

A new logo !

Last and not least, thanks to Elad @eBarazi...


a new logo is released...



Speed up Glances launch

Glances version 3 takes between 2 and 3 seconds to start.
Glances version 4 takes less than 1 seconds to start, with all plugins.

See #1534 for more information.

Huge improvement of the Restful API documentation

More example and information available in the single page documentation:

Breaking changes

Python version

Support of Python 2 has been removed. Glances needs Python 3.8 or higher.

Python dependencies

For package maintainers, please note that standards dependencies have changed.

Minimal requirements for Glances version 4 are:

  • psutil
  • defusedxml
  • packaging
  • ujson
  • pydantic
  • fastapi (for WebUI / RestFull API)
  • uvicorn (for WebUI / RestFull API)
  • jinja2 (for WebUI / RestFull API)

Majors changes between Glances version 3 and version 4:

  • Bottle has been replaced by FastAPI and Uvicorn
  • CouchDB has been replaced by PyCouchDB
  • nvidia-ml-py has been replaced by py3nvml
  • pysnmp has been replaced by pysnmp-lextudio


  • XML/RPC API have changed between Glances 3 and Glances 4. It is not possible to use a Glances 3.x client with a Glances 4.x.
  • Restful API upgraded to version 4 (default entry point is http://localhost:61208/api/4).

Alias definition change in the configuration file

Glances version 3.x and lower:


Glances version 4.x and higher:


More details in issue #1735.


  • Alert data model change from a list of list to a list of dict #2633
  • Docker memory usage uses the same algorithm than docker stats #2637

All the issues corrected in this version


  • Export individual processes stats #794
  • [WebUI] Feature Request: Ability to hide Engine and Pod columns in Containers #2423
  • [IP plugin] Make the public ip information more configurable (not only from the Censys service) #2732
  • Getting field information (description, unit) from the API #2630
  • Refactor alias configuration and allow alias for fs devices #1735
  • Improve alert with mininimal interval/duration configuration keys #2558
  • --stdout plugin.attr is not compliant with plugins returning list of dicts #2446
  • Lot's of log messages when a proxy is used with the Podman plugin #2714
  • [WEBUI & CURSES] Make the left menu configurable #2648
  • [WEBUI] Custom system header information #2695
  • [CURSES] Use normal color for normal text instead of an arbitrary color #2687
  • [WEBUI] Showing the full arguments on the command column of the TASKS #2634
  • Add graph export for GPU plugin (related to #2542)
  • Refactor Alert data model from list of list to list of dict #2633
  • Use enum instead of int for callback API version. #2712
  • Make the alerts number configurable (related to #2558)
  • [WebUI] Added smart plugin support #2435
  • No more threshold display in the WebUI cpu/mem and memswap plugins #2420
  • Refactor Glances curses code #2580
  • Replace Bottle by FastAPI #2181
  • Replace py3nvml with nvidia-ml-py #2688

Bug corrected:

  • Crash when reading timezone for generating alert #2659
  • Newline in container command corrupts display / hides container #2733
  • RAID plugin not showing up in Glances web UI (Docker install) #2716
  • Alerts showing different time than time plugin #2214
  • OpenBSD crash on start without a swap file/partition #2719
  • Folders plugin always fails on special directories #2518
  • Update dependency urllib3 to v2 #2397
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