The Salesforce platform offers the possibility to request a backup of the entire database. When it is ready, the files (512MB each) are listed for download.
This tool scraps the page and downloads the files one by one and pushes them to an S3 bucket used to store the backup.
To install the Golang environment visit
On the command line write "go get" to fetch the HTML tokenizer dependancy
On the command line write "go get -u" to fetch the AWS SDK for Golang
More information at Tool used to generate WSDL definition at Hooklift Github repository
Open the terminal and go in your GOROOT directory, ie:
# cd ~/go/src
Clone the project from github with:
# git clone
Inside the program folder there is an example configuration file called application-config.example.json
Clone it to application-config.json and edit to add your personal configurations
The application has already a basic Dockerfile and a docker-compose.yml so it can be run in a docker container with a different installation process:
- by simply cloning the project, setting up your application-config.json and running this commands on a shell
# docker-compose up --build
In alternative you can use the basic docker commands to build and run the image/container
# docker build -t imagename:tag .
When done you will have an image called gos2s3 in your local repository plus an untagged image used to build the executable