This repository contains a small viewer library (C++ and OpenGL2) encapsulating window, and input handling, primitive, and graphical user interface (ImGui/ImPlot) rendering.
I wrote it originally for visualizing physically based simulation approaches (mass-spring systems, rigid-bodies, SPH, etc.).
Over the years it has been used for teaching purposes, e.g. practical assignments, at my university.
It has the following in-source external dependencies: glfw, glm, imgui, implot, stb_image.
The Viewer class provides the interface to configure window/render behaviour and to register callbacks for the following events:
- init: is called after the opengl context is initialized
- shutdown: is called right before the opengl context is destroyed
- key: triggered if a key is pressed or released
- mouseButton: triggered if a mouse button is pressed or released
- update: called before rendering (once per frame)
- draw: used to submit render calls (points, lines, quads, triangles, circles, ...)
- gui: used to draw/respond to user-interface via ImGui and ImPlot
Viewer viewer;
viewer.mWindow.title = "Example";
viewer.mWindow.width = 1280;
viewer.mWindow.height = 720;
viewer.mWindow.vsync = true;
viewer.mWindow.mHDPI = false;
/* install callback functions for events */
viewer.onUpdate([](Window& window, double dt){ });
viewer.onDraw([](Window& window, double dt){ });
viewer.onGui([](Window& window, double dt){ });
viewer.onMouseButton([](Window& window, Mouse& mouse, int button, int mod, bool press){ });
viewer.onKey([](Window& window, Keyboard& keyboard, int key, int mod, bool press){ });
/* start viewer (OpenGL context is created, use drawcommands and loading functions only in callbacks) */;
See demo/demo.cpp for a detailed overview of the libraries functionalities.
Assignments for a physically-based simulation course (mass-spring systems, rigid-body simulation, stable fluid, finite element method).