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ceda-icompress is a library and command line client to apply lossy compression to netCDF files, by rounding bits and applying run length encoding directly to the netCDF data. This can result in a much smaller file, that can still be read by standard netCDF tools.

ceda-icompress is essentially a pure-Python implementation of the ideas contained in the Klöwer et al., 20211 paper. Some of the implementation details are different, but the results have been checked and are bitwise compatible with those gained by using the bitinformation.jl Julia library linked in Klöwer et al., 20212.

The idea of applying bit manipulations to climate model data, before applying compression, is not new, as seen in the Zender, 20163 paper. However, the novel approach of Klöwer et al., 2021 is to use Shannon Information Theory to determine at which significant-bit there is no longer any information in the data. Any bits less significant than this bit are essentially encoding noise, and can be masked.


ceda-icompress requires Python 3.10+. It can be installed directly from the GitHub repository. However, users may wish to set up a Python virtual environment first, and this is the recommended way to install ceda-icompress.

>>> python3 -m venv ceda-icompress
>>> source ceda-icompress/bin/activate
>>> pip install git+


After installation, ceda-icompress makes three commands available on the command line:

  1. cic_analyse this applies the methods from Klöwer et al., 2021 to a netCDF file to derive the bitinformation for the variable(s) in the file. It will output the bitformation in a JSON format file.
  2. cic_display this displays the bitinformation from the JSON file.
  3. cic_compress this applies lossy compression to a netCDF file, based on the bitinformation in the JSON file.

A typical workflow will involve:

  1. Apply cic_analyse to a netCDF file, obtain the JSON file.
  2. (Optional) inspect the bitinformation in the JSON file using cic_display
  3. Apply cic_compress to the same netCDF file, using the JSON file as the bitinformation file.

Splitting the analysis and compression into two separate processes allows the same analysis to be used to compress a number of netCDF files. For example, if there are a number of files in a timeseries of the same variable, the analysis can be performed on the first (or middle) file in the timeseries, and the analysis used to compress each file in the timeseries.

Command reference


Usage: cic_analyse [OPTIONS] FILE

  Analyse the netCDF file to determine compression settings.

  -v, --var TEXT        Variable in netCDF file to analyse
  -g, --group TEXT      Group in netCDF file to analyse
  -x, --axis INTEGER    Axis number to analyse
  -o, --output TEXT     Output file name
  -D, --debug           Provide debug info
  --help                Show this message and exit.
Options (experimental, may be removed in future versions):
  -t, --tstart INTEGER  Timestep to start analysis at
  -e, --tend INTEGER    Timestep to end analysis at
  -l, --level INTEGER   Level number to analyse


  1. The --var option can be used to analyse just one variable. This is useful if you don't want to analyse the co-ordinate variables in a netCDF file, for example.
  2. The --group option is similar - it can be used to analyse just one group.
  3. The --axis option is very important and can greatly affect the compression acheived. For most atmospheric flow, the longitude dimension should be chosen. In CMIP6, this is either the 2 axis (for surface variables) or the 3 axis (for variables with levels).


Usage: cic_display [OPTIONS] ANALYSIS_FILE

  Display the analysis output of

  -v, --var TEXT    Variable to display from analysis file
  -g, --group TEXT  Group to display from analysis file
  -i, --info        Display bit information
  -k, --keepbits    Display number of bits to keep
  -c, --ci FLOAT    Confidence interval for keep bits (default=0.99)
  -r, --reverse     Reverse bit positions in display
  --help            Show this message and exit.


  1. cic_display provides a nice, old school, ASCII representation of the bit information: cic_display.png
  2. Here the bit information has been scaled to be between 0 and 100. In reality, it is between 0 and 1.
  3. Using the --reverse option puts the sign bit first, followed by the exponent, then the mantissa. This is actually the opposite way that the IEEE floating point standard stores a float, but it is often the way it is depicted in tutorials, books, etc.


Usage: cic_compress [OPTIONS] FILE

  Apply the compression to a netCDF using the analysis derived earlier

  -a, --analysis_file TEXT  Analysis file generated from cic_analyse
  -d, --deflate INTEGER     Deflate (compression) level to use when writing
  -f, --force               Force compression of file, even if input file does
                            not match the file named in the analysis
  -c, --ci FLOAT            The confidence interval - how much information to
                            retain. default = 0.99 (99%)
  -I, --conv_int            Convert 64 bit integers to 32 bit integers
  -F, --conv_float          Convert 64 bit floats to 32 bit floats
  -m, --method TEXT         Method to use for bit manipulation: bitshave |
                            bitgroom | bitset | bitmask
  -o, --output TEXT         Output file name
  -D, --debug               Provide debug info
  --help                    Show this message and exit.
Options (experimental, may be removed in future versions):
  -P, --pchunk INTEGER      Number of timesteps to process per iteration


  1. The --deflate option determines how much compression the netCDF library will apply to the file after the bit manipulation has complete. This value can range from 0 to 9.
  2. The --force option is required if an analysis file derived from one netCDF file is to be used to compress a different netCDF file. Without the --force option, cic_compress will produce an error in this case.
  3. Analysis for variables cannot be used on variables with different names.
  4. An analysis file can contain analyses for several variables and these will be used to compress the variables in the netCDF file, if the variable name matches.
  5. How the confidence interval affects the setting of bits is described in the methods section of Klöwer et al., 2021. The range is from 0.0 to 1.0, and the higher the confidence interval, the more information will be retained as fewer bits will be set to zero.
  6. The --conv_int will convert any 64 bit integers to 32 bit but will not apply the bit manipulation to them. This is useful if (for example) co-ordinate variables are 64 bit integers. The range of a 64 bit integer is not usually required in climate data.
  7. The --conv_float will convert any 64 bit floating point numbers to 32 bits and will not apply any bit manipulation. Again, this is useful if co-ordinate variables are 64 bit floats. The accuracy and range of a 64 bit floating point number is not usually required in climate data.
  8. The --method determines what bit manipulation to perform on the data.
    These are explained in Klöwer et al., 2021 and Zender, 2016.
  9. The bitmask method is new for ceda-icompress. bitshave determines where the cumulative bit information is below a confidence interval, and sets bits below that to zero. Instead, bitmask examines the information of each bit in turn and sets it to zero if the information is deemed to be insignificant. This should reduce errors by allowing the lower bits to still influence the outcome, but it is an experimental feature.


Here is a quick example on JASMIN for CMIP6 data, showing the workflow.

>>> DIR=/badc/cmip6/data/CMIP6/CMIP/MOHC/HadGEM3-GC31-LL/piControl/r1i1p1f1/Amon/tas/gn/latest
>>> cic_analyse $DIR/ -o analysis/tas_Amon_HadGEM3-GC31-LL_piControl_r1i1p1f1_gn_195001-204912.cic -v tas -x 2 -D
>>> cic_display analysis/tas_Amon_HadGEM3-GC31-LL_piControl_r1i1p1f1_gn_195001-204912.cic -r -i -k
>>> cic_compress $DIR/  -o compressed/ -a analysis/tas_Amon_HadGEM3-GC31-LL_piControl_r1i1p1f1_gn_195001-204912.cic -d 5 -c 0.99 -I -F -m bitshave -D

In this case the reduction of the file size is from 68MB to 12MB

Why icompress?

The name of the module is not an attempt to channel early Y2K Apple product names and marketing. Instead it reflects that the compression algorithm converts floating point numbers to (unsigned) integers, then uses bitmasks to manipulate the integers, before casting the number back to its original floating point form.

References and links

  1. Klöwer, M., Razinger, M., Dominguez, J.J. et al. Compressing atmospheric data into its real information content. Nat Comput Sci 1, 713–724 (2021).
  2. Bitinformation.jl GitHub repository.
  3. Zender, C. S. Bit Grooming: statistically accurate precision-preserving quantization with compression, evaluated in the netCDF Operators (NCO, v4.4.8+). Geoscientific Model Development 9, 3199--3211 (2016).


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